I took off my wristwatchI'd ask him at dinner. The logic was sound but it still hurt to hear it. He gets to see the Orientation film. Percy complained good naturedly. I Have a Dam Problem Let us see what happens in the books first. Chiron said. What was he up to, what were his intentions? But Percy knew that he had something that the Titan leader did not - the power of friendship and love. The Vice Principal Gets a Missile Launcher I didnt realise Chiron hadnt shown you. She shrugged. I may not necessarily have time to talk, especially if we are at war, but I would never be upset that you called. At least you listened. The Heartless Assassin by . Still. Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types (80) The Heroes . You really didnt miss much. Will assured him. Finally, she had enough of the wrongful rule of the Olympians. [ finished: ? That was some good timing there., "Percy," Chiron said quicklyflag tomorrow evening.". So a mini Zeus-Poseidon fight then. Hades rolled his eyes. She too, yearned to love, to be loved. "All right," I saidlonelier than before. Part of me wants to know and the other part really doesnt want to hear about her dying. Percy felt sorry for the young boy who looked so lost. Yes, it did. Grover stated, recalling their fight after Capture the Flag. In a far away world how do the choices of a single person affect the whole world, Let's find out join the hero Perseus Jackson on his life journey, he's a little different but then again so is the world he lives iin. And watched. This is a top 13 list of best Percy fanfictions in no particular order because I love each and every one for different reasons! I dont know. Percy and Annabeth finally break. Chiron looked down. Only his son was strong enough to do that. They dont teach anything like that at Camp Jupiter. Reyna noted. My turn. Annabeth said. Especially as Thalia and Percy are the ones who would be most likely sent after her. He felt helpless which made him angry. friendly. Silena scoffed. Otherwise why would he have left Nico and Bianca while he hid? Reyna noted. This is not good.. We cant even use our powers. Perseus is on a mission to fulfill his mother and uncle's wishes. The Titans would be able to wreak havoc pretty much unopposed. Athena stated with a glare at her father. She knew her daughter lived, but there were other side effects of mortals holding up the sky. They dont get punished for maiming us because they dont stay at Camp long enough. Katie pointed out. I wanted to make a fanfic about percy already being a god in dc universe, he will be very powerful. You will take it out of that blasted video.. It was going to be horrible. He was right. The Titan's Curse is an American fantasy-adventure novel based on Greek mythology written by Rick Riordan.It was released on May 1, 2007, and is the third novel in the Percy Jackson & The Olympians series and the sequel to The Sea Of Monsters.It is about the adventures of the 14-year-old demigod Percy Jackson as he and his friends go on a dangerous quest to rescue his 14-year-old demigod . Better you than her. Percy muttered angrily. The oak doorslike overkill. The next quest Percy had gone on had been in the Labyrinth. Sorry. Youre rescue operation? Annabeth asked in a teasing voice, trying to lighten the grim mood. barbara allen is totally not a barbie doll! 11. When he looked up he saw a pissed off Annabeth rushing towards Sage with a dagger. Oh like you would have let me not do that. Poseidon rolled his eyes. With the Titans rising again, he is needed to bring Olympus to it's knees. Chapter 5: I Place an Underwater Phone Call Chapter Text "You called your dad?" Annabeth asked with a frown. Well, you did have a sword. Beckendorf pointed out. He had assumed that Chiron had taught more to the daughter of Zeus because she stayed at Camp year round. She trudged offsword and a basketball. But they have history. Poseidon squeezed his sons shoulders. With what? 15 demigods, 2 satyrs, and a dryad are teleported to Olympus to read The Lightning Thief with the gods. The sacrifice given by the gods gave their Percy Jackson and Jason Grace an opening to slay the Earth Mother. Still, he was a boy and Percy so she wasnt expecting much. Now Nico groaned. Perseus Achilles Jackson was the first born son of Kronos, but his mother wasn't Rhea. You really thought it would be that simple? So they created guardians. We Meet the Dragon of Eternal Bad Breath Percy thought about that and felt a little freaked out. The next day or the day after.. But my voice"Please. Zo stared at the ground, a somber look on her face. Fate had something different for him. Sorry. Percy shrunk down on the couch under the weight of so many people looking at him. Well, the next big quest I went on was the one to rescue Annabeth and Artemis. After the war against the Titans was settled, Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase, the two most profound heroes of Olympus, were finally able to get some peaceful time. He also really did wonder what had stopped the wine God from doing something rather nasty to his son. I Learn How to Grow Zombies Killing him? Then he closed thein a ray of sunlight. Reading Percy Jackson: Book 3 - The Titan's Curse Lorixjake. Sorry, Percy. Tyson said, looking very guilty. Sorry guys. Thalia said. Does Chiron have a figurine? Frank asked. 19. And if you ever wondered what the Percy Jackson Universe would be like IF Kronos had won, then read on. I won! Dionysus crowed gleefully. Whats so good about them? Frank asked curiously. Dark Percabeth. A very important job. Tyson nodded but looked unconvinced. A horrible one. Nico muttered. Oh fine. He grunted. Needlessly. Chiron himself had spent much longer being very close with the children and watching them die. Oh fine! She glared at him as Percy smirked triumphantly. Even though she moved on and married someone else Annabeth was . She had heard about the fight several times and it sounded like it had been awesome. It was Nicos decision. He cringed internally. It was pretty clear they were stuck up little Silena trailed off under a glare from Artemis. "Artemis, what have you done with him?" Its Athenas daughter who is missing, but she isnt out there searching for her. They arrived at the cave to find him curled up in a ball next to a small fire. 9. Read Freezing Rain from the story Percy Jackson: Lost (A Percy x Zoe Fanfic) by SquiggleyAsh with 1,355 reads. Percy glared. Still, he was apprehensive about the boys confession that he probably deserved to be turned into a dolphin. I read the original and thought" you know, it would be cool if Percy raised the crooked one's daughter". I dont think thats possible. Rachel said to Grover. Understatement of the century. Katie told him. He was just grateful he wouldnt have to go to that blasted Camp anymore. It does get pretty lonely. Percy sighed. 470 20 3. She just smirked at him. Just then Thalia and Jason came back into the room. His children were unwelcome at Camp. He hadnt intended for her to die but it still hurt that she could have died and he would have made it happen. Though she didnt have massively high hopes, Annabeth was hoping that reading about how he had acted would make Percy realise he had feelings for her. He hoped his future self was correct and that he would see Percy again soon. Follow Percy's Journey as the god trains and aids him through his journey to become the Greatest demigod to walk on Earth and save the Western Civilization. In some ways, she was no better than Annabeth in that respect, although she hadnt done it consciously. Jackson versus a Manticore was a fight he wanted to hear about. You would have been constantly badgering me until I did so., What war? Triton asked anxiously. I Learn How to Grow Zombies You clearly wanted to be in charge. He gave her a wicked smile, as if he knew something she didn't. What is this choice he has to make? So he must have taught her the summer that she woke up. I do not look like a raven! Thalia protested. They must be incredibly powerful and his dad had been fighting them for over a year, in Percys time. I was angry and grieving. There were another six books left. Bianca Di Angelo Makes a Choice For once Im the popular kid and you know whatit sucks. A few people chuckled, though they agreed with Percy. That is a wonderful gift, brother. Hestia praised. The Titans Curse - ??? Apollo called after the Hunters. As me being the daughter of the smart Athena, I'm usually meant to Ooh, dancing Satyrs. Travis whispered to Connor. Thalia grimaced. A few people nodded. I am the God of Prophecy after all. Apollo said smugly. That sounds dangerously close to caring. Clarisse said in a mocking tone. Youd do the same for me. He shrugged. But what happens when a war comes between his siblings Perseus Son Of Gaia And Tartarus (PJO/HOO), Perseus Jackson, First born son of Kronos and Rhea. So Im not allowed to give you makeovers then? Silena asked him with a smile. Indeed. Dr Thorn definitely doesnt seem to be affected by the mist, at least not like she does. Hazel noticed. Even if it killed. It is. The Universal Legend (A Percy Jackson Fanfic Percy Jackson is touched by betrayal, terribly. I promise to be more respectful now though. The sea God nodded. The Son of Death and the Daughter of Paradise. The Gods have done enough, and it's time someone opposes them. Dionysus eyed the sea brat appraisingly. Even if I couldnt beat him, I didnt want him getting away with Nico and Bianca. His half brothers blatant disregard for their lives was a bit disturbing. At times, she hated this loneliness. You thought we were friends already. Thalia smirked. ttc-tlo 2. Adult Language, Contains smut, like a lot of it. Where water meets fire. She had known that Percy had felt undermined when she came back but she hadnt cared. Percy has killed enough monsters that they all probably have heard of him by now. Apollo said, a bit of worry creeping into his voice. The survivors conscious goes back in time to the titans curse a. thaliagrace; percy; pjo +22 more # 12. Because of the magic boundaries. Yeah, hed be far more likely to hover at the edges with the other guys. There must have been plenty of other disposable people to use if the only purpose had been freeing Atlas. "Sorry," I saidin the white landscape. Thanks, Percy. Nico smiled gratefully. ]. Are you going to be ok hearing about Bianca? Itll be a trap. But being a god also meant being with his friend (beloved? Percy Jackson and The Fleeing Titan. Youre talking to Percy and you think dancing is acting natural? Grover snickered. Jack was a happy kid, he got good grades; a bright future. I do update however far the stream flows, it never forgets its source Well you'll just have to find out or will he be forgotten in the sands of time? "You've alreadyanother immortal enemy?". Figured it was easier not to really make one. Percy smirked. And then he was forgotten. I cant help my thoughts. He pointed out defensively. Weird thing aboutovercompensate or something. The girls dont sound any better than the guys. And then he was forgotten. He did not understand how he was still alive and not transformed into some creature. But instead of being a Titan he was a primordial. That is pretty sad. The universe itself h heliophilia: (n.) love of sunlight. And no, it would not annoy me. Poseidon assured his son. How come shes not here with us? Gwen wondered. My plans go to Hades anyway. to worry. Poseidon told his son, looking a little amused. I did call my mom eventually. Percy said. One small problem; Percy is very much famous now, and Annabeth doesn't like the myriad of girls trying to get under his pants.That's when Aphrodite comes to the distraught daughter of Athena with a proposal Perseus was the firstborn Demigod of Poseidon, born before even Zeus' son of the same name. While she thought Annabeth could do much better than the sea spawn, she wasnt sure she wanted her joining the Hunters. Now Im guessing its also because you guys live there. Annabeth stated. Follow the famous Perseus Jackson, Primordial God of Dimensions, Elements, Time, Weapons, Creation, Darkness and Shadows. Poseidon let out a relieved chuckle. Does he know what happens to Bianca? Percy asked. How is he alive? Frank whispered to Hazel. Why would you think Grunt would be a school motto? Will asked in amusement. It was never fun when the Hunters came to stay. Both of them blushed. The Gods Vote How to Kill Us An Old Dead Friend Comes To Visit As unparalleled threats arise, Percy once again finds himself with the fate of the world on his shoulders. Chiron gave them both stern looks but was clearly biting back a fond smile. as well as He was only allowed to visit his own home once a year for a single day. 13. 8. And you would do well to watch your words., Hey, these are just my private thoughts to which I am entitled. The past gods are to read the adventures of Percy Jackson and his friends. We needed all hands on deck. Connor explained, glancing at Chris. Like his younger siblings, Oceanus was born to Gaea and Ouranos, the respective personifications of . While demigods were usually far more mature than their actual ages due to the lives they led, it was still far too young to hear about such things. But strange, powerful forces are at play and he finds a purpose serving a certain silver-eyed goddess. Spin your own yarn of fate and in the end, tell me, was it worth it? It is when there is a monster at said school. Annabeth pointed out. You should have said. "Thank you for giving us our thrones Percy." Hestia squealed before her brother cleared his throat. 14. Percy instantly got up and pulled out Anasklusmos "What do you want Annabeth?" He growled at her not making her even flinch. She might not have known him for long but she knew how much Bianca had meant to him. What if Perseus heritage is a bit different? 150K 2.6K 12. Really Dark themed. Story: Percy Jackson and The Fleeing Titan is an electrifying fanfiction adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat. I honestly would have deserved being turned into a dolphin but in my defence, one of my best friends was missing and my Camp Director was acting like he could have cared less. Also, kind of terrifying. His mind turned to later in that quest to find Annabeth. You called your dad? Annabeth asked with a frown. Wine dude? Dionysus now turned to Apollo who smirked. You might be a pain in the ass but youre still a good fighter. The . Percy. Then she escorted Jason out. SERIES: Heroes of Olympus/P What if Annebeth dead in the Titan War? But, as ever, a new year brings new challenges. He hadnt realised that he had also played such a part in Percys lack of self esteem. A story about the fixing of a broken man, so close to becoming a monster himself. The Romans all nodded. He knew his son had done awful things but he could not wish his death. Hes not actually allowed to be any more involved than the rest of you really. Reading the Percy Jackson books story. So far it seemed like the daughter of Athena would be a worthy addition to her ranks. Or how to spot when it is being manipulated?. Close to alone, with only his closest confidents th Assassin of Worlds {Percy Jackson Fanfictio Theron. But the Gods are still stupid enough to believe that a harem and godhood can cure Percy's PTSD. He still hoped that his son was alright. I called Tyson. Percy explained. 3. Somehow this was worse than simply ordering his minions to kill her and Grover after their trip to the Sea of Monsters. Yes. 10. But the gods had to end that. We had . A lot has happened between The Second Giant War and now. How can you be so casual about my daughter being missing? Athena glared at the wine God. A few of the Greek campers scowled at her attitude. Nico inhaled sharply. Come on, wed best get back before Zeus throws a gasket. Percy smirked. Ares nodded. There is nothing awkward about the Flaming Hot Valdez. Everyone gave Leo weird looks at that. Well see about that. Silena muttered angrily. All of the Primordials were gathered outside of . They were. Silena confirmed for the Romans. If they delay her long enough, father would probably declare the matter closed again. Please consider turning it on! In the end, it was Percy who faced the leader of the Titans' Revenge in a final showdown. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. I have warned you. I literally have no idea. She whispered back. Athena sighed. When Annabeth and Percy are condemned by most of the Olympian council for a crime they did not commit, they . You didnt even teach him that it was possible to manipulate the mist? He asked Chiron. Everyone nodded at that. You lose your dessert privilege., Maybe so but it does still stop us from doing so. Beckendorf shrugged. Neither twin said anything to the rest of the room. Not only did Percy have the best relationship with his Godly parent, but his mortal one also was amazing. You know what I meant. Thalia rolled her eyes. The Guardian Act was discontinued after the Gigantomachy, leading to the death of the Guardians. Apparently that was not the case. Oceanus stayed neutral last time. Kinda reminds me of Drew. Connor muttered. not They go to college, and get shot in the chest on a hijacked city bus because of their dumb hero-complex and need to save anyone in danger. Will squeezed his arm comfortingly. Trust a male to be so easily distracted. Artemis scoffed. Kronos and his council of titans rule over Olympus and Percy Jackson is the perfect consort Kronos could have ever pictured. Athena perked up at news of her daughter. Artemis nodded. His attitude was probably a large factor in why some of the demigods had joined Kronos. Why should he make it? Annabeth nodded. And we know Thalia is the same. We Visit the Junkyard of The Gods We follow them in one shot chapters as they fuck everyone in different scenarios and settings. Not if they include ribbons and lipstick. He told her firmly. 17. Powerful Percy! Zeus scowled. 12. The people loved him even most of the gods. I was on a mission. Clarisse stated at the look she got from her father. It sucked losing your mom. Percy Jackson hadn't always been Percy Jackson, he had been someone else before, in another life.Now however, he has this annoying constant sense of Presque-vu, which yes, he had to look up that word, but honestly who would know that?Being a 15 year old male omega with dyslexia and ADHD wasn't easy before and it isn't about to get better any minute from now.But his old nanny once said, "if life gives you lemons make a caipirinha".He would. So he waited. Ok, come on. Suddenly she frozewas nowhere in sight. Not your worst lie. Travis said consideringly. Will just kept smirking at him infuriatingly. Percy Jackson & The Sapphire Flame, its a Percy Jackson x Azula story. Not that I had much choice. Nico scoffed bitterly. The other Titans formed a council of sorts. They were led by Kronos, the Titan of time and other minor things. Top secret!". The whole point of my gift is so you can contact your mother so she doesnt Thats always a safe topic. Grover laughed. Name one plan of yours that went completely smoothly. He challenged. This seemed to be another example of the Satyr failing to protect his charges, even if the sea God had to admit he was becoming quite fond of him. Some of the campers wanted to shoot hoops too but the Hunters wouldnt let them because of the no guy rule. He knew it was around this time that Clarisse had found his half brother. The pair manage to defeat The Earth Mother with powers unseen in millennia, but with Gaia's final breath she curses the two to never walk on her Earth again. Sadly that time is over and now he must face the truth and pain. The two clashed in a fierce battle, their powers shaking the very foundations of the earth. Percy squeezed his shoulders. There was no way Grover would have been able to fight the monster alone. Percy said. 20. Literally. Thanks for that Nico. Percy said with a grin. A part of him wondered if he would even bother to take part. I Put On a Few Million Extra Pounds Not that she would have gotten far with so many monsters nearby. Well, at least Percys acting natural. Clarisse snickered. "HELP ME!" In the final battle with Gaia, five of the seven chosen heroes fall with the Olympians. Powerful enemies! Percy Jackson had had fun as a young half-blood, going on quests and saving the world, but eventually heros grow up. in which they try not to die and save the world from war and it's only the Natalya Zhuk had a weird life, behind the fact of being a demigod and being ignored, she was only 12 when she became a praetor. After the war against the Titans was settled, Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase, the two most profound heroes of Olympus, were finally able to get some peaceful time. That left a lot of opportunity for Percy to offend more Gods. Percy Jackson | Annabeth Chase Percy Jackson | Adventure Betrayed Tartarus Chaos. But why Artemis? Reyna asked curiously. Dionysus bit back a groan. What grave dangers will our hero face? They waited a few more moments, letting Nico regain his composure. I Make a Dangerous Promise Nico nodded. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (3), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan (6), Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types (4), Original Character(s)/Original Character(s) (1), Luke Castellan & Annabeth Chase & Thalia Grace (1), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Luke Castellan & Annabeth Chase & Thalia Grace, Book 3: The Titan's Curse (Percy Jackson), Book 4: The Battle of the Labyrinth (Percy Jackson), Book 5: The Last Olympian (Percy Jackson). 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