ROCD - Questioning faith or the existance or non-existance of a deity. Required fields are marked *. You won't get an erection with another dude because you agree with the thought. Morons, . Gender identity is a personal conception of your identification as either male or female that can either be similar or different from the gender you have been assigned. A mental health expert can support you and help you understand and control your thoughts and feelings if you are having persistent and unwelcome doubts about your sexual orientation. HOCD is real, and its just a subset of OCD, the true villain who lives rent-free in our heads. People can determine their current state by seeking medical attention or conducting online research. This apprehension did not vanish with the legalization of same-sex marriage. This type of OCD is often characterized by excessive doubt. Throughout our lifespan, we may constantly explore parts of ourselves and make new discoveries. To protect yourself from that pain, you might try to deny that its happening. HOCD is a fictitious farce of a diagnosis for people who want to escalate their denial. Being in the closet is one thingwhile having been diagnosed with HOCD is another. Whatever subtype you're experiencing, I can help. These ideas may be quite upsetting and may interfere with the persons day-to-day activities. Privacy Policy. Those who do will almost certainly admit to having suffered from other types of OCD, such as POCD, ROCD, and so on. All The Differences, thats what we care about. Hiding and revealing behaviors are psychologically complex. HOCD has been around for a long time and, to those in the know, is an established and well-understood sub-type of OCD. But how do I know if I actually have HOCD or am simply in denial? Excessive fear of becoming or being homosexual characterizes Homosexual Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (HOCD). Most people have some level of intrusive thoughts, obsessions and even compulsions in their lives. If you think you might be suffering from HOCD, its important to seek professional help. They say that: Technically, no gay would be uncomfortable with same-sex thoughts, and that is because straight people like them arent uncomfortable with opposite-sex attraction. They would never do that to me. CBT is a form of therapy that enables you to recognize and alter harmful thought and behavior patterns. They are so preoccupied with their homosexual thoughts and desires, that they convince themselves that there is something wrong with them. Ive been dealing with HOCD (Homosexuality Obsessive Cognitive Disorder). In CBT, you'll work with a therapist to learn ways of thinking that can help you become less sensitive to the intrusive thoughts. . OCD is a mental health condition that can cause a person to have intrusive and reoccurring thoughts and images, as well as feel compelled to repeat specific behaviors. Many dudes experience it. Those who dont believe its true: you havent had it, and you dont have OCD. Which is vice versa of how an HOCD sufferer feels. This is just a phase theyre going through.. For a quick web story summary, click here. There may be no such thing, or we can say that this is just a way to backlash someone. I'm freaked out by that. Privacy Policy. I still have LOTS of feelings for boys. That thought haunts them every day and is always with them. It knows it bothers you and wants you to obsess about it. HOCD Test - Do You Have HOCD? Our brains can be vexing in this way. To get started, schedule a free 15-minute consultation with our clinical team, who will help determine the best options for you. I actually posted it just to see the responses I would get and to see how many others deal with it. Unwanted thoughts also occur in this state. People can determine their current state by seeking medical attention or conducting online research. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. That is romance. They feel really similar even though I know they are very different. There are many potential causes of HOCD and Denial. If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you might be in denial. Unwanted thoughts also occur in this state. But when denial starts to interfere with your life and wellbeing, thats when it becomes a problem. Theres a lot of confusion out there about the difference between HOCD and denial. He suffered from this disorder, cried for nights, and felt like the loneliest man on the planet. It is different nowadays. This occurs when the OCD sufferer starts to experience less anxiety in response to their unwanted thoughts, and then begins to obsess that they are not anxious enough about these thoughts. Both conditions involve an individual obsessing over something that they fear or worry about. I decided that I wanted to help people with OCD, so I became an OCD therapist, and eventually, a clinical supervisor. Hope this article was of help to you! Difference between DNA Transcription and DNA replication, self-doubt of an individual regarding their sexual preference and identify, avoiding contact with people that have previously identified themselves as gay/lesbians/bisexual, unwanted sexual thoughts about people of the same sex, excessive fear of being identified as homosexual, Fully aware of the condition but denying about it, Trying to minimise the effects of the situation instead of accepting it, Blaming others/ external elements for the situation, Refusing to talk about your homosexuality, Ignoring the concerns and advice of family and loved ones, When confronted about your orientation, denying outright about lt, Projecting it as a problem and blaming others for it,,,, One day when my thoughts come up, Im able to resist them and they dont affect me. On the other hand, Bisexual people may feel discriminated against, they suffer from high levels of stress and depression because they believe their sexual identity is frequently questioned or denied by others. In case of homophobia, denial may stem from insecurities, fear of society and confusion regarding the correct way to deal with the situation. But somewhere it is believed too. In contrast, the homosexual response from both genders was more of a large-scale "I knew I was different.". Many straight men are afraid of being gay. Your sexuality cannot change and agreeing with the thought does not change that either. Hi everyone. They arent afraid to be gay. All types of OCD include obsessions and compulsions. The conversations are more common to occur in locker rooms. HOCD is real, and its just a subset of OCD, the true villain who lives rent-free in our heads. These include having a family history of OCD or anxiety, being under a lot of stress, or have experienced trauma or abuse. Here at ANZPath, we highly recommend talking to a HOCD therapist and. And M.Ed.? It will be much easier to figure out how you feel if you can find some inner peace. Don't fear the thoughts; thoughts are just thatthoughts. ME or OCD - How can I tell the difference? Now I'm wondering if my gagging response to gay porn is genuine or I've trained myself to do it. When you have homosexual obsessive-compulsivedisorder, how do you know if youre gay or not? Denial in the context of HOCD can refer to a person's refusal to admit or acknowledge that they are having obsessive thoughts about being gay or that they are attracted to the same sex. Nothing has improved. and for some, this fear can become compulsive. For this reason, many people misunderstand it to be "repressed" homosexuality. - How To Figure Out For Sure | HOCD SERIES #2, 4. This could be because youre afraid of rejection, bullying, or harm, or simply because you dont want to. being seen as having another orientation. This may be a strategy to deal with the discomfort and misery brought on by the obsessive thoughts, but it may also . This turns into unwanted thoughts and fears that youre losing your sexual identity or in denial of your attractions, as well as relationship issues and difficulty performing sexually. The subjects often experience intrusive, unwanted mental ima. However, in general, someone who is in the closet will have discovered and accepted their sexuality. Karstenkoehn is a website that writes about many topics of interest to you, a blog that shares knowledge and insights useful to everyone in many fields. They manipulate the medical community into making this diagnosis solely to justify their self-hatred. Contact us today to schedule an online therapy or download our free OCD treatment app on Android or iOS for more information. However, because most gay men start out thinking of themselves as straight, many gay men begin with the same set of fears and values due to which they dont reveal their identities and become the ones in denial or being in the closet. How do I handle this? ""OCD is characterized by obsessive thoughts, behaviors, compulsions that affect every aspect of life. People with OCD give significance to intrusive thoughts, which can quickly become obsessions. Interruptive thoughts exacerbate the anxiety. We all have male and female parts of ourselves, both physically and mentally; In my childhood, I observed that any gender dysmorphia was heavily condemned, and I have several friends who would turn out gay if they could. Research from linguistic perspective also points out differences in male and female discursive behavior. I don't fear an attraction to females because I enjoy that feeling of being attracted to them. If you have gay thoughts that bother you and you are gay, you do not have homosexual OCD. But even if you do have feelings for other guys, its not a total disaster. It sounds like being Christian is important to you. Contrastingly, you are in the closet if you have not revealed your sexuality to others. I treated people using Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) and saw people get better day in and day out. The fact that straights are uncomfortable with same-sex thoughts and gays are uncomfortable with opposite-sexthoughts should demonstrate that fear exists in all forms. Anna Freud has referred to denial as a defense mechanism involving the refusal to accept reality and thus blocking external events from awareness. This is a thread in another sub that I posted describing how the entire shitstorm started: Thats just having issues with your orientation. A form of OCD known as homosexual obsessive-compulsive disorder (HOCD) is characterized by recurrent, unwelcome worries about ones sexual orientation. Im also a CHRISTIAN and 13 years old who is in the 8th grade. Not knowing how to break out of these boxes and feel fully seen can feel suffocating and isolating. This will help men suffering from HOCD to compare what they are going through with the different situations that a gay man and a sexual obsession sufferer endured so they can see the difference. If you think you may be experiencing either condition, its important to reach out to a mental health professional for help. Learn how to work with your thoughts and images. Both disorders are characterized by rigid rules and perfectionism, and both involve obsessions with food and weight.People with OCD often obsess about their weight and body shape, and they may also engage in compulsive behaviors like excessive exercising or counting calories. Were here when you need us! So if you try to be sure that you are straight, you're wasting your time,because 100% certainty in something is just an illusion. I'm very confused at the moment. Those are both terrible fears to have. My friend that I talk about above touched my shoulder recently and I got an instant mix of mild anxiety that immediately transitioned to spiking anger and possibly a weird feeling in my groin area, maybe arousal, I don't even know my emotions are all over the damn place. How would these values/beliefs affect you if you realize that you are indeed having same-sex attraction? The key difference here is that HOCD is an actual mental disorder, while denial is not. This is because HOCD is thought to be caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain, and medication can help to correct this imbalance. They arent afraid to be gay. Hence, different people share individual sets of opinions about HOCD and being gay. Regardless of age, OCD makes living with joy a challenge, which makes Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy so crucial in OCD care. !HOCD - MAGICAL THINKING and THOUGHT-ACTION FUSION SUPPORT GROUP https://www.. But with the right care, you can control HOCDs symptoms and lessen how much of a toll it takes on your life. Sounds dumb but. 6. Sometimes because a woman doesnt seem to turn on by women and men dont seem to turn on by men. Dr. Valentine utilizes behavioral-based therapies including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) with children, adolescents, and adults experiencing anxiety-related disorders. Spear and a Lance- What is the Difference, Peter Parker vs. PeterB. AmI pretending its not happening? I know that reassurance it's not good for us but I think you're not in denial. Its perfectly normal and healthy to have doubts about your sexuality. Denial in terms of homosexuality refers to the individual refusing to admit the truth about their sexual orientation and reacting in an unnatural manner to the feeling. I started as a therapist over 14 years ago, working in different mental health environments. Symptoms manifest differently for each sufferer. It's like oh look a guy is he attracted am I attracted to him. We now see that human sexuality is very malleable; there is jail gayness, in which people are gay inside and straight outside; and we see straight men having sex with trans girls and paying for it when they could have girls. Sexual orientation OCD (HOCD). So, in the context of HOCD, someone in denial about their condition would simply refuse to believe that they could be gay. As regards to the chest thing, I get that same nervous feeling around a dude who's more muscular than me but it's more intimidation, like my brain tells me he's better than me and women would want him more . Genetics and childhood trauma or emotional vulnerability are some of the main reasons behind HOCD. Typical exposures for HOCD fears may involve looking at triggering materials, listening to triggering music, and being around triggering people (all without doing compulsions of course!). And stereotyping has absolutely nothing to do with being gay and fearing being gay. When it comes to treating HOCD and Denial, there are a few key differences to keep in mind. If you think you might be in denial, talk to a therapist or counselor who can help you deal with the issue. Out of all the approaches to OCD treatment that I've used, I find Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy to be the most effective. The human brain is inherently flawed and it leads to such possibilities of false thoughts. Those who dont believe its true: you havent had it, and you dont have OCD. Take intrusive thoughts less personally, and let go of your emotional reaction to them. Im curious to hear on the better days: It is also important to note that thoughts are just thoughts, it does not directly translate to action. Practicing mindfulness, such as through meditation, can teach you how to remain in the present and detach from unwanted thoughts. There is still a strong belief in the United States that homosexuality is wrong, a sin, abnormal, and deviant. Its perfectly normal and healthy to have doubts about your sexuality. The symptoms of HOCD may also be managed with the aid of medications. This may be a strategy to deal with the discomfort and misery brought on by the obsessive thoughts, but it may also make it more challenging to get help and deal with the underlying problems. The thoughts will try and tell you otherwise, but the best thing you can do is agree with them. Our brains can be vexing in this way. In short, no, you are not denying your true sexuality if you have SO-OCD or HOCD. People ask this question frequently, either from themselves or from any medical practitioner. when you question it. hurting your partner by becoming another orientation. Is it HOCD or am I denying my homosexuality? The main difference is that you have not come to terms with it yourself. Sexual orientation, gender identity and homosexuality are 3 terminologies that help understand HOCD and denial better. (HOCD, Homosexual OCD, Sexual Orientation OCD). Medication. Theres a concept known as false attraction. Keep in mind that this feels like youre attracted to him. Especially when he read on the internet about the false information people wrote about HOCD, scaring the hell out of innocent heterosexuals like him. There is a lot of overlap between OCD and bulimia, and many experts believe that the two disorders are linked. | What am I experiencing? All in all, you can figure it out through online sources as well. But for some people, denial becomes a permanent way of life. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is an effective treatment for HOCD and can help you learn to manage your anxiety and live a full life. I want to bump this back up to the first page. What is the distinction between homosexual Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (HOCD) and denial or being in the closet? I've never had actual OCD(I'm a very messy person, no rituals etc.) Especially when he read on the internet about the false information people wrote about HOCD, scaring the hell out of innocent heterosexuals like him. homosexual obsessive-compulsive disorder (HOCD). Hence, different people share individual sets of opinions about HOCD and being gay. Accept that sexuality is natural and that gay feelings are normal and not a bad thing. In some cases, both HOCD and Denial may be treated with a combination of therapy and medication. All types of OCD include obsessions and compulsions. Anyone suffering from HOCD or any other form of OCD should seek professional help a.s.a.p. Youre simply being overly anxious as a result of your OCD. Flooding the brain will make you so exhausted with the obsession and with the theory you might be gay that you will eventually just drop it. People who have experienced HOCD, truly believe it. I really see the difference here, you have never FEARED the attraction, you loved the attraction, despite not being able to admit it to others. People ask this question frequently, either from themselves or from any medical practitioner. User account menu. These resources can provide you with immediate help. Tip #32 The answer is not in your brain but in your ACTIONS. What are some self-soothing activities you engage in? A person who has OCD may feel extreme distress or upset due to these repeated thoughts or compulsions. Obsessive thoughts about being gay are one example of this process. We have a team of highly trained and experienced therapists who can provide you with the tools and skills necessary for overcoming HOCD and Denial. There is this double-life feeling: date someone of the opposite sex, and it will be assumed by the majority that you are straight. As a way to try to make the thoughts and discomfort associated with those thoughts stop, someone with SO-OCD or HOCD may develop compulsions as well. I was suppressing my sexual desires so I didnt have a good defense, and it tortured me for a year. Sexuality can be fluid and it exists on continual spectrums. This could include things such as checking for physical arousal when noticing attractive members of the same sex, avoiding TV shows or movies that feature a homosexual character or avoiding same sex friends. Obsessive and unwelcome thoughts, not a persons genuine sexual orientation, are what make up HOCD. Denial is typically characterized by a refusal to accept reality, whereas HOCD is more focused on the fear of acting on ones impulses. It becomes heterosexual OCD as well. How does your religion view individuals within the LGBTQ community? The main difference is that you have not come to terms with it yourself. Sorry for the rant. People will always try and tell you that your in "denial" but HOCD is a real real thing. It's an anxiety disorder with an intolerance to uncertainty. However, this becomes an issue only after youve accepted yourself. Simple denial Denial about your homosexuality can be traumatic for the individual and their families trying to support them or stand up for them. . Im very committed to NOT giving up and I wont accept acting upon these thoughts. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, and practice Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy. It to be & quot ; OCD is often characterized by excessive.! Committed to not giving up and I wont accept acting upon these thoughts persons genuine sexual orientation denial may quite. And bulimia, and its just a subset of OCD known as homosexual disorder. These values/beliefs affect you if you have SO-OCD or HOCD their condition would simply refuse believe! 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