Expand thats what i am talkin about! Support When the team is in possession, they will drift into a central midfield position or be just in line with the midfield and act as a creator on the ball. Copyright 2004-2022 fmscout.com. Please, support us by turning it off for our site. The goal is to find space and use it to the best advantage whether that means to pass to them or not use them at all. This means creating opportunities for crosses, through balls and maybe long-distance shots. So the attributes ratings table is real deal. I think our Chinese colleagues gave us the answer to this very question. FM22 Training Schedules Download How To Install Use the download button above then extract the file using WinRAR for Windows or Archiver for Mac and extract to the file location below: \Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\schedules If you simply drop the file in the Ratings folder, you can simply click "Rating" in Genie Scout and the file will be there to select. You can also use the values in the above table as attribute weights to calculate the weighted average value of the attribute, and then calculate the "tactical real CA" tactical real CA = attribute weighted average *20-121. Wigo said: i get it, but can you upload filters for the game not for Genie scout? The limitation of this work is that it is not positional. Just search for players with a good level of acceleration and pace, and a minimum of other important attributes (jumping reach, stamina, anticipation, concentration, dribble (front players) and work rate (back players)). Here is the download link to my updated ratings file for Genie Scout.https://www.dropbox.com/s/r55jwbdutrq19n6/MDW22.grf?dl=0You should save the standard FMGS ratings file before loading and changing this file so you can reload the default if you are not happy with my ratings.The standard place for Genie Scout ratings files is C:\FM Genie Scout 22g\Ratings. Whilst I balanced this years edition, the weightings have been changed to this years testing. Keep in mind that mine considers only FM-Arena results, it doesn't count weights or other things that mark uses in his formula, so it's up to you to decide what suits you the most.Like Mark said above, it's hard to decide that because values can be different depending on the league. Cover This role will make your defender play more as a sweeper, they will drop back a bit further then your defensive partner(s) and sweep up balls and mark overlapping players (has to be made specific with tactics). Support The player will press higher, looking to win the ball higher up the pitch and be more supportive in counter attacking or retaining possession. Defend There is just one role for this position, and it makes sense considering their role. These are technical (or goalkeeping for goalkeepers), mental and physical. Interesting work I think. Eccentricity is an exception to most other attributes as a high rating is not necessarily good. In order to properly assess a players ability from his attributes it is important to understand how each attribute affects a players performance and how the different attributes relate to each other. Attack They runs in the attacking role will be more directed at the opposition defense, dragging along extra defensive players to make a killer pass, cross or potential shot while still running into the opposition final third. I have a very busy weekend unfortunately. This question comes up a lot on the forum. The cost-effectiveness of each position can be measured by the attribute tactical real CA weight/attribute CA weight. The player attributes can broadly speaking be split into two different types; relative and absolute attributes. Contents. So as to guide the selection of materials.2. And acceleration seems weakest now? : That's just my setup, Mark could very well be much better. As such, explanations of all the attributes visible on a players profile, as well as some hidden attributes, are provided below. he can be a beast according to those attributes for very cheap i can upload my filters for you to check as a fm files hope you get it feel still kind off dizzy after new years celebration Expand Upload it please, here you go mate https://www.mediafire.com/file/tdd07q0z4zh29me/Power+attributes+2.rar/file. A player's attributes represent his skills and are the most important factor in determining his performance. Defend They will sit deeper, focusing more on defensive duties depending on the formation and structure of your tactic. Attack Attacking is the only real role of the Shadow Striker, well they do press the opposition that is only from the front and they do not drop back as in other roles to support the play. Support This role will make the player focus a bit more on creative play or being the forward catalyst in creating or starting the attack. They are split into three categories on each players Profile screen. I never knew about this website lol You must log in or register to reply here. It gives you a quick way to identify the best position for each of your player and the squad depth within each of the positions on the pitch. Sofor me personally very difficult to understand how come in the game of shooting the ball in to the net finishing is not making difference :/. Become a part of our community today, and you'll quickly realise that our Football Manager community is the best community. What does that mean for individual training in general? Defend The primary play with the defending role is to be a screen and insurance for the defensive players behind this player. Defend Again another duty with just a defensive role as they dont adventure forward and are on the pitch to aid the defensive first and foremost. Automatic This role will set your Full Back to swap between the three above roles based on the team mentality. Support A more balanced role between moving forward with the attack and supporting the defense when necessary. Player Roles & Duties | Football Manager 2022 Guide Guide to player roles and duties on Football Manager. They do not venture too far out of their box when in possession. I would also like to derive the positions not covered.I will have a play and update it next week. A player with 20 in every attribute would get 100% for all positions. There are 2 very important pieces of work on this subject that should inform your decision. Stamhey, just wanted to let you know that we have a fb style chat for our members. Mental attributes: Aggression, Bravery, Determination and Work Rate. For those attributes, I assumed 0 in the table means -100 rating, and 100 in the table means 0, since the highest the value, the more desirable it should be, and vice-versa. Defend This duty will make the player focus more on the defensive side of the game and support attacks but mostly just from passes. Attack The Full Back will start to diminish their defensive responsibilities and focus more in overlapping (or underlapping if tactics permit) the midfield and will look to provide crosses immediately into the box or killer balls across or in front of the opposition penalty area. For example Acceleration - default PPM was 1.648, reducing Acceleration by 4 points resulted in 1.039 PPM. The speed of movement towards the ball is not affected by Rushing Out, but instead by Acceleration and Pace. This gives a sense of the value of each attribute for each position.I have used these pieces to calculate values or weightings for the Genie Scout tool. 5) Different tactics have different requirements for the attributes of players in each position. At some stage I intend to complete last years save. How well a goalkeeper can communicate with defenders and organise the defence. The focal attacking force looking to create and score and is the main driving force in advanced play. I've been picking players with accordance to the attributes rating table for long time and it's been working like a charm to me. This gives a sense of the value of each attribute for each position. It was put into a test league for 100,000 matches. Support The supportive role sees them work between being a midfield and the traditional work along with their role and their contribution further up the pitch. The other important work is the position weight table originally posted at FM Scout. However, unlike standard central defenders - the Wide Centre-Back is encouraged to stay wide in position and support the midfield more like a full back. I have adjusted the weightings this year to try and align all the positions, as previously the ratings were skewed with Wingers having a much higher rating.A reminder here that Genie Scout doesn't take into account the positional ability of players in their ratings calculations. In addition, the Attribute Combinations guide explains how attributes combine to give a player different abilities and discusses in more detail how to assess the abilities of your players. Defend This role will make the player focus more on the defensive midfield actions; sitting deep, tracking midfield runners and passing lanes and controlling the temp and pace of your team. Secondly, if you're using this already, some traits won't work for the role as it will still depend on the duty e.g. Attack Similar to the above but they will make their presence more known by forcing the opposition wide player(s) back with their attacking forward movement or overlapping/underlapping runs into the box once laying off the ball to a central player (your tactics permitting of course). Last years testing on FM Arena indicated the following penalty for the positional ability of players. Stopper Similar to the normal Central Defender role, they will close down players before getting into the box. How accurately a goalkeeper can throw the ball to teammates. To ask FM Arena to test for the variation of attributes by each position would be a massive task as it would be a table of more than 800 test results instead of the current 35. The results of the next iteration training are used as the basis for the new engine and new tactics, and the results in the new environment can be obtained quickly by iteration. Support The standard role in playing as a Pressing Forward as the player will be riskier in trying to bring players into the game with more divisive passes and runs. Attributes are rated from 1 to 20 - with 20 being the highest rating to 1 which is the poorest. Defend The same role as the Central Defender, staying in line with their defensive partner and break up attacks. You can use these filters for comparison of players when you are buying players or to determine the best player for each role in your tactic from your squad. But I think if you wanted to use one of the ratings files above, I would go with the ZaZ -50. It works with a 1 - 20 scale where, the higher the number, the more competent a player will be to perform. The first is the attribute testing done by @Zippo https://fm-arena.com/table/13-fm22-attributes-ratings/. Essentially the perfect deep counter-playmaker who constantly works to create openings, space and passes for further forward teammates. he can be a beast according to those attributes for very cheap i can upload my filters for you to check as a fm files hope you get it feel still kind off dizzy after new years celebration, Wigo said: guys what you think of that way? Like our Facebook page & Subscribe to our YouTube channel! Defend - The player is more like a traditional centre-back in a back five. 'The Advanced Forward's main role is to lead the line and look to spearhead attacking moves.' Support A perfect description of the Regista, an aggressive supporter from the deep midfield position. So I have attempted to blend these to get to a result that we can all use. I suspect they will be fine for last years game but I haven't tested it. It does need balancing to make it more usable though. The other important work is the position weight table originally posted at FM Scout. Support Supportive role means the wingers will cut into the middle which will open up space outside. The calculation was 1-(1.039/1.648) or 36.95%. However, there are some exceptions where a lower rating may be preferable. Support Only one real role and that is the duty of a Roaming Playmaker. This years testing was just on the difference between Natural and Accomplished (see the Attributes Testing table for results) and it showed a similar impact of around 8.5% penalty this year.The calculationI first calculated the proportional impact each attribute had in the FM Arena testing. There should not be major discrepancies between positions ie you should be getting most positions covered in the top 50 or so top players.I have done a quick run of the top score for each position:All that means that the ratings weightings for each tactic in the Genie Scout Rating file setup needs to be adjusted.Secondly, and to try and answer @ZaZ request above, I compared the current ratings for all ratings files against the performance of my Swedish Second Division South Svealand side Tyreso FF. login or sign up to start chatting. wow lots of info, hard to understand everything but in excel sheet but as i understand it shows that for example composure is most important for CD(80) and DM(60) and for rest of positions are not so important? On the other hand, the value of attributes changes from one FM release to the other. You can use these filters for comparison of players when you are buying players or to determine the best player for each role in your tactic from your squad. Is this the correct way to do this? OK so I had a quick play with the ratings files. I have a copy so can make it available if anyone forgets and wants it. This shows the testing of each attribute in FM22 and the impact of reducing the attribute score has on results. I think this needs a little work to balance out the ratings. 1) Import the FFMAnalysis view into Football Manager (Custom > Import View > FFM Attribute Analysis 2023.fmf) 2) Press CTRL + P and save as a web page in your preferred location. Is there a guide out there for the key stats needed for each position? In addition I have used 2 main tactics, Dragons Breath that uses an MC instead of AMC, and ZaZ Blue DM, but given the ratings files don't all have MC ratings I just used AMC.To answer @ZaZ question the ZaZ-100 ended up equal with MDW in picking 8 of the best 11 positional players. He did a test and set all the "unimportant" attributes ( according to the attributes rating table ) to 1 and few important to 20 and he easily won the EPL. This is the FM Genie Scout filter based on the study of ykykyk05251 for best attributes for each position of Blue 3.0 RPM (aka Blue DM). Stopper The stopper is the defender who will step up a bit more and close down players, marking earlier in the defensive plays. Roles: He did a huge post about it on the Korean FM forum. i made filters for every position first i add all skill attributes of every position what is required for example for advanced forvard i add all skills what is marked in game as important atributes then i look at "test excel sheet" and then adjust those skills how it shows like finishing 8, dribbling 8,acceleration 10 and so on you can add + or - in filter search depending on your strong of team i am testing now and it works incredibble! Rarely will they roam from deep and create passes from there, rather sit and defend then pass on. I have a very busy weekend unfortunately. What do I mean by this, well have a look at the screenshot below. I share these ratings to try and help the people who were looking for a way to put the attributes testing into use by each position.And it certainly isn't essential to use my ratings to be successful in the game. We use artificial intelligence to study the importance of attributes. I have only used ratings for the position selected. The role also involves being a distraction as well for the opposition defence. I hope this helps someone.Enjoy. Nov 9, 2020 FM20 Player Positional Ability This guide explains how a player's positional ability works in Football Manager. Here are the results:Disclaimer: I have used players out of the positions identified in the results, but in the main they have played the positions indicated. AMC Attack The attacking role best suits the Trequartista as it defines their role. Dec 18, 2020 FM21 Goalkeepers in Football Manager This guide will explain the role and attributes of a goalkeeper. How likely a goalkeeper is to perform unexpected and risky actions. Expand It's for Genie Scout. As it sits it favours Strikers and AMs too much and there are no GKs anywhere to be seen. JavaScript is disabled. The weightings have only been developed by position and not across all positions so need adjusting in terms of weight for each position. For example:- 12 acceleration and pace, 11 for dribbling or work rate, 8 for other important attributes.- 14 acceleration and pace, 12 for dribbling or work rate, 9 for other important attributes.- 16 acceleration and pace, 13 for dribbling or work rate, 10 for other important attributes.For transition players, like wingbacks or defensive midfielders, use both dribbling and work rate in the same value as other important attributes.P.S. ZaZ said: It's for Genie Scout. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Stopper They will push ahead and look to stop the ball or close down players before getting into the penalty box. Generally speaking, Managers, Assistant Managers and Coaches excel in one or two segments, with them being: Attacking - affects . i mean i am finding cheap players who are performing amazing! The test only deducts 4 points from the attribute to study whether it has an effect on the outcome, but sometimes, 4 points have no effect does not mean that 8 points have no effect, and there may be 2 points. The study used machine learning to get the weights.Keep in mind that two attributes of the table have ranges from -100 to 0 in FM Genie Scout instead of 0 to 100: eccentricity and punching tendency. I recommend the g version which requires a small donation. I suggest you call it something like FM22 Default (mine is just called Football Manager 2022).Then load my rating file.Now your Genie Scout should show ratings as per my calculations. Player Roles & Duties | Football Manager 2022 Guide. Detailed information about each role. Keep in mind that they are not a defensive anchor however unless their attributes, personality, traits, your tactics and more guide them in that direction. To this years testing terms of weight for each fm22 attributes for each position and not across all positions 1! Essentially the perfect deep counter-playmaker who constantly works to create openings, space passes! Make it more usable though: i get it, but can you upload for. Full Back to swap between the three above roles based on the team mentality mental and physical main. A test league for 100,000 matches to get to a result that we have a copy so can it. 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