{Encouraged}Hey, you're making real progress, good. I'm not about to trade your life for mine, got it? . Tag skills Interesting to me, who would have thought? It's why I've planted a mine field, shotguns, and explosives all the way on the road to my little boudoir here. Right. {Flippant}Chem use, indiscretions, more chem use the usual Hollywood tune. I was going to prove it. Come on, let's settle this. To be fair there are a fair few skill checks that aren't wise to take. {Dean walking in on Vera as she's getting ready}Pretty as a picture. NVDLC01Dea_NVDLC01DeanToCh_00011349_1NVDLC01Dea_NVDLC01DeanToCh_000100AE_1. When you first meet him, theres a speech or barter check. He also gives the Entertainer Pass, to open Theater up. The second hologram is across from the first a little further away from Dean, on the second floor through a hole in the wall. {Random comment}Cloud wasn't always here. Come on. Okay all right, you call up some of those Old World stiffs, that'd be an audience I wouldn't mind having below. I didn't realise that about him. {Switching Station}Stinks down here. Dean's about to tell Vera she's going to do the job, no matter what. {To himself}We get to the Sierra Madre, it'll be a different tune, trust me. As "Good" characters I usually make the extra effort to save him by avoiding any intelligent dialogue with him. Had to take him down a few pegs, bring him down to my level. {Sees an opportunity, quiet, whispering}Come on, partner. "Begin again?" {Emph}For me. Voice-activated. {Beat}Might be a valve nearby, we can use it to torch any locals that come near us. Holotape recording, now Dean's softening her up, realizes he doesn't need her as an emotional wreck now. All high-and-mighty. So you don't want to share keep her from me, huh? - posted in New Vegas Technical Support: So, Im doing Strike Up the Band. Hnh. Assistance From the balcony, walk to the left where there is a break in the balcony. . Yeah yeah, you're right. I got used to it in small doses. Yeah? {Dean hates the player}Well, now, if it isn't my ball, chain, and dog collar rolled all into one. Not the best of neighborhoods. {Reluctant}No you're not the type, but accidents happen, good intentions or no. For now. If we're going there, I'm not going alone. No, it only means I wouldn't come back for you. {Relieved}Those electric ghosts aren't the kind of audience I like at the best of times - {to himself}at least the ones in the Villa had manners. {Irritated, basically asked to be a roadie}"Hold the wires, Dean." May may be a key to her room on my desk. {Cold, menacing}So you showed. {Uneasy}Look those ghosts are going to come out of the wings behind you in a second, the security types, {emph}not the "friendly" bald types. So what, I stand here, hold the two ends in my hands, and tap them together like cymbals? Found a medical report in her Suite. Use this topic as an overview of planning task. The Show Stat vm command displays a list of virtual memory usage statistics for all enabled Domino server processes. . {Frowns}Hnh. DVD, Game Boy Advance, iPhone, Game Boy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. *game trains you to constantly skill check everything*. Go quiet. SPECIAL This comes to fruition later in the theatre where he says something along the lines of "Now here's where being my partner pays off" and explains about how to access the sierra madre's vault, as well as a little extra lore. If Christine's throat surgery was your plan, too late, she's dead. < Weighing the player's offer, makes sense. {Beat, under his breath}Now, everybody and their mother can walk right in, thanks. What, after your sweet-and-ruthless talk when we first met, now you care about my safety? The Sierra Madre's last song, one only a few people are ever going to hear. I hope. This heist? {Grumbles}Should have blown up that seat cushion right when they sat down, would've been a better end than this. Forced to stand and wait in a dangerous area, but confident in the player. Needing a replacement for Keyes' part of his plan, Domino finally found an opportunity when Christine Royce was captured by Dog and brought to the Sierra Madre. What's next, if we're death-til-we-part? {Uncertain of controls}Is is this thing on? Acting so self-righteous, like nothing could touch him. {Dean gets deadly serious here, his fear should foreshadow end of Act 2}Whatever we do - don't rile them up. He was the one with the problem. Controls the platform statistics data at the console. Trust me - as soon as you can, run to the door to the {emph}left - use the key you got out of the music rag there, and camp out. The fallout wiki usually has the answer to questions like this. Talk about a captive audience. He stubbornly refused to let go of the Sierra Madre's treasure, having become obsessed with it, and so spent the next two hundred years evading and mapping out the casino's security system, while plotting his grand heist, oblivious to the fact that Sinclair had long since discovered Domino's plan and prepared a trap within the casino vault. If you have a browser and want to manage and view settings for a Domino server, you can use the Domino Web Administrator to perform most of the tasks that are available through the Domino Administrator. Nothing seemed to shake him. Not sure it applies to them. {Reflecting}Christ - Madrid. Good thing, someone walks in here, they're toast. Topics in this section describe the tools you can use to administer a Domino server. I found some medical records in the Villa Clinic. {Dean Dead: Narration, a little wistful at the memory}Dean Domino, entertainer, singer thief had his last show on the Sierra Madre stage. Grew over the years, even without cars or factories. Use this information to configure an IBM Domino network, users, servers (including Web servers), directory services, security, messaging, widgets and live text, and server clusters. While Domino was quite irritated by this, it was the fact that Sinclair, despite suffering several quite severe financial losses throughout the 2070s, still maintained an unwavering optimistic and easy-going attitude that especially triggered his ire. {Dean, irritated that the player is still alive, taunts his/her resolve.}. Not sure what a hornet is? So as long as I make sure I don't run for the exit {Uneasy}What what now? Either deal with me as an equal, or I walk. Tries to calm himself down in the middle of being pinned down. {Shakes head, thought he saw something}Sierra Madre's playing tricks with me now. I found one of your stashes. I switched on two Holograms to cover the courtyard, those should protect you. Edited by enclave1488, 02 March 2011 - 07:59 am. {Salida/Puesta}Check the fountains, might have some wishes er, chips we can snag. You got a point. My advice? {Beat}Heh, almost got you killed there. [SUCCEEDED] Yeah maybe the drain in power, that'll cause the security systems to shut down enough to let us in. If they survive the Cloud, the Ghost People, the traps, then greed takes over, and they start sizing each other up for funeral suits. It's all you've wanted, just hang in there. I still feel safer with a pair of Hologram escorts to make it through the area. {THEATER: Dean fight}This is where it ends, Dean, give up. Unfriendly crowd tonight, in a lethal way - if you could calm the house down, I'd be grateful. {Irritated}Of {emph}course, it was getting too quiet. Sure, mine activated but it feels different, the electronic tapdance inside. You want to live, I want what's in the Madre. You wouldn't dare. Dean is hiding in the backstage, and will need the Player's help to get out.>. Forces the internal Domino time to be set to the operating system time. {Frowns}Might have gotten taken away, like I did? I give you this key, and there's nothing to keep you from just killing me and running. If he isn1t sitting in his armchair you can't re-initiate the first conversation where you turn him hostile. I made other keys, too, to unlock the casino and ruin Sinclair, finally. . He vanishes into the stage's scaffolding/hallways to hide away from them - Holograms are on>. 2. {Slight exasperation, as if he's thought about this a lot, then tries to recall Hamlet quote}Friend "there's more mysteries in heaven and earth" wait, no, "there is more between heaven and earth" oh, forget it. If the Hologram systems still work, that'd do the trick. I mean, we don't even {emph}need her if you get the terminals live, and the music kicking. Get me out of here, they've got me trapped! It's the barter checks you need to avoid, as these basically make you say 'I'm in charge, not you ghoul boy.' Residential area, clinic, police station - should keep away from the police station, it's a Ghost People hangout. Oh, looks like you already forced the gate. {Beat}Well yeah, that's pretty good protection. Now get going. {To himself}Teach me to hold my cards a little closer to the chest whole heist was a gamble anyway. I always chose the Explosives option and during the rest of the game was pretty much friendly toward him. So here's the short of it - piece together Little Miss Vera Keyes' song in the right order? [5] Although his ability to obtain the treasure may have diminished with this development, his lust for it most certainly has not. Up here. It's a {emph}bomb. I managed to keep everyone alive. A Domino server command can contain up to 255 characters. {Brushoff, needs player to leave}I'll be fine, don't worry about me. First, they figure they can get out, escape. The Security Holograms shoot on sight, and you can't even hurt them. He just keeps griping about being second fiddle for being asked to hold the wires. Don't like the way this guy is looking at me. About this task You can invoke the cconsole program multiple times. So, yeah, run to the door on your right. {Likes PC}All right, I'll head out and see what I can do on my end. Displays the history of the expansion factor and the availability index (AI). Class Covering more than 26.800 Games, this database represents You standing there is making me nervous. Looting one of Dean's stashes. At least he had the sense to know his own name, without carving it into his chest. {Frowns}What are you talking about? {Slightly sad for a moment}Over the years, it kept climbing up out of the Sierra Madre, until it was curtains for the sun. {Beat, frowns}Well, so much for that idea. Let's hear 'em. Domino introduced them to each other as part of his plan to break into the casino vault, where he would take whatever it was that Sinclair had there that was so important. She was a classy woman, good singer, and if she couldn't act her way out of a box she was Sinclair's world, and that's all that mattered. Health regeneration (1%) Don't believe me? Shes literally the only character who I keep alive every play through. Sends a message to specified users, to users of a specified database, or to all users of a specified server. Even when you first showed up in the Villa, you didn't threaten me. The Villa provides even if it's not as glamorous as the Cantina Madrid. Good thing {emph}I was distracting them while you flicked them off. It was something of a leap in the dark on his part, as he actually held some doubt towards Royce making the intended recovery from the procedure. You bet. A Domino server command can contain up to 255 characters. Good, go, and don't get yourself killed - do that, and we're both done. I was able to snag the voice, {beat downnote}or thought I had. It's an emergency. Hands are clean, then smooth sailing to the Sierra Madre. So if you're {emph}that good, don't aim for the head - aim for their bombs. Dead giveaway. That's why I have explosives all over this place - unless you blow them up, chop them up, disintegrate 'em, {shakes head}the Ghost People don't go down. I prefer the gentle touch but all right, it's your show. . Lounge singerThiefCompanion [FAILED] The hand's been dealt, {emph}that's the deal. So much for back-up plans. " Dean Domino Strike Up the Band is a quest in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Dead Money . The only companion I had to kill was Christine since I threatened to throw her back in the auto-doc. Two minds b/c Dog (Strong Man) has multiple personalities. [SUCCEEDED] {DUPE: Reluctant, convincing}Well yeah. Contents 1 Quick walkthrough 2 Detailed walkthrough 3 Quest stages 4 Notes 5 Gallery Quick walkthrough You hear me down there? Look, I'm not trying to hurt {emph}you. Gender {Beat}Talk about being a second stringer. {Beat}If you need to take a breather from the Cloud, this is a good spot. Great, spilling my guts out to everybody. From the Domino Administrator, click the Server - Status tab. I {emph}planned all this, I {emph}made it all happen, not you! GECK race Even after his life kept getting dragged through the dirt. I'm positive you have it. Know anything about this Gala Event we're supposed to trigger? Although it's odd, the bomb collars weren't linked before like they are now. {Relieved to see a familiar face}You partner, are you a sight for sore eyes. He's never been hostile towards me, or anything. Why it sure is interesting. Lousy acoustics. What, so you don't forget your name? Med-X was her thing, even Superstimmed herself for the after-rush. {Beat, slight anger}Whatever. I'm just going to catch my breath a bit. Oh, my left - your right. {Beat, to himself}Well, if the sun ever touched here. {Remembering}And there was a speaker in the prop room, too - on the wall between the entrances. Sounds like you need your hearing checked. Despite not having ears to hold them up, Dean is able to wear, When asked about the nature of the ghost people, Dean will attempt to quote (though incorrectly both times) the famous exchange between. He builds this place for her, like some kind of Cleopatra obsession. Also, there's other recipes you can do with the Cloud Residue although it might take a hardier survivalist than me to brew them. There are two remote consoles available from the Domino Web Administrator: the Quick Console and the Live Console. {Normal tone}The right tone and phrasing well, that may take some time. Rhonda? Whoever it is, they're gone. All right, you're good. See you soon, Dean. [FAILED] Yeah, you're a gambler. Blue http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/44653/. Sierra Madre Hurry, would you? And well, walk slow - there's bound to be more. {To casino}Hello, beautiful. Reproduce the issue. Tell Dean to stay in position and fire off his part of the Gala Event. NVDLC01DeanTheaterToSelfPlayerHatedTopic01. I could twist her whatever direction I wanted. Yeah. And if you have any bright ideas about telling me to stroll over there - or leave me there? Just one last little job, a little less dirty, a little less messy. {Gently bringing it up, worried she remembers him}Eh those scars? {Defensive}I still need to eat. Now, now you can't pull one over on Dean but you tried, didn't you? {Smug, dismissive}Way I figure it, you'll try and run for the exit, and only I know where the key is - and where the safest place in the whole theater is: backstage. Lotus Domino Console Commands - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Let Dean know it's safe for him to get to his Gala position. Displays a list of open databases on the server and detail information for the databases. Really? {Shakes head, disappointed in self}Should never have set that radio signal on repeat. {Frustrated, under his breath}Batting a thousand, that's us. This feature is available only for UNIX platforms. {Frustrated, under his breath}Can't believe I left the apartment for this. Everybody else all right? Exports a specified document (noteid) from the Domino Directory (NAMES.NSF) to dxl format and saves the dxl file to the Domino data directory. Well, Vera's beautiful voice doesn't run on casino power, exactly. I asked her, she said yes, then she started to get cold feet. Hope you've got this one under control because he's giving me a nasty itch on my trigger finger. when he dead press ` and do player.placeatme xx0012fe 1 (the xs men where the dlc is in he load order i would just go 01, 02, 03) then hit enter or if you have his body press ` hen thype in resurrect and hit enter. All right, let me grab some smokes, and I'll meet you at the Fountain. Displays the server name, the Domino program directory path, and the status of the active server tasks. The Domino Administrator is the administration client for Notes and Domino. {1st Time Switching Station: Mumbling to himself}Got a worse grease smell down here than Danny Parker's hair on Opening Night. Now that I'm inside well, I don't need you anymore. All I need to do is kill you, then make a run for the exit. I could probably kill one. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. He's not dead it's a trick. The Sierra Madre. Ref ID Why would you NOT want to kill that rude motherfucker? {Salida/Puesta}{To himself, irritated}Ghost People. You sound awfully eager to kill someone whose life is tied to yours. Yeah, the woman, the Starlet, Vera - her voice. Figured I could pay Sinclair back, introduce the two {To himself}guy was a slouch in the dame department, had to pick up the slack somehow. His ego is very fragile, and the player is encouraged to take care not to bruise it when dealing with Domino, lest it carry dire consequences down the line. What, we going to get into a shootout soon, or? {Disdainful}Sure, nice words, nice promises not worth a dime out here in the shadow of the Sierra Madre. I would very much like to complete the quest, but I cant . I don't need much. They hear anything out of the ordinary, especially "music" screaming through the speakers when I close the connection? He had to admit, it had been built to last. Guess they skedaddled. {Grumbles to himself}Didn't realize there was so many holotapes of her still around, otherwise eh, never mind. Reports the amount of memory being used by monitors. Dean Domino, also known as the King of Swing, [1] is a famous pre- War lounge singer, now ghoulified and trapped in the Sierra Madre Villa in 2281 . Dean challenges, in an act of desperation, the player to come down and hunt him. Vera? You're not the one who has to sit up here and wait for the Ghost People to show. Dean is dead, narrating what happened to him at the end of the game when the end credits play. What, some kind of surprise to you that I knew people once? Causes a damaging numbing affer-effect. {Smiles}After that smooth sailing. {Slightly irritated, still superior}Now, now that's {emph}my room. However, he was captured by Dog, fitted with an explosive collar, and forced to work for Father Elijah in breaking into the casino (and already managed to trigger the Gala event at least once for him). {Beat}Or sucker. {Irritated}You'd think it was Spring the way tourists keep rolling in. Sinclair left that for doctors and trained professionals, not the common folk. It sucks, I know, I've been there myself. I go back and I cannot tell him the holograms are on and hes safe. But accidents happen, not you second stringer } planned all this, I be! I 'm not trying to hurt { emph } made it dean domino console commands happen, good for her she... Hiding in the prop room, too - on the wall between the entrances especially `` music screaming... Touched here the roof with the marker is to the Sierra dean domino console commands, Dean. the answer questions! Wanted, just hang in there when we first met, now you care about safety... 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Have thought on and hes safe it ends, Dean makes a about... Armchair you can & # x27 ; t re-initiate the first conversation where you turn him hostile do. Apartment for this may take some time by avoiding any intelligent dialogue him! The prop room, too - on the server - Status tab PDF (.
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