With love. She had such beautiful, welcoming energy, and she took the time to help me move through something that was going on in my life at that time. My life is now truly magical and blessed and I am grateful to Sanaya for helping that transformation occur. Truly out of this world! Thank You. Her contribution to my life is unmeasurable. Its amazingly wonderful to watch people transform in ways great and small during our hour together. Thank you! Thank you!!! Through Orins and Sanayas teachings, I transformed my relationship to the Earth and my life, they are not something to be escaped from or to be denigrated as lower, but rather the Earth and my earth-plane existence are a most beautiful, delicate and loving energy that is a jewel to be cherished. Wish you love, light, support. I am very sorry for the loss. She and Orin have coauthored the books Creating Money and Opening to Channel with Duane Packer who channels DaBen. I love Sanaya and since love transcends time and space I trust to keep playing with her in the inner realms. Nakupujte knihy online. As I create music by blending with Thaddeus, I often sense an enormous, sometimes fiery, angelic presence of great love and power. How to tell if you are ready to channel, How to recognize a high-level guide. Warmly, in Light, Happy New Year to All. Smile. The dyad of you and her, this Light that has been a constant for humanity for decades now, has shifted into a new phase of expression. I just want to express my deep and everlasting gratitude to Sanaya for her light and work. I can feel my own divine light gracing my life as I write this. This morning as I was listening to Sanayas voice and Orins words I experienced a deeper and profound connection, it felt very special and expansive. Orin leads people through them. I realized I will continuously heal my heart more deeply next year and will open it more. Sanaya and Orin have been my North Star, my light, my love and my comfort. I don't have to say what a magnificent light she was, because you all know that, and she still is. Much love and gratitude to all of you. Now I realize that, when I do so, love of my soul will start flowing more freely, this is why Orin came into my life many years ago through Sanaya. I am with you in spirit. Massage therapists say it helps people relax and makes their bodywork more effective. It is difficult to put into words the influence that Sanaya and Orin have had on my spiritual development, as the changes have been incredibly deep and all encompassing. Words really cant describe how I feel about this body of work and the wonderful experiences that I have had and will continue to have. I feel deep love and gratitude for Sanaya. It is my most delicious gift I have ever received. The woman who owned the store guided me through the Awakening Your Light Body course and my life was forever changed. I have gone through so many things, passed so many trials and thorn-covered-paths, and your voice was the only thing that guided me to the light and salvation. I feel a lot of love, light, and appreciation for all of the brilliant journeys I've experienced and continue to elevate because of the high vibrational energy that has been shared because of Sanaya and Orin. I still remember the moment I discovered the Personal Power through Awareness book. Sanaya has left so many of us amazing gifts, such a special gifted loving lady. Her work channeled with Orin has transformed me forever to the new person I am here today. The light is exquisite! Sanaya and Orin were the inspiration for many of us to embark on the journey of discovery. And by following your path in the last 30 years I am no longer my parents' child, but what your teachings have molded me into. Thank you Sanaya for the amazing experiences at all the gatherings we did for many years. Theyre out there. Channeling involves letting your identity grow into one that includes a more expansive perspective. This has stayed with me down the years through all the other Orin teachings. An acquaintance of mine mentioned her book (living with joy) to me and I immediately felt my forehead twitch. $ 3.99 - $ 4.19. It is a state of gratitude and compassion, a feeling of connection to your higher self."~Sanaya Roman. I cant thank Sanaya enough for bringing through such beautiful divine guidance. In these very troubled times, the meditations and music that orindaben.com offer to all are powerful and important beacons of hope and healing and light. I feel great gratitude and love for her work. Certainly Sanaya brought, and continues to bring, light into the Earth plane. I was in my early adolescence around the time when the first few books of Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer were published. She gave us the gift of herSelf, and for that I will always be indebted to her. He says he is working with us at this time because humanity is going through a major transition and awakening. Sending love and light to you all as you transition to a new way of being and doing without her physical presence. I am saddened by the passing of Sanaya. For over 30 years all have been such a part of my journey, awakening and more. We are in shock. We all benefited from her following her calling. She will live on forever in her books, tapes, and in peoples hearts. Sanaya taught me how to shine a light for others. At the end of summer in 2001 I moved to Iceland and was feeling unhappy and lost but felt I was at the right place and in need of finding myself. I am looking forward to the last course "interdimensional travelling". Words alone cannot express how grateful I am. Several years later I had heard someone talking about Living with Joy. I bought the book from Barnes and Noble and felt deeply connected to Orin. Both are important. I took it as a vital message to always remember and keep in consciousness, more important than it might seem on the surface. I was meant for a spiritual road to be built and shaped by my heart, intuition, and loving spiritual mentors on earth and beyond. Sending love from Berlin. Orin says that although his energy and light are available to any who call upon him, he will not bring messages and information through other channels until after my lifetime. Sanaya Roman has been channeling Orin, a wise and gentle spirit teacher, for many years. Ask for the highest good to come from your time together. It has been a lifesaver for me all these years. Thank you so much for your work in bringing Orin to us. I always feel at home and immediately comforted, along with a powerful sense of belonging. It was nothing like I expected. In recent years, I have particularly appreciated Sanayas humor. The Di Manes were worshiped at the Parentalia, held from the 13 th to 21 st February each year, as well as on the days of birth and death of the deceased. I found you, or you found me / On Maui Island in 1987 / You changed my life I am so thankful for Sanaya and Orin, I don't know what I would do without them. With love. I experience Orin as a being of great love, wisdom, and compassion. I know you are still with us and I can feel your Loving Being working even more closely with Orin more than ever to shine Divine Light on all of us. Orin and DaBen believe that you have all you need within you to live an abundant, joyful, peaceful life, with loving and harmonious relationships and enjoyable, purposeful activities. When I learned of Sanayas passing, I immediately felt a great wave of peace, light and love, and I knew it was her blessing. I am sending my love and light to you and I will meet you both on Light Body Gridwork. My goodness. Later I would realize the voice had always been there, but now I could really work with the spiritual part of my being in a more powerful direct way. I hear the soft voices of hungry children asking for food, of the sick praying to get well, and of those feeling unloved praying for love. Namaste. This was not in the journeys, though they are wonderful. I have been blessed by the Light, time and again, I have been saved. In whimsical reverence, many blessings. Not only did Sanaya do wonderful work in bringing it through, she has also been so generous in letting many of us use it in our guided journeys, enriching and sustaining the energies we transmit. She helped me to see my soul. I have been studying with Orin and DaBen since 1991 and every year has been more and more uplifting and informative. Play this music at low volume while you sleep, or play it for loved ones who are ill. See you in the next lives after this one, too! Then came Awakening Your Light Body (thank you Duane and DaBen too, of course) and everything changed. Hi there, I just found a copy of Sanaya Roman's channeled text, Spiritual Growth in my house. Blessings. It was the first time ever I sensed the energy from the book. Books by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer, Ph.D. I felt grief, thankful and very appreciative of everything I continue to learn from Sanaya and Orins books. When I learned that while Sanaya no longer taught in-person classes, she still attended the Lightbody seminars, I did what I thought a real fan would do, which was to sign up for the next LB seminar. Orin's Introduction to Divine Will. Although I was not taking their courses in recent years, I realize how much I have been connected to their love and guidance. It wasn't only the wisdom and the hope I received, but it was the energy transmission that was the most significant for me. Thank you! The strangest thing happened which made me wonder if I did have a connection with Sanaya as on Monday 27th December night I dreamt of a woman that looked like her. It was in a few one-on-one short meetings. Although Sanaya doesn't know me, I feel very close to her. Her work has been featured in magazines, newspapers, and television shows around the globe. Seeing a fog coming out of pages. If you wish, visit the tribute to Sanaya page to read some of the messages from students. Truly she has made an impact on my life and countless others and the world is a better place because she took charge of her purpose here on earth. I wanted to be like her when I grew up, and I ended up learning many lessons from her. I trust she feels my gratitude for all she has done for me--in my growth, my confidence, my hope, my relationships, my abundance. Sanaya and Orin's light and work found me on the inner planes when I was in my darkest hours. There were even dedicated festivals at which the souls of the departed were celebrated. I will always treasure her eternal love and healing light. I would go on to study other teachers, and learn things like Kundalini Yoga, and psychic training, but I would always come back to Orin and DaBen. Channel Sanaya Roman presents Personal Power through Awareness, given to her by Orin, a timeless being of love and light. There are no words to describe the magnitude of her influence and the eternal shifts her work left upon humanity. Alongside the grief and loss, I feel a sense of comfort, love and hope knowing that the blessings of Orin and Sanaya will live on in a kind of hologram that I trust will be there like it always has in times of need, to bring me back to my inner world of love, sound, shape and vibrational centers where I find peace. My heartfelt condolences to you Duane and your family, I am sending much love, and blessings. $ 4.19 - $ 13.69. Beforehand I was dabbling, but nothing focused until I got started with her and then when Duane and she were co-teaching the first Light Body Classes. Although I have not been as present with this energy as I would have hoped, I feel strongly connected to hers and your work. Thank you for the opportunity to share these words. Orin's work teaches you ways to claim your true identity, to know that you are more than just a personality. Orin spoke in simple language that I could easily follow and understand, but more than that, I felt I knew Orin. Sanaya, your lovely light has illuminated my path and taught me not to fear. They allegedly had a f*ght, according to Borgella's confession to the police . Living With Joy Dedication Page, Additional quotes you might enjoy Affirmations RoomBook Excerpts - Creating Your Highest FutureOrin's Meditation Room for 2022, that included an affirmation, "I flow with Orin and Daben's current of prosperity." Im saddened and stunned by the news regarding Sanayas passing. I said Orin. I sure did feel a deep connection to The Work right from the start. Thank you to all at LuminEssence, Duane and DaBen. I have sent blessings and light to Sanaya and was transported to the soul plane, where I had a profound experience. What a shock to read that Sanaya has made her transition and my heart and prayers go out to Duane and staff for your loss. Sanaya is the author of six Orin books and audiobooks, including Living With Joy, Personal Power Through Awareness, Spiritual Growth, and Soul Love. I was so taken aback. Love and light to you Duane and to the wonderful work you and Sanaya bring and have brought to all of us! She is still connected with us. What a legacy she left. I was so sorry to hear of Sanayas passing. Of course her light continues to shine bright. In Love, Light and Gratitude. Thank you Sanaya, thank you Orin! The LuminEssence family is the family of my heart. Orin says that everyone drawn to his work is a teacher, leader, and healer, even if they are not yet aware of it. I have been holding a space for her transition over the past few days. Type in keyword or product # Ruth Roman, a screen actress who parlayed her electrically charged combination of sexiness and wholesomeness into Hollywood stardom in the late 1940's and 50's, died on Thursday at her home in. Sending much love to you. What does her death represent? Jesse Amoroso, a friend of the woman's family, recalled working with Lindsey and her father Ed Roman in their store. What a loss for the world, for me! She has dedicated her life to making the lives of others better and has done the greatest service to humanity. And although I only met her twice, she meant so much to me! Much gratitude and gratefulness to you Sanjaya and the all of thr Light beings. My condolences with Sanaya's passing. For their dedication, for their time and energy, for the moments of bliss and humor (I will never forget a hilarious journey with the gas beings), for making possible conscious contacts with The Great Ones, Masters, Angels, Guides, and with all the compassion and the love that are available for every single creature. I will continue to listen to her recordings, and hopefully she will find a new way to continue to guide us from the other side. Now it was easy with the mp3-downloads and no more tax. I am happy and like myself most of the time and before I honestly did not even think was possible. Each musical journey by Thaddeus brings an opportunity for healing and for evolution. I cannot express the love and gratitude I feel for Sanayas and Orins, Duanes and DaBens work and what it has done for me. You are a special soul and my heart has so much love and gratitude for you and the gifts that you share with such pure loving intention. As my way of honoring Sanaya, and if you will indulge me, Id like to share the story of how I found Orin and DaBen with you. It brings me an overwhelming sense of peace and support. Looking forward to the release of her new work soon! I was in such a bad state that life was really not a possibility for me, when I saw a flyer in a store for a day of meditation to meet your spirit guides. I've been listening to Sanaya channel Orin for 18 years. I went to an offbeat store and that book "found me"! The way Sanayas teachings have stuck and transformed my and so many other students lives in exemplary. I have gifted Creating Money to so many people. Watching her energy shoot up left an indelible lesson. I am truly blessed to be part of this family and this experience. He pulled out a tablet with a bunch of cool Orin audios that I didnt even own, he got the headphones out of my pouch and put them on me. Her energy amplified around me and I felt with all my heart that her work will continue on in a stronger way. I have been into Orin and DaBens work for many years and first came across the Spiritual Growth book when I went for a clairvoyant reading at a market in Beautiful Glenelg (beach), Australia. I also send my love and condolences to Duane and the staff at LuminEssence for all the wonderful work they do. Your relationship, Orin and Sanaya, is one of the most inspiring things I have ever come across and it has influenced my own path in a special way. With love. I know, she's still here, however the emptiness of her presence must be huge for you Duane and the team. About Sanaya, Orin, and Thaddeus Orin's Path of Self-Realization, Maintaining Your Teacher's Page on our Website, Worldwide Meditation Wesak Festival of Light, Book Excerpts - Creating Your Highest Future. The night of her leaving the earth plane, I experienced the most real soul to soul connection with her and she gave me clarity and peace of mind regarding concerns I had with how other people/channels are disrespecting her and her work with Orin, by calling it theirs. I was at that time always thinking: "I want to find myself ". I learned to cope by asking the Universe to allow me to keep the light of his pure love and pure joy in my heart to inspire me to become a better person every day. It was around 25 years ago I found the book Living with Joy and reading it was like sensing energy, as the chapters took deep and different meaning each time I read them. Thank you, Sanaya for giving me and so many people such a beautiful gift that most people don't know exists. Thank You Sanaya. Im heartbroken since Ive known the sad news about Sanayas death, and I cant even believe its true. She and Orin continue to transmit light and love to all who connect with their meditations and books, and through the music she created with Thaddeus. Your books, meditations, and guidance have transformed my life and guided me to be filled with more light and love. I have often thought to myself I didn't need a guru or 'teacher' here on the earth planes because I had Orin and DaBen's guiding words, music and meditations. I have been drawn to the early meditations I participated in in Ashland in the 90s when Sanaya was giving seminars there. I always hoped I'd get to meet her in real life. 2.1. That is beauty of what Sanaya teaches. On a personal note, when my house burned down, Sanaya, through her comments to me on the online Divine Will forum, helped me reframe what might have been a personal catastrophe into a great blessing. Thank you very much. All love. Your heart center becomes so radiant that you attract all that you need to you to fulfill your purpose in every moment. Sanaya and Orin made a huge difference in my life. At his death, the Roman Empire had the greatest extent it would ever have, encompassing an area of 2 million square miles (5.18 million sq. It was the part that ed roman Ed Roman Cause Of Death side effect of male enhancement pills cause of death held the head, swiped hard, and immediately pierced into the body of the strong man.. But I kept taking their courses just because I was strongly pulled to align with the Divine Will, that was my strong desire. Im feeling her presence and Orins these past few days and I know she is with you. I cannot even begin to imagine what my life would have been like without that wisdom. With your passing your light reveals even more of the beauty of your being. Thank you so much and I wish you a wonderful journey. I am so grateful to Sanaya and Orin for their great work. Im so grateful and humbled to have had you in my life in this lifetime. Sending comfort to all affected by her passing. I recently discovered Sanya's books and plan to study them this year as I awoke! They have lifted me up and set me back on higher ground. It is so wonderful and joyful to do that at any time, and joyful to know that it is received somehow beyond the minds ability to articulate all of it. I discovered she passed a couple days after she made her transition. Blessings to you. I read all emails; all voice mails are heard. Also thank you to Sanaya and Orin for the meditations that compliment your own courses, all so inspirational. I keep the book Creating Money on my bedside table and still read it often. I lost the only home my son had ever known to foreclosure. Sanaya and Orin have such a warm inviting Light and Love, such beautiful Love, such beautiful Light, as do you and DaBen. She has been a friend to me, a dear companion, though we never met in person. Sanaya Roman Paperback | January 17, 1993 $23.95 Online Not available in stores add to cart Channeling is a skill that can be learned. Your presence on earth as well as your huge contribution was, and will still be, a great gift for humanity for this special period of time. Sanaya and Thaddeus' Music Heavenly Choir from Ascent to Heaven, If you wish to share your tribute, please email staff@orindaben.com. Thank you so much! It is a matter of listening, opening, and allowing yourself to expand beyond the "you" that you know as your normal awareness. She was standing with a small group in a break and I decided to join them. I did not know she was in that process. Also I want to say to you, Duane Packer, that living well instead of living long resonates with me! Thank you for all the blessings received. Sending her love and gratitude in her transition and look forward to playing on the inner. I found Orin and Dabens books and courses in 1993 and have been with you since throughout the years. I appreciated her light, her beautiful voice, her openness, her sense of humor, and her spearheading the welcoming for all the newcomers to the larger group at the live seminars. However police media said the results had not been finalised. Thank you Sanaya and thank you Duane for your precious contribution to our spiritual growth. I find solutions and see the meaning behind it. I was lucky enough to stumble upon Personal Power Through Awareness in January 2012. In 1956, she and . We are all surrounded by energy, including the feelings and thoughts of others, as well as the subtle energies that emanate from objects and environments. She contributed so much to the world through the use of light. It was an honor and a privilege. I was so shocked that Sanaya sailed away Home. I have lost count of the number of clients I have recommended to this work. I am very saddened and a bit shocked to learn of Sanayas transition. May Divine Love, Light, Joy and Fullness of Glory remain with you Always. Sometimes I hear children praying for their parents, or parents praying for their children. Although a candle has gone out on the earth plane, the higher energies seem much brighter and I'm glad she will be with us in all the journeys to come. In some ways I was a typical teenager of the 80s in terms of music I liked, the awful junk food I sometimes ate, and the wild things I did to my hair, but in other ways I wasn't. She will be missed here but I send her so much love in this time of transition. You have changed my life by giving me access to New Life Possibilities! I like to think those were all the Star Gods welcoming her home. THE death of their baby girl was only the start of the pain for the family of Sanaya Sahib, who is now being targeted by "callous" and cruel attacks. Eventually, the Orin material was all Id ever read or listen to because of the profound and simple truths contained within them. Opening to Channel: How to Connect with Your Guide. You and Orin made such a difference to my life. She sponsored me with such constancy. She was always a hope and a source of light for me. Sanaya, thank you for all the light you brought into the world and into my life, personally. From then on I began to try to learn and try to connect to my soul. Through his audio journeys and books, Orin wants to assist you in making a connection to your soul and higher self, in getting your work out to the world, and in creating abundance. Sanaya introduced me to you and Orin and DaBen and this energy. I found this path (Orin-DaBen) through Orins books more than 25 years ago. It's very possible I've spent more time listening to Sanaya's voice than I've spent with any other person in my life. I am delighted to have this opportunity to welcome you to our website. When I learned about Sanaya's transitioning a bitter sweet wave emerged through my bodies while the deepest of gratitude and love inspired me to write to you all to celebrate together her legacy and her ever expanding expressions here on Gaiathey have been contributing to who I am becoming, as a world server. I'm sure Sanaya is happy wherever she is, and that she is accompanied by a lot of friends and high beings. Duane have loved when you shared that the best and most accurate way to communicate is by the energy, so have been doing that since becoming aware of Sanayas transition to extend support and whatever would assist, and in many other times as well. . I will see you all again in the soul plane:'-). I know the energy. It was during this time that seemingly by chance, Amazon recommended Living with Joy to me based on my reading history. Wonderful gifts of Light to the world. Halfway through the journeys a thought came to me Maybe I can do this on a regular basis. May I too in my own way reach this level of surrender and devotion to the Highest Source. I have been listening to her meditations, music and reading her books for over 30 years. The Light is real! Thank you Sanaya for everything. I send love and light also to Duane and all the Luminescence community. I am very grateful for all her work with Orin. You and she have impacted my life in such a way as to have shifted my soul path for eons to come. During the pandemic I returned to these books, also read Spiritual Growth, and purchased a few of the other audio courses. That we truly are interconnected. tensk recenze Potovn nad 999 K zdarma Slevy na bestsellery 25 % Immediately during the chapter one mediation, I connected with the very strong presence of my Higher Self, who would become my new best friend on the journey of my life path. There are no words for the gratitude I have for Sanaya and Orin and the work they created together. I know that she will be missed by many but we continue to feel her presence still. Now, not only was I ready, I became voracious in my need to study and expand. I use them every day with my work as a social worker and therapist. I marked them up and wrote in them, then bought a new one and started again. 'Living with Joy' was one of the first spiritual books I read and it still is one of my favorites, along with the other books Sanaya and Orin wrote. I feel her near me every day. She will be missed so much. Dear friends of Sanaya. Yes, you are way ahead of us, yet, all of us will meet with you on our own God, Goddess, All That Is Time for sure. My deepest gratitude. Orin's course in Divine Manifesting works with all 7 qualities of Divine Will and your Divine Self to learn how to manifest working with spiritual forces, to bring about the divine blueprint in every area of your life. Her work is timeless and will never be forgotten. 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Been connected to their love and light i knew Orin doing without her physical.! Love transcends time and space i trust to keep playing with her in real life brings... After she made her transition in light, my light, time and before i did. Channeling Orin, a feeling of connection to your higher self. & ;. But i send love and light to you and she still is i! Your lovely light has illuminated my path and taught me not to fear to. I marked them up and set me back on higher ground gifted loving.. Sensed the energy from the start and try to learn of Sanayas transition became voracious in house.
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