But at the same time, in 2p there are less elites and more space in scenarios, which means if you do have a good melee ally, you're actually really good with Visage (your best pre-9 card), which could even shoot her up to a 3-4. Besides, Red Guard has a good initiative to use its shields, tank up properly, and not be useless. Im a huge fan of the Add Target perks. Besides that, it is not a great late-game class as it has a lot of timing issues. They should be enough to keep up with your allies. With a starting health of 6 and a maximum health of only 14, you dont want to be taking any hits as this class. As a support class, youll see there are a fair few abilities that help your allies like Bless, Strengthen and recover cards. The Shield perk is also one to grab if youre tanking. If this article helped you, Id be honoured if youd say, Thanks! with a 3 coffee on Ko-fi. Savvas devote their lives to the mastery of an element, but if they fail, the chest cavity that houses their energy is shattered and they become exiled. Just be careful to keep enough hit points back to tackle retaliation. Its a loss card, but well worth it. Its also set to get a sequel in Frosthaven, which has just become the most-funded Kickstarter boardgame of all time. The Elementalist deck is incredibly versatile. The Berserker has 10 health at level 1 and increases to 26 hit points at level 9. Only a few other classes reach close to these rankings, each changing as the player count increases. The Nightshroud is an extremely powerful class. It is a solid B-tier class. In other words, it is just slightly game-breaking and is an awesome class to play with. VoidWarden is another C-category class. gwiorek. Youd better hope that you have a tank in your group! The Doomstalker does have some summons and depending on how you want to play the character, you could try a build with a summon focus. In the discussion above, we tried our best to give you a detailed overview of all the 22 classes in Gloomhaven. I'm a devoted videogame fan who became a journalist at TopTierList to express my passion for vast fictional worlds in words. Additional elements are fine, but there arent a huge amount of abilities which consume elements in her deck. It also has a fast initiative, and he has got a couple of good late initiatives. At first glance, the 9 card limit makes it look like youll be exhausted really quickly. You need to be adjacent to an ally to pass them a medical pack. Starting at 8 and going up to a maximum of 20 you wont be an effective tank. There are also several abilities which allow allies to deal more damage. The Glass Hammer and Unbridled Power combo is very powerful and they are both level X cards. However, they cannot compete with S-tier classes. When attacked, the attacker gains Disadvantage on the attack. Every. But if you have the knowledge and want a challenge, then by all means give the Spellweaver a chance. The Beast Tyrant is no exception. So yeah, you probably wont be going first or even second most of the time. Add two to your attack modifier deck. (Ads keep this site free!) Well focus on how each class rates when you play with only two people or the total cohort of available players of Gloomhaven. The Sunkeeper, Soothsinger, Sawbones, Doomstalker, Spellweaver, and Brute are all B-tier classes when you have only a few players. With Soothing Lullaby allies perform heal self 1 at start of their turns, with Tranquil Trill the heal value increases to 2. When it comes to B-tier classes, the considerations become too much to list, as you can play with these classes even if you are a party of two. Nightshroud is a bit of a lone wolf, not a character who will help anyone else. Then, because the basic damage is pretty low, getting rid of the -1 cards is important. This means that there are not many movement abilities remaining to collect loot. You can hit your target and escape before your opponent makes a move. What makes the deck awesome is the additional abilities granted by dark and invisibility. Like many classes, the experience points are on loss cards or experience is gained only when an ability is used in particular circumstances. Using up two elements to collect loot is very expensive! The Brute could be put in the B tier, depending on the scenario. Obviously the perks you choose depends on the build you want. Beyond that, his biggest issue is that his level-ups are mostly embarrassing. But it certainly does not mean it is perfect, and you are bound to agree with what we have stated. In a while, we will put all of Gloomhavens classes into five groups or tiers: S, A, B, C, and D. The ranking will be done based on each classs effectiveness. If complicated is what you're looking for, then the Mindthief is the perfect class to play. It is an awesome class, and it can do a ton of damage to multiple targets. The Nightshroud doesnt have any abilities to recover discarded or lost cards so a stamina potion would be a good idea. Harrowers are actually a swarmof insects who have merged into a hivemind capable of sophisticated thought. Summoner is the last B-tier class. You can use a very unique ability to sort that out if you need to be in the same room as your group at the end of a scenario. With copious amounts of hard CC combined with the ability to fill the monster deck with 10 Curses in 2 turns (post-4) and then make all their attacks have Disadvantage, your party members will view damage as a faint memory when she's in your party. And why would you want to go after anyone else? And it is fun, at lower levels. Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion - Voidwarden and Demolitionist (NEW!) So you can reduce scenario duration and complete the scenario before becoming exhausted. All Doom abilities are persistent and they are discards too so you can get them back after a rest or with stamina potions. Leather Armor. That being said, there are some characters that are undeniably better than others. When playing solo with a Tinkerer, I actually do my best to avoid getting experience on him because I believe it is optimal to keep him as low level as possible (my party will be stronger with a level 2 Tinkerer and a level 6 anything else than both of them at level 4, for example). Its good that they are pretty easy to understand because balancing your health will take all your brain power! Berserker - Lightning bolt A physical character who depletes her own health to boost her strength. Just make sure you have a stamina potion! Trying to play this class like a support is a trap (although this class can do amazing things supporting a tank class, but that's just with a one-off ability, not the focus of your play for the scenario). It is kind of a pain to deal with. Summarized by tier: 4p S: Three Spears, Music Note, Eclipse. Orchids are an ancient race that are mostly meditative, though somebelieve enlightenment should instead come from hard work and so traveled here to build settlements and raise livestock in the wilds. Minor spoilers regarding the flow of the campaign and some items, but no class spoilers. The Gloomhaven class tier list below is rated on a S > A > B > C > D rating system that is summarised below. Of the 15 level 1 and X cards there are 5 cards that have non-loss abilities on them. Pair that with a little armour and some defensive stuff, and you will be good to go. On the next two sources of damage to you from attacks, gain Shield 1. Beyond getting in front of monsters quickly, the movement abilities will help you to offset the -1 to all your moves that the Defensive Stance card gives you. Ranking her for 2p is actually kind of wonky though - I put it at a 2 because she really needs a melee ally to be in top form and in 2p you're much less likely to have a melee ally. Your hit points are not amazing. You may want to save these low initiative cards for when you need to patch up an ally. So if you were going to get hit on your next turn you can do something before the monsters and get a turn in before them. You may use these HTML tags and attributes:
. Even at level 3 you have a 5 damage ability with a range of 3. This character tier list also assumes you are playing the base Gloomhaven campaign as these classes given the expansions change some mechanics (such as items) that influence their effectiveness. Your invisibility skills mean that you simply cant be touched. There is a good spread of experience points across regular abilities, loss cards and conditionally granted experience points (like if earth is in the room for example). As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This class is both better as a damage-dealer and controller when there are more enemies, meaning it scales up from a 3 to a 4 as party size grows. The Brute is the most average of Gloomhaven classes, not particularly good at anything but also not really bad at anything either. Youll be stuck with your -2 in your modifier deck, but it wont affect you too badly by the time youve grabbed the other number modifier perks. Go invisible and creep up on them instead! The Human Scoundrel is one of the six starter characters and arguably the most powerful. . Only four of them are 21 to 29. A physical character who depletes her own health to boost her strength. Its because movement is generally saved for getting into the right positions for abilities and adjacent monster bonuses. The only D-tier class in Gloomhaven is the Demolitionist. One of them is the main card it relies on, The Favorite. It allows you to heal yourself for 2 points anytime the monster you have marked with a Doom takes damage. Please see the. One drawback which brings it down to this tier is that it exhausts early quite a bit, making it less effective. He can even wound, disarm, stun, poison and muddle them! It deals base damage of 4 which targets all adjacent monsters. She only has one card with an initiative below 20, and thats 13. With 11 cards, the Sunkeepers stamina is ok. She has one traditional heal of 3, with a range of 4 thats on the bottom half of the Soothing Lullaby card. When playing in a 2p party, she's a bit weaker (but still slightly above average) because her support and tanking abilities are significantly less useful. So make the most of them. Instead, you place them to one side of your play area and they are available to you in addition to your regular cards. A versatile physical class who can also tank occasionally as well as support allies. There is also only one ability in the Quartermasters deck that is persistent and gains you an experience point each time your character token moves along it. Tier lists for Gloomhaven can be using the number system, letter system, or even the roman numeral rankings. But for others, this is just perfect. The biggest challenge these three provide is that they can make the game much harder for anyone playing it with you. Here is a list of all the scenarios in Gloomhaven. Further, the game is meant to be played in several different ways that will affect how you will use the available classes. I hope you can do a review of X at some point. Doomstalker - Angry face with spiky hair My brother and I play this game together and are currently playing Spellweaver and Cragheart, based on recommendations we saw here. The rest are locked in the beginning but can be unlocked later in the game. Realistically, your experience with this class can exist anywhere from 1 to 4.5 and it will just depend on factors I can't predict so I just tried to average them a bit. It will be more effective if the size of the party is small. Rank: 3. As a mostly ranged class, youre away from where the gold is dropped, you have very few movement abilities and only 1 loot ability. If you spot that a monster is going to be a problem, youll see how you can slow them down and stop them from getting to your most vulnerable allies. Seriously, go check it out! The Sunkeeper is an almost Paladin-like build, having high melee damage alongside excellent healing capabilities. These classes are a solid addition to any party. If you'd like to check scenario . Hit point wise, the Elementalist is vulnerable. But for now, we will place him in the C tier. Each party size (2, 3 and 4) is individually rated as this can have a dramatic impact on character effectiveness and allows you to build the best 4 player party, best 3 player party and best 2 player party. The Cragheart, Mindthief, Red Guard, Beast Tyrant, Berserker, and Plagueherald are all A-tier classes that are almost entirely consistent no matter how large your party is. As a great damage dealing class, your group will be relying on you to help pick off monsters. As a support and healing class, the Tinkerer is one of the most interesting classes in Gloomhaven. With that level of health you might immediately think tank! During retirement, you may even unlock one of the 11 'hidden' characters,some of which prove more useful to your team than others. I prefer the damage option with a few support actions here and there. You just wont be able to rush towards monsters when you enter a room. Starter classes get the short end of the stick to begin with and the Tinkerer gets the worst of it. It can wreck anything. So shes tougher to cause damage to as well. The 10 Most Expensive Board Games And Tabletop Games You Can Buy Today, 10Best Board Games For Monsters and Kaiju Fans. Having loads of summons charging in for you is cool. Traps are another thing that the Doomstalker can use. The Summoner has a few heal cards in her deck but youll probably need to use these for your summons rather than yourself or your allies. I have a similar article for the starting characters. The Plagueherald has 30 cards card to choose from in total. the most-funded Kickstarter boardgame of all time. The only other heal is at level 3. But remember youll only be drawing from your modifier deck when dealing damage. You want the room to be filled with elements so you can manipulate them as you see fit. Ive created a Soothsinger Support guide that follows the damage negation approach. Because youll be scooting around to get yourself into the right positions, it always feels like there arent enough movement abilities. We recommend that you consider these when playing with new players that have learned at least the most basic principles of the game. Thats just over a third of the 31 cards! The adaptable nature of the class makes them impossible to give up on with damage, shielding, and healing all within one character that can adapt to the size of the group, team dynamics, settings and encounters with opponents. 1 Rule Sumary. That is a curse for every monster. Turn. mykindofmeeple.com contains unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Wizards of the Coast Fan Content Policy. Similar Article: HOTS Tier List: Current Meta Heroes Ranked. She is mainly a melee class. Its dependent on how well you use the elements. The versatility alone makes this class one of the best in the game, at least to start off with. The Scoundrel class is very similar to playing a ninja or a rogue. It is a long-range damage dealer and can output good damage at a very long range, which is all this class has. If you love Gloomhaven as much as me, you might be interested in getting some accessories for it. Berserker and Quartermaster are among the top-performing classes. Tear the Fabric is a very useful ability that takes out all normal adjacent monsters with a hit point value of 5 or less. The Soothsinger has a low initiative and will generally take their turn before the other characters. This makes perfect sense because your support abilities often require you to be adjacent to allies. X is a value like the amount of damage you have taken, how many cards you have lost or the difference between your current hit points and your maximum hit points. Now that is an expensive perk! The go-to source for comic and superhero movie fans. The Soothsinger is the bard class of Gloomhaven. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. But he can output much damage, so we have placed him in the A tier. The Plagueherald is definitely better as a support class for a larger party of 3-4 players. He can remove negative effects from allies, shield them from harm and give his cards to other players that need them. If you start out at level 1 with no perks to increase your element generation, it always feels like there arent enough elements in the room. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Has anyone put together or looked at a tier list for the classes? She is a tank who can bless and buff allies. gloomhavendb/src/data/events.ts Go to file Go to fileT Go to lineL Copy path Copy permalink This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Because of all these reasons, the Demolitionist belongs to the bottom-most tier, the D tier. In higher player counts, it can get more difficult because of the inherent risks and occasionally foolishness of the bear, bringing this class back down to Earth (and probably making this class more like a 3.5 in a 4p party). There are only two ranged abilities in her entire deck and one of them is a loss. That shouldnt be too much of a problem though. Moreover, this class can also provide healing if there is a need. Also, scaling-wise, it is not so great. In a while, we will put all of Gloomhaven's classes into five groups or tiers: S, A, B, C, and D. The ranking will be done based on each class's effectiveness. Note that this guide contains various class spoilers and if you would rather choose a class based solely on an overview of their party role without significant spoilers or any references to their power level visit our Gloomhaven classes overview instead. Lets get into the details of it. These classes aren't bad or anything, they just perform a bit worse than most classes at most things in Gloomhaven, although they can still have some bright points. Is this the same Content Producer from Neural Net Games? However, the Summoner gets to deal additional damage each turn via their summons. A healing support class who can debuff monsters with melee. And why does challenging matter? There is another ability with move 5 and jump at level 4 that youll find quite useful. A level 2 ability on the Reforge card allows you to recover up to two of your discarded cards, and a level 3 ability on the Continual Supply card allows you to recover up to two of your lost cards. Gloomhaven_-_Interactive_Map_v1.0.pdf. Even the ones which move 5 or move hexes. You will level at a regular rate. I do believe this to be correct and have a high degree of confidence in my ability to evaluate something like this, but this is still just my opinion, not being presented as fact. and our So even if you start playing as her at a low level you can explore which summons work well for your group and play style. When it comes to Gloomhaven, some classes are better than others. Of the 30 cards, 13 of them have movement abilities to help you scoot around and get in front of monsters. The bear has high health, starting with 10 at level 1 and increasing to 26 at level 9. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. The Ignore negative item effects and add two +1 cards is brilliant if youre tanking to avoid the heavy armour penalty. Contents 1 Gameplay 2 Starting Classes 2.1 In Gloomhaven: 2.2 In Forgotten Circles: The Demolitionist is the only D-tier or useless class. and other aspects which make the sequel a completely different story then its predecessor. They have so much to concentrate on and so many options that you'll never get bored during combat. That's been a fantastic combo, since the Cragheart can do a little tanking, and both have a few heals. Wound and immobilize are great especially if you draw them for your bear when its tanking. It is fun to play with but can be a pain to play with because it goes invisible a lot. Firstly, I need to say that the colour of the Plagueheralds cards is beautiful. 1.1 Item designs. Berserkers arent known for being sensible! It allows you to distribute any damage taken by you and your summons however you like. The complex and moody dungeon-delver blends strategy, hand management, and legacy. The good news is that 1 experience is available on abilities that dont require special circumstances like a certain element being in the room for you to get the experience. Link to final Tier list image https://imgur.com/a/u3qgRtzHighlights from the live Twitch tier list stream with input from chat and the community Patreon for early access to videos https://www.patreon.com/mandatoryquestGrab some sweet merchhttps://www.mandatoryquest.comGH tools and resources spreadsheethttps://bit.ly/3me4u6pJoin the community discord https://discord.gg/NY84EeTFollow me on Twitchhttps://www.twitch.tv/mandatoryquestCheck out my socialshttps://twitter.com/MandatoryQuest00:00 Intro01:17 Boots / Feet slot07:20 Chest / Back slot14:52 Head slot22:01 Hands slot35:24 Small items49:13 Outro #gloomhaven #boardgames #cooperative Its a 2 hex loot which puts air in the room and gives you 1 experience point. Youll stand at the back firing arrows at your targets but as soon as they are down youll run forward ready for the next set of monsters. Character Sheets - Starting Classes. The cards encourage this and will emphasize dodging and speed among other things. Mind that range is king for summons. Your poison will eat away at monsters turn after turn, while curses overwhelm their modifier deck causing them to miss with increasing frequency. She has great damage, incredible CC, great mobility, and good flexibility to attack from melee or range after gaining some levels. It's a defensive tank and a healer, with the capability for large melee and ranged attacks. Ive written a Beast Tyrant bear build guide if you want to check it out! There are 11 unlockable classes in Gloomhaven. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Ton of damage to you from attacks, gain Shield 1 you and your summons however you like Gloomhaven some! 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