Wait till the assholes in his Amway upline find out he was hanging here instead of prospecting unless he's so fucked in the head he thinks this blog is a good place to find prospects! The Financial Jonestown: My experience with the Amway Motivational Organization (AMO) URAssociation. Anonymous - you agree with Theo the lying little Amway ambot who shows up here pretending to be an executive diamond? Its a life changing opportunity. We were told in the mid eighties they earned $100,000. Gossip that serves no purpose. And if you only spent a grand in 3 years in Amway you weren't really doing Amway, probably just helping out someone with pity purchases. You really think anyone that reads this blog is going to look at an Amway link? !With Amway, if it takes 10 years to get an income of $1000 a week, you are better off than traditional workers.So what if Amway people still have jobs. You got to spend $30 to buy a box of them. Its printed out on Amway literature in black and white. If you come back, take a look at the links on the right side of this page. Also buy monthly for your "personal assistant" LOL Communikate, around $35 or $40. No vacations, no socializing with normal people. I've got a friend in a nearby town that I can come over and visit. As you've figured out its just a big game of make belief. But really? THAT is why they are so hot on recruiting, recruiting, recruiting. A diamond pin is finally available. While technically it is possible Id say in reality it is not possible from a standing start. I thought they were earning so much from this scam that they wouldn't need it. You're scum just like them. I love my new Amway family and especially eqipovision. Holy fuck are you ever a bad little Ambot! If you have a guts you can fly in the sky. Using the toughest international qualification for Diamond (10000 points per leg), and assuming zero overlap between Diamonds and zero international sponsorship (both of which are not true), you could theoretically support 4000 qualifying Diamonds with only $4.3 billion in revenue (10000 points * 6 months * 6 legs * $3 per pv * 4000 diamonds). You support restaurants don't you? Show us how core you are. Trump is really good at making money for himself so, he started his own MLM and placed himself at the top. No excuses, never give in, never quit, prove the haters wrong. It is now, of course, but then (if memory serves me right) it had more to do with the year 2000 than the name Amway. Depending on the result the person would be a "hit" if they agreed to see the plan, a "miss" if there was no answer and a "flush" if they had the temerity to refuse the opportunity of a lifetime. Thanks for sharing your story. So where is your vile for restaurants, or are you one of those people, who give them your money? Financing available . That's interesting why Amway's owners jacked up their prices. Made up? Hell Ive never even had a call from a bill collector. He goes to a lot of the conferences and weekly meetings and is actually doing pretty well which he thinks is just luck. Ive now added an extension to the Wiki which allows us to easily list these pages and so far we have information (at least the names!) The Amway products are horribly overpriced, so sales to the general public are minimal at best. You may e-mail the information directly to ibofightback. Seeing the greedy diamonds giving their bullshit speeches, I wanted to vomit. That's why this blog exists to talk about what you evil motherfucking Amway demons are really like. About 45 years of your life.And most people retire on the pension / social security.That makes working a great way to becone financially free! At least at Walmart and the other stores you can buy a single protein bar without buying a box of them. But what a dilemma. I have to agree with Theo, I have a different perspective though. ft. $725,000. hi this is the great opp.and any body do this. We're not suppose to show the real averages when we show the plan, people won't believe them. If you are so proud of your family's accomplishments, we'd like their names, please. Over 99% of IBO's don't make money at Amway.Hopefully you found a business with better odds than less than 1%. You cannot expect to get "rich" overnight. Amway is all about financial and emotional distress. as in once a "diamond," always a? Same income. They buy mansions a fleet of sports cars and fly first class to exotic destinations multiple trips a year and supposedly they pay cash for all of this. Your email address will not be published. I am showing the people that are actually wondering if half the stuff you say is true or not some evidence of who we actuall work with. I don't think they get it. Due to Amway's losses every year they don't want to upset the cart too much. Doesn't speak volumes that the cult would as you to forsake someone you love to remain in the cult? This former Emerald had 1000 people in his downline and at best made $3,000/month. That's from the old days. Thank you for clarifying misconceptions about a legit business like Amway. We are a training system on how to build the amway business to a truly significant level. A nice racket, isn't it?Any white guy with an Afro must really be weird. How likely is it you can find 1000 people to keep motivated to buy $300 worth of Amway products every month so you can earn commission? I join this buisness 1 month ago. Anonymous - seeing as how this blog is devoted mostly to making the Amway upline look like a bunch of fucking assholes, your opinion might differ. I said "well, he does have 12 people already set up for his downline". There's no "New Amway" it is the same old story. of more than 1400 Amway Diamonds and above. Who should we believe? 2nd Anonymous - yeah what the fuck was that gibberish? Hello, it's me again, back from the meeting. Gross or net and with or without a few cash events Diamonds can't afford to live millionaire lifestyles on that income. agar aap wo paana chahate ho jo apko mil na saka to wo karna hoga jo apne abhi tak kiya nahi.. ONLY AMWAY CAN MAKE YOU TO HAVE ALL THE HAPPINESSES IN LIFE. And surely you can find a commissioned sales job that pays better than $10/month. That's where diamonds get most of their money from.No, Theo is like so many other "fake it til you make it" Ambots who come in to defend their Amway god. "It's quite true: De Vos and Andel tried to rein in the criminal bigshots like Britt and Yager and Duncan and Puryear, all of whom were making a fortune on nothing but signing up new IBOs and browbeating them into buying $300 worth of Amway products every month, without even asking those IBOs to sell those products to the public. Hey thanks! I have yet to see a passage in the Bible which talks about how Jesus wants to bless you with material possessions beyond your wildest dreams if only you have enough faith. Well get to you eventually and approve it as long as it really isnt spam. Yes, we all know WWDB.You get rich by selling CDs, books, and other tools to naive Amway IBOs. If you qualify for Diamond Select, you will be treated to an extended trip with exclusive activities and VIP pampering, plus more time to connect, collaborate and relax with fellow business leaders. We actually see progress. We'd be happy to debunk your falsified assumptions.-Jerry. You should be out prospecting! Please check your. Love it! Guess which one is easier for us to do?9. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Thanks for visiting! Anyway, yeah so he gave me a lip gloss sample to show to girls to try to get them to purchase lip gloss. Let's assume that he paid taxes (maybe he didn't since he's here illegally). Ha ha!!!! LolAmway Ambot so called geniuses, Diamonds whatever.please slam my text because I don't give a shit and won't respond.lol AMWAY = ARROGANT MATERIALIST WICKED APES YAHOOSI am not saying don't join Amway. Hi Vikas, Bitterness will eat you up. Tyler we've heard all the brainwashed Amspeak before. Now, the company has become the No. Posting something creepy anonymously and we cant track your location because youre on a mobile device or using hide my ass or some other proxy. The meeting was held in his garage, white board in the front, markers and circles, 6 people etc etc. LOLstop seeing amway as this bullshit scam promising to make you rich. No praying required just think about it no one knows anyone here but we all know people who enjoy they're journey and we all know people that hate they're journey 95% percent of people are seeking solutions 5 percent are excited to join a ranting bunch. Glad you're enjoying the blog. And the small print that shows the small percentage of 1% of IBO's who make money at Amway and ask them about that. Wait a minute. We had to go to these meetings every weekend. But he is a charismatic guy who is very convincing isn't he.Just think about it for a second. Any "business opportunity" that encourages it's recruits to not look at numbers but instead to "dream dream dream" is a red flag. It is only concerned with getting me to sign up, and pay for CDs and books and functions for the rest of my life. Uh you dumb Amway fuck you want me to talk it over with the person I've just phoned you to complain about it. They would be the first to do that since Brad and Julie Duncan went Founders Diamond. At least we sleep at normal nighttime hours and not up at the wee hours of the morning trying to figure out how much money diamonds make. Of course peoples personal experiences and opinions are biased based on their true life stories duh!!! I just started with a new MLM, I've been skeptical of MLMs for years after this. Hi Anonymous.Guess they couldn't afford a coffee at McDonalds! Plz,say me how its possible in 6 month to diamond..? 150k is not a bad income. All still alive and well! Contrary what you may read by people who don't like what I have to say, this site and my commentary is not endorsed or financially supported in any way by Amway, Alticor, the IBOAI or any other affiliated companies or organizations. You know what you are talking about Mr Darnell. I once was recruited for Amway, and even signed up for a few months. Do you want to take business advice from someone whose business went bankrupt? Even with that I don't regret for a minute our involvement in the Amway business model and would encourage others to pursue it for the personal development alone. Amway does piss all when you complain to them about the upline or the various cult sects. Amway and Scientology, Apart From the Labels, What's the Difference? And because you're a dumb fuck Amway Ambot I have to spell it out for you. Anonymous - fortunately you don't have what it takes to be an Amway Ambot so hope you're not losing too much money while you figure that out. Yeah Amway meetings are really creepy watching all the ambots worship their cult leaders.And no, you should say don't join Amway. Surely they are on the tape list, right? FUCK OFF Amway asshole! Only the most aggressive liars and scammers make money. Same bullshit, different company. Then teach 3 people that could benefit from even only $200 extra per month on the side. It is a nice income for most people. They are sick bastards on so many levels. Hi Anonymous - the only way ambots can sucker prospects into attending an Amway meeting is by lying that its some other kind of meeting. I know these are true, because they show us their checks. Often, the perception that Amway diamond is wealthy is based on the income they earned in the year they qualified first. The point of this blog is to show that Amway is NOT a solution, it's a money-losing cult that MAKES problems for people, not solve them. But at the ASCO meetings the downline are praised and lovebombed for simply buying more that month, even if they just shoved the crap in a closet.And if recruitment is the goal and not selling the products to the general public, then Amway is merely a pyramid scheme and with all pyramids only the 1% at the top make money, at the expense of the 99% where they get it from. Theres got to be something more than just commission. People have enough of the Amway bullshit. Or any other night. Your husband didnt have hope or a dream and with your attitude i feel bad for him because look where you are now. Yup they don't say it's Amway. You cant live a millionaire lifestyle on an income thats in the low 6 figures. so it doesn't seem like the protein bar price at least is unreasonable.. so i still feel like there is more to this scam that I dont understand. Over 4000 attended. However, if he were to claim that he owned the Apple stock for more that one month, he's saying that he purchased 1,000 shares of a stock whose value ranged between $300 and $600 per share over the three years that he's been in business. Hilarious when i was reading this. And invest. I think in Merchants of Deception, or maybe just by general knowledge, those tapes cost 50 cents to produce so there's lot of money to be made by selling them for $5+ to ambots. Thanks for stopping by with your story. I was so enamored with their houses and cars, but also how incredibly douchey and pathetic they all looked. What if someone valued being around generally positive people?I have met 5 diamonds and I feel a peace I don't see from any employees.GOD BLESSps. And that comes back to how do you politely decline to attend another meeting. The system that's designed for failure. I've also found out that by doing a lot day in and day out in getting people to buy or make connections for them to join is tough but they say is well worth it. They're prudes so if you curse them out they'll stay away from you. And while you're sucking his dick off you better get more instructions on how not to say negative. So, Darnell, is it WWDB? Got in in '94, and out in '96. It's sad really. You might be interested in hearing their stories how not to let this happen in your life but when they avoid talking about it even though its public knowledge then its shady. Not even accurate. Amway is all about going into debt. Are your families dreams worth it? I thought I might learn something so I decided to attend. returns to play new Ranger character. It is my fault for being too curious, I should have known that this "get rich " in a few years is too good to be true. Just cause your husband didnt do so good on amway doesnt mean that other people well do the same thing. The $10 commission from Amway isn't enough to save. Help them do what you did in your first 3 months, go 50/150, then go Fast Track making between $500-1100/month with the fast track bonus and regular business $'s. Using Kellys technique of assuming no overlap in businesses and no international sponsoring, but with correct figures, Amway US Sales could theoretically support more than 530 Founders Diamonds. The cast of Uchu Sentai Kyuranger made their first public appearance at this year's LIVE&SHOW anniversary concert celebrating Kamen Rider and Super Sentai. The speakers were probably diamonds or equivalent, and they had a story about how their lives are great now, with all this leisure time. Amway is vastly different.. Look anna saintana fuck off and get a life. Do you really want to cancel your registration? They had a proposal to make to me and I agreed to meet them for coffee. 'We're buying a house in the Bayou Club. Exactly as you mentioned. The don't concentrate on selling the products. They can connect you with successful people who can help explain how to build the business. Because even they know it won't add up. It's so funny that you all still think it's a scam and it doesn't work. We have been "in the business" now for some 18 yrs, and have been @ the Direct/Platinum or above level for 17 of those yrs. The text of Amway Wiki is copyrighted (automatically, under the Berne Convention) by TribeTech AB and Amway Wiki's editors and contributors. Only 3 or 4% of Amway's customers are not registered IBO's. The scam comes in due to the lies ambots tell about the compensation and how they hide how much money you really have to spend each month in Amway, a lot of it on the tool scam. After all, less than 1 percent of Amway distributors go Diamond. Be humble, open minded , and loving and God will open doors! You are right on to the tee of your critical assessment of Amway. Anna, my friend invited me to an E-commerce meeting with over 2,000 people. IT IS WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY,BUT WITH A GOOD TEAM,GOOD MENTER,SUCCESSFUL LEADER CAN HELP YOU TO SUCCESS IN THIS OPPORTUNITY.SO BE WITH SUCCESS TEAM. If you see hate then that is what Amway projects. "you are all broke". but did you act upon them? He's not going out to conferences to give speeches. People get caught up in the hype of an Amway meeting, sign up, pay, go home and research it on the Internet and go holy shit this is a cult and a scam and get out right away too. And he'd have to be well known in Amway as one of the speakers in on the tool scam as well as talking at functions to all the brainwashed sheep. A $10 bonus check means nothing if they paid out several hundred to get it. Did you get married? The MLM Syndrome: Dr. Doe's Investigation into MLM CONditioning, MLM and The Ace Initiative Pt. Thank to your rude comments id rather be apart of Amway, atleast they have respect, values and know how to talk to others like grown, mature people.Thank you for allowing me to see how being someone like you would be the worst decison of my life.Amway here I come! Show us your picture in Achieve Magazine, Diamond chaser. Thanks for leaving a comment and bumping my rating up higher on Google! I think the 150 k is a gross figure. There may be lies that you can work for a few years and retire. I'll bet twice as many are questioning their faith after being involved with some of the unsavory elements in the Sales organizations. Amway Diamonds made only $150,000 a year in 2013? urgent..i want my ex lover back he is leavingme not calling or texting, he is not even responding to meanymore. Let's also assume he had some living expenses during that time. Numbers do not lie. Check out this youtube video on some of my uplines getting really big bonus checks from Amway. this bussiness(amway) is god gifted to our family & our nation.only this bussiness to fulfil our dream and helps to other people to achieve their goal and fulfil their dream. In other words, a diamond is downline from another diamond. Less than $5 for a good name brand at the drugstore. At every Amway meeting the Ambots are brainwashed to believe that everyone who isn't in Amway and that would be the majority of the world, is broke. Well, if it's so great, what the hell are you waiting for? Kyle - subjective. Pay attention we got out of Scamway years ago. Over on Amway Wiki a number of diligent editors have been creating information pages about the many, many people around the world who have qualified at the Amway Diamond level or higher.I've now added an extension to the Wiki which allows us to easily list these pages and so far we have information (at least the names!) Hi Tim. My wife is a brilliant artist who could flourish so well on her own making and selling small crafts but then "she'd be the system" and "everything would depend on her". Enjoy laid-back luxury on Oahus sunny western coast in Ko Olina. Maybe Kenny Rogers put it best-Jerry, I mean i guess you were in the business. This is the 2nd most popular post on this blog for views and comments. In a so called real job, you work every week until you retire at 65 or so. That they're not alone in the way they're feeling because Amway destroyed their family. Plant your seeds now for future benefit. An Amway Diamond according to Amways literature is in the ballpark as our income. I remember looking at the tapes, which cost $5-6. rating for bluenile.com. %??? You cannot just dismiss the thousands of people who voice their grief with this business. The text of Amway Wiki is copyrighted (automatically, under the Berne Convention) by TribeTech AB and Amway Wiki's editors and contributors. But on this note, why don't you get a look at this website, it breaks up a diamond's revenue better than I ever could:http://www.cocs.com/jhoagland/tools.html. $3 per bar seems on the low side. Neither are Emeralds, Platinums or any IBO who LOVES Amway and LOVES their upline. You kind find better stuff free at the library or online. Miss America takes on paid sponsorships as do other pageants as do many others that have nothing to do with pageants. Well they'd need to. I can't believe my associates and I came to america illegally and in a few years made a fortune, wow you white people are cocky and just suck at business marketing. Yeah look amway pays me a solid check every year but with that check I became the proud owner of 4 McDonald's franchises, 2 Dennys Dinners, I own 1 Holiday Inn, 5 Gas Stations, and I own 1k shares of Apple, Cerner, Manchester United, and MicroSoft yeah but sure I'm an "amway lying cheat", I try to help people but they're to negative, lazy, with no ambition, but why care about people like you I'm rich and im not even legal, and I don't care if I get deported, ill just get to live in my Columbian Mansion, don't join any of those white people groups join equipo vision (team vision) my name's Theo again have a happy miserable life, working while im 33 and retired! To save a standing start living expenses during that time and get a life $ 5 for few. Diamonds giving their bullshit amway diamonds where are they now, i have to spell it out for you maybe did. Protein bar without buying a house in the ballpark as our income they all looked fuck. 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