Take this quiz and find out if you would survive the werewolf apocalypse! Follow him on Twitter at @robbricken. The Silent Striders believe that originally the Triat was in a state they refer to as Ma'at, balanced and in accordance with Gaia's will. 19. If your character, is a charmer or a deceiver, Social Attributes make a good choice, How quickly can she think? You have a good memory, and particurally love to learn history. 21. Choose wisely. Mobile Users: 1st Question What is your Games & Toys IQ? 10. The Get of Fenris have long been a problematic faction within Werewolf: The Apocalypse, largely due to that Tribe's association with Naziism and fascism. Until you were almost full-grown (two years or so), you were unaware of your true nature as a werewolf. Everything seems fairly normal. Plural Then theres the other unfortunate news: The Uktena are the primitive mysticism-obsessed Native American tribe. You work best with subterfuge and guile. Werewolves usually discover the tribe to which they feel the most connected shortly after their First Change. These Fianna were known for the close ties to the Fae, and fought against the legions of the Fomorians (which they identified with some sort of Wyrm-beast), as well as a rising threat of Fomori (which the Fianna named in honor of their ancient nemeses) in what is known as the Fomori Wars. Werewolf also describes the Stargazer Tribe as calm and introverted, with a penchant for astrologynone of which makes you a better or more interesting werewolf. To the Tribe, the turning of the season from Autumn into Winter is the last real chance to party hard before the snow blankets the world and Gaias creatures begin their slumber. Garou society is greatly concerned with its own purpose werewolves know that theyre a people in service to enigmatic spirits, and as a result, they care a great deal for not only their own legends, but also how the spirits view them. Control Simple Machine, Diagnostics, Trick Shot. Even when werewolves do breed with, humans or wolves, the offspring rarely breeds true. However, this may be for the best, because for some reason White Wolf decided that the Silver Fangs were also hopelessly inbred, not only weakening them physically, but often making them varying degrees of insane. Contact the author at rob@io9.com. 15. Beast Speech, Call of the Wyld, Mindspeak. Mainly because theres not much of a werewolf political arena. Tricksters and questioners,they fight the Wyrm withguile and cleverness. The Silent Striders have little in the way of formal organization. Agree Disagree No preference Prioritize your choice above: High Medium Low 2. They go by different names for different individual practices, but this is how they are commonly known by the Tribe. 11. (No, the family meatloaf recipe doesnt count.). They cannot even breed, among their own kind. Bone Gnawers Copyright 2023 ComicBook.com. The most powerful Silent Striders can do crazy stuff, like travel through mirrors, make themselves huge, and more, so they always make a unique contribution to any game of Werewolf. More children and puppies are conceived at Beltane than any other time of the year as the ardor of the Tribe turns to love and mating. Now, the only grasp a werewolf can trust is their own pack." 3. *try to break free from the ropes tieing you to a tree*. 3) Silent Striders. Fianna Brian Boroimhe united all the Celtic Tribes of Ireland under one ruler and became what human history known as the first (and last) true Ard Righ of Ireland; he took the name Brian Boru (meaning Brian of the Tributes) when he became High King after his brother Mahon was murdered by Viking assassins. Many Silent Striders also followed the Mongols in their conquests against the Europeans. Nowadays, though, its more likely Banes or Wyrm Spirits that they fight, or even the servants of the Weaver trying to fortify the Gauntlet. Latest news about ongoing development of World of Darkness IP and our brand team's work! What they dont all agree on, though, is what to do about it. Sure, every few centuries, the heads of the clans may get together and decree a few things, but mainly werewolves hang out by themselves or in small packs. The origin of the relationship is unknown, but Striders tend to attract ghosts' attention when passing through the Gauntlet into or out of the Umbra. Shadow Lords 10 births are normal Kinfolk wolf cubs or human infants, marked only by their blood relation to the Garou. If you have to do something, its best to give it your very best effort. Tribe also imparts special spiritually mandated benefits and restrictions a favor and a ban, something with which the werewolf gains proficiency from their spirit patron as well as a vow to uphold a certain way of life or attitude. The Patron Spirit is the powerful spiritual entity that bestows their support to a tribe, the sort of emblematic leader in whose name that tribe wages war against the Apocalypse. 2. In some, families, the strain might vanish for generations, only to appear, long after the Kinfolk have drifted apart from their Garou, relatives. Totem Are you human, witch or monster? All. Your character's auspice indicates, her profession in Garou society, some of her strengths and. However, the Striders have a taboo against taking the name of Set, Osiris, Sobek, Bastet, and Isis. The Tribes of Glory, who are the greatest warriors of the Nation, include the Get of Fenris, the Fianna, and the Wendigo, with the former White Howlers as the lost members. Plus, the Children of Gaia are the self-appointed peacekeepers between the various werewolf tribes, most of whom hate each another for one reason or another; this is often a very useful character to add to a Werewolf: The Apocalypse gaming group. What is the first thing you do? Preserving Gaia is secondary to the Shadow Lords; their first goal is to wrest the power of the Werewolf world from the Silver Fangs. Priority selection determines how many additional dots you, may place in each category: Divide seven dots among your, Attributes and three dots among her tertiary Attributes. Nomadic, introspective, and highly spiritual, the Silent Striders have plumbed the depths of the Umbra, perhaps more deeply than any other tribe of Garou. I was one of those kids who actually liked that family tree project in school. Lorekeepers and Talesingers,they remember Garou historyand teach it through their impassioned tales. Unlike the Glass Walkers, however, the Bone Gnawers are really bad at embracing humanity, and thus have all ended up as homeless people. Contents 1 History 1.1 Dark Ages 1.2 Victorian Age 1.3 Modern Nights 2 Organization 2.1 Camps 3 Tribal Culture I always obeyed my parents, since they had power over me (Unless you count that time I snuck out the window). You believe dreams and visions can hold clues to the future. That was great!). 5) Wendigo. (If youre a player familiar with legacy editions of Werewolf, this is a heads up to expect some noteworthy changes in both system and setting. In simplest terms, a tribe is any number of werewolves who are pledged to a patron spirit. About the best you can say for them is that if you dont play your Fianna as obnoxiously extroverted, youre basically playing a pretty normal werewolf. Strongly based on Celtic and European traditions, they are known among the Garou for their passions for the pleasure of life, their skills and ferocity in battle, and as keepers of the music, stories, and lore of the Garou. Paradox Interactive. 1. Give them time to make complete, flesh-and-blood, characters with personalities, goals, hopes and dreams. "Run." You were raised within a sept among werewolves, andyou understand Garou culture more deeply than either homids or lupus. (Come to think of it, Im also the office source of gossip now.). Games & Toys Poll: Werewolf the Apocalypse Auspice Quiz. The Garou try to track all, descendants and relatives (wolf and human) to locate potential, First Change (either from observation or happenstance), they, bring that one into their tribe to teach them about who and. Choose wisely. You often find yourself playing the devil's advocate. Silent Striders Gaia), but most Glass Walkers are really just fans of sleeping in comfortable beds, in rooms with central air. My country is the best in the world. You may not raise an, Freebie points allow you to increase an Attribute or two, deal of time in study, Knowledges are appropriate for the. 3) Silent Striders. Will you make it out alive?? As the iconic Vampire: The. It is a party, mind you, because the Fianna as a whole will take most any excuse to throw a good party. Strawberry Fishsticks 1 10 You wake up one morning very early and look outside. A Garou is not bound to join the tribe of their ancestry; a cub, for example, may not meet the standards expected of a tribe and is therefore unacceptable as a member. Red Talons 5. Would You Survive the Werewolf Apocalypse? The Uktena are trying to use the Wyrms dark powers against it, but this freaks the other werewolf clans out. The Fianna were once a fractured group of the smaller tribes or bands, following Stag but associated primarily with their own type of Celts (their Kinfolk). In recent decades,the Uktena have begun to breed with other races. This is accurate based off the research of a 17 year old nerdy fangirl. Faction This is accurate based off the eearch of a 17 year old nerdy fangirl. Leaning close to you, they both whisper in your ears in a tone that is somehow both threatening and alluring. Like the Glass Walkers, the Bone Gnawers have embraced humanity and their cities. The Silent Striders appear to have roots in Africa and the Middle East. Stil, if you basically want to play a chaotic neutral werewolf, the Silver Fangs have got you covered. You slowly back away, hoping that the creature doesn't know you are here yet, but you know that's impossible. Only the Fianna, they tell, recall their origin accurately. You think this is the end, but to your surprise, he doesn't snap at you with his jaws. Now she spends her time looking out for the other, runaways, since no one else will." Those Greenpeace folks have been way too lax about their agenda. that a child born now will be mature in time for the final battle. 5) Wendigo. Garou Nation Aura of Confidence, Fatal Flaw, Seizing the Edge. Because they are wanderers, the Silent Striders have the fewest caerns of any tribe, and the few that exist tend to be along roads or popular points of travel. You may choose from five different auspices: Ragabash ( trickster, scout or spy), Theurge (shaman, seer or mystic), Philodox, (judge, lawgiver or mediator), Galliard (historian, bard or storyteller), may have a strong effect on her personality. This meant not only were they most powerful at the games primary play mode, they were also terrifyingly strongstrong enough to take on the many, many other werewolf-hating monsters that populate the game. When America was colonized, many younger Striders followed them out of curiosity, establishing Kinfolk families and enjoying the unspoiled lands. Their desire to be free of flaws and to live free is mirrored in this rejection of those that are different. These virtues reflect both how a werewolf undertakes a given situation, but also the esteem in which spirits and other werewolves hold them. Uktena More than any other White Wolf gamemore than almost any other RPG ever, really Werewolf: The Apocalypse is about combat. Silver Fangs WebThe Fianna are one of the Tribes found in Werewolf: The Apocalypse. 1) Get of Fenris. You are also not limited in, how many dots you may assign to any one Attribute (in the, preceding case, you could apply all three dots in your Physical, at one dot and Dexterity at four). WebThe Fianna are one of the Tribes found in Werewolf: The Apocalypse. This is accurate based off the research of a 17 year old nerdy fangirl. Maybe hybrid? WebTribes Overview - Werewolf The Apocalypse. What is the first thing you do? For two werewolves to mate is to violate one of the oldest taboos among the Garou. You were just about to check on the sound when you hear a crash from your window. They sing, they dance, they wander around and have a happy-go-lucky, deeply romantic attitude that, basically, doesnt match with the tone of the other werewolvesor even, really, the game itself. pg. The Get of Fenris is likely the group that has abandoned the other tribes, with the Stargazers had withdrawn from the Garou Nation in past editions to align themselves with the Beast Courts. The question for werewolves is, if the world is dying and the people responsible for killing it are gleefully pillaging the corpse, now what? You know, when it comes down to it, Id rather be vice president. To this day, the Fenrir have yet to succeed in claiming any of the Caerns in Ireland. Judges and lawkeepers, they adjudicate challenges between Garou and often serve as final arbiters. Philodox A treaty with the Silver Fangs ensured that no Fang would ever claim a Caern on Ireland, while the Fianna would in return accept the sovereignty of House Winter Snow in Britain. (so much better than television and no annoying commercials!). Falcons Grasp, Lambent Flame, Sense Wyrm. 1) Get of Fenris. Fire Walker succumbed to Harano a short time afterward. Agree Disagree No preference Prioritize your choice above: High Medium Low 2. You. smart is she? ", formed the pack. In the early 20th Century Ireland split in two; the country of Ireland won its independence from the British, and Northern Ireland remains the property of the Crown even now. It's similar to an astrological birth, sign, but it plays a much more significant role in a werewolf's, life. No outsider could say which Striders decide that a moot is necessary, nor is it known exactly how word gets passed from Garou to Garou. Owl. Fianna tend to be among the more extroverted Garou, rarely turning down an invitation to let their hair down and indulge in their favorite pleasures. 1. When House Winter Snow lost its preeminence after disastrous defeats at the hand of Black Spiral Dancers, the Fianna returned to England and claimed multiple Caerns as their own. 1. Most Black Furies are female, and the only males in the tribe are metis, Breath of the Wyld, Heightened Senses, Sense Wyrm. The Red Talons are almost the complete opposite of Glass Walkers; not only do they loathe humanity, theyre almost always wolves, with the ability to turn human (as opposed to the other way around). Maybe hybrid? In addition, the Wendigo and Uktena tribes were renamed to the Galestalkers and the Ghost Council, likely with the intent of better respecting the Indigenous cultures from which those tribes drew their inspiration. Renown is a double-edged sword, increasing a werewolfs ability to effect change, but painting a target upon them as someone able to bring about that change. Everything seems fairly normal. WebThe Silent Striders are one of the tribes found in Werewolf: The Apocalypse. Find All The Role Playing Games Pages Here. The Wendigo are great fighters, but also have impressive stealth ability, which basically makes them werewolf ninjas. WebThe first title in the series, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, was published by White Wolf Publishing in 1991. Most of these Gifts are taught by spirits that have something in common with the Patron Spirit, or might even be avatars of them. This tribe is primarily of Germanic and Scandinavian descent, and Fenrir take great pride in their heritage. The rightful rulers of the Garou Nation, they preserve impeccable breeding through both their lupine and human lineages. 14. 18. Fianna Nine months after the Beltane celebration, both Garou and Kinfolk give birth to new Generations of the Tribe. It's like having a rewind button for your campaign. They havecharged themselves to guard theresting places of many powerful Banes, and some fear that this association taints the tribe. The Bone Gnawers live in poverty and the other tribes despise them for their casual ways. The last group are the Tribes of Wisdom, which include the Silent Striders themselves, the Uktena, and the Black Furies, with the Stargazers as the lost ones who have turned away from the Nation. At you with his jaws her time looking out for the other Tribes despise them for their casual.... And lawkeepers, they preserve impeccable breeding through werewolf: the apocalypse tribe quiz their lupine and human lineages out if you have a choice! Often serve as final arbiters 's like having a rewind button for your campaign Walker succumbed Harano. Auspice quiz is accurate based off the eearch of a werewolf political arena, characters with personalities, goals hopes! 17 year old nerdy fangirl Middle East take this quiz and find out if you would the. 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