Cardinal Javier Lozano Barragn, President of the Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care, gave a lecture in July, in Aachen, Germany, on "Pain, an enigma or a mystery?". Exodus 21:27. Cases include: Pain and suffering can be caused by injuries such as: Factors that affect the amount of a pain and suffering settlement include: In most cases the settlement you are seeking is paid by an insurance company and the policy limits control how much of a settlement they offer. There are as many evils as things that are wanting: an evil, according to its intensity, gives rise to pain, sorrow, depression, disappointment and even desperation; it exists in dispersion but at the same time entails solidarity. It prepares us for heaven by teaching us how unfulfilling life on earth is and helping us develop an eternal perspective. A doctor-patient relationship exists. It's difficult to put a value on a person's mental and emotional well-being because it's purely subjective. His suffering is redemptive; its depth can be measured by the depth of the evil in the history of the world, especially since the person who suffers it is God (cf. In fact, in the Book of Job and someother Books of the Old Testament the answer is that the cause of evil the transgression of the natural order created by God. God is teaching other beings about Himself and His loved onesusas He did with Job. It depends upon whether you signed a valid binding arb agreement, that may have been given to you when you enrolled. The Bible does not give a clear answer as to whether or not a Christian should sue for pain and suffering. One of the counterintuitive truths about suffering is that it prepares Christians for more glory. Suffering reminds us that we live in an abnormal world. It is stated in the Bible that a Christian is not prohibited from suing a company for the collection of a lawful debt, but this does not mean that a Christian should exercise this right to sue a company. The Apostle James, in chapter 1, verses 1-4, was writing to Jewish Christians facing some intense trials. Only by living the mystery of Christian suffering can we get an idea of what suffering means and, as the Pope said previously, transcend it and overcome it. Following a car accident, plaintiffs can generally sue for monetary damages (such as medical bills, medications, assistive technology, and lost wages), as well as for non-monetary damages, like pain and suffering, which includes . You can sue for pain and suffering for economic and non-economic losses. The assistance that families give their sick relatives is important in this area. National and International Religion Report, Vol. We keep wanting to go our own way, pretending that we are God. Compare 1 Peter 1:6-7 where the same Greek words are used along with the verb dokimazo which means, "put to the test," "prove by testing as with gold.". Christians suffer for a variety of reasons, including many of the same . Suffering is in our lives because we are living in a broken world. You can retain an attorney to send a demand letter and negotiate a settlement. Focus on the Familys counselors would be happy to listen to your concerns and come alongside you with some practical suggestions. The multiplier is chosen depending on factors such as: For example, if a person is involved in a car accident and suffers whiplash, a concussion, and a broken arm, their medical bills could total $5,000. May pain and suffering be transformed into a source of strength for all humanity. . A personal injury claim is governed by the same principles of compensation as a workers' compensation claim. If you need additional assistance, dont hesitate to give our staff a call. In a lawsuit for personal injury, there are two types of damages: economic and non-economic damages. 28). . One morning I learned that his car had died on the way to church, and I said something about what a bummer it was. Suffering is powerfully able to get us back on track. A hospital and a doctor have liability insurance to cover incidents that occur as a result of negligence on their part. Types of Pain and Suffering Claims. My friend Pete buried his wife a few years ago after a battle with Lou Gehrig's disease. panic attacks. They were persecuted, treated maliciously, and even killed. . For further help and information you may wish to visit the website of Peacemaker Ministries. The origin of the privation is sin. The Bible teaches that Christians can sue if they need compensation for the injuries they have suffered, but it also teaches them to forgive their enemies (Matthew 5:44). That truth about overcoming sustains Christians when suffering threatens to overwhelm. As for evil, it is a deprivation; it has no positive value in itself and therefore cannot be a positive cause or principle, for its origin is a mere privation. Life Insurance Attorney in Philadelphia, PA. Sometimes suffering literally prepares us for heaven. The classic Scripture for the concept that suffering displays God's strength through our weakness is found in 2 Corinthians 12:8-10, where we learn that God's grace is sufficient for us, for His power is perfected in weakness. Her per diem is $192 x 30 days for a total of $5,760 for her pain . After differentiating "natural" evil (e.g., tornados), "malicious" evil (e.g., sexual assault), and "accidental" evil (e.g., a bridge collapse)and observing that this isn't a uniquely Christian challenge ("No matter your worldview, you must face the reality of suffering and evil")Carson proceeds to reveal the six pillars. We would suggest that its best to begin by seeking mediation or arbitration. The question of whether or not a Christian should file a lawsuit for pain and suffering is not explicitly addressed in the Bible.. I have been asked to expound on John Paul II's incomparable thinking on human pain. Suffering dispels the cloaking mists of inconsequential distractions of this life and puts things in their proper perspective. Pain and suffering damages are especially hard to calculate since two different people can be injured in the exact same way and experience different levels of pain. In contrast to cold objectivity, however, it is something that indeed belongs to the objectivity of our being, but with the maximum loving subjectivity, since it is and depends upon our free will in such a way that we can accept or reject it. Please try again later. But in matters of . We do not offer financial advice, advisory or brokerage services, nor do we recommend or advise individuals or to buy or sell particular stocks or securities. Some states dont allow per diem arguments for non-economic harm, including New Jersey, where the courts have concluded they have no basis in evidence. Alice Curtis August 6, 2001. But developing holiness in us is a worthwhile, extremely important goal for the Holy One who is our divine Bridegroom. "1, It's also important for all wives, but most especially the future wife of the Son of God, to have a submissive heart. One wise man I heard said, "I got theology in seminary, but I learned reality through trials. Should I sue them for my pain and suffering? Then, given the Holy Father's openness to all human values, it seems to me that it would be interesting to allude to and discuss certain key thoughts on four solutions from outside the Christian context. He wanted them to grow in trust and dependence on the Father. How this has encouraged and strengthened me in the valleys of suffering and pain! Generally, you must have evidence, like medical testimony, to prove your pain and suffering resulted from the accident you are claiming. . The Bible does talk about mediation, which could be considered a form of suing for your rights. One of the most powerful words of comfort I received when we were grieving our baby's loss was from a friend who said, "Your pain may not be about just you. Consider how the Lord Jesus was the exact representation of the glory of the FatherI mean, He was all window and no walls! Special (pain and suffering) damages: $10,000 ($5,000 x 2) Total: $15,000. If you can see the purpose beyond the pain, you will understand God's ability to leverage the suffering in your . And Romans 5:3-4 tells us that we can actually rejoice in our sufferings, because, again, they produce perseverance, which produces character, which produces hope. How Often Should You Take Communion According to The Bible? ", God never wastes suffering, not a scrap of it. Youll want evidence that shows how the wrongdoing led directly back to your injury; this could include photos of any injuries sustained after each incident of abuse, hospital records from any visits following an accident or assault, etc.. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The world God originally made isn't the one we experience. The subjectiveness of the process underscores the importance of documenting any and all information pertaining to your case. ibid., n. 13). Saving all evidence such as medical bills and other expenses associated with the injury is imperative. . Answer. He redeems all of it for His glory and our blessing. The only answer [to the "why" of suffering] can come from the love of God in the Cross (cf. Paul said he delighted in weaknesses, hardships, and difficulties "for when I am weak, then I am strong.". ", Sometimes our suffering isn't a consequence of our actions or even someone else's. Pastor Dick Bacon once said, "If this life were easy, we'd just love it too much. As we read in Proverbs, we are warned not to bring a matter to a court hastily. Consequently, the cause of suffering is an evil; so, suffering and evil can be identified with each other. [deleted] Additional comment actions. The reason is because the standards, values, philosophies and culture of the world are opposed to Biblical values. "5 The reality of God's power, His love, and His character are made very, very real to a watching world when we trust Him in our pain. Pain and suffering are the door to the encounter with Christ and in him to the experience of his presence as life and resurrection, through the work of the Spirit of Love, who is the Holy Spirit This is what Our Lady, the Virgin Mary was the first to do, and with her, all the saints. Suffering is a passive or active attitude to evil, or rather, to the lackof a good that it would be desirable to possess(cf. It is a core part of the Christian vocation to seek to relieve the suffering of others. This word pair names one of the most difficult problems facing Christian faith and practice today. This is why the mystery of pain shifts from pain in itself to the mystery of solidarity. Some lawyers may target Christians who are looking for someone to help them with their problems; others may focus on people looking for someone to blame for their pain and suffering. The multiplier method totals all the plaintiffs medical bills from the injury and multiplies that total by a number between 1.5 and 5. First, consider the following: This passage tells us that we should be willing to forgive others just as God has forgiven us. The Pope now goes a step further and reaches the heart of the mystery; in his mortal life, Christ put an end to pain by his miracles, He took upon himself the suffering of all and bore it with full consciousness on the Cross (cf. Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 1:4 that God comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.. In Exodus 21:18-19, money damages were allowed for lost wages and medical care, Exodus 21:22 showed damages for pain and suffering, and Exodus 21:27 allowed for permanent disability to a body part. The amount of pain you feel may not match up with another persons experience of pain if they have more severe injuries than yours. Paul means that the court system exists for matters of this life that are outside the church. The amount of money you seek in your lawsuit can depend on your injury and also the legal limits in your jurisdiction. Only in love is it possible to find the saving response to pain. Suffering brings a "one day at a time-ness" to our survival. You might be using an unsupported or outdated browser. 12:6). (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1992), 122. Thus, suffering involves solidarity (cf. There are better ways to handle disputes among believers. There's another aspect of bringing comfort to those in pain. Yes We learn in Hebrews 12:10 that we are enabled to share in His holiness through the discipline of enduring hardship. Pete just shrugged and said, "This is nothing." 2001. Editorial Note: We earn a commission from partner links on Forbes Advisor. For example, if the actual cost of the injury was $1,000, pain and . Documenting time spent addressing an injury and its side effects also is important. ibid.,n. I know the Bible says Christians should not sue Christians, but is it okay to sue non-Christians? we just need to trust Him. Let us now try to describe suffering. Here are five important biblical truths about suffering every Christian should have ready: Suffering has many faces. Is it right for a Christian to sue? Suffering can make us long for the new heaven and the new earth where God will set all things right again. Suffering, the Pope says, consists in feeling cut off from good. Basically the majority of christians see god and Satan as equal or mostly equal figures fighting for the souls of humans rather than the actual biblical relationship between them of Satan being a tool god uses to test the faith and morality if humans. Their medical costs and lost wages are economic damages. Recipients of pain and suffering claims may be eligible for monetary compensation that accounts for their lossesand helps them recover from their injuries. We all experience pain, and even suffering at some time in our lives. Past performance is not indicative of future results. This amount is separate from lost wages and other medical expenses, such as x-rays, medications, and hospital visits. In accepting it we become totally human through suffering-love; in rejecting it, on the contrary, we destroy ourselves as human beings through suffering and hatred. And neither does it mean that Scripture doesnt tell us how to think about our suffering now. Those who suffer tend to have tender hearts toward others who are in pain. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The disciples experienced two different storms out on the lake. Information provided on Forbes Advisor is for educational purposes only. Visit Probe's website. Christians may also face trials and suffer simply because we live in a world full of sin. It prefigures the Lord's passion (cf. Solidarity, as the foundation of the whole of existence, is not only sympathy with all, a way of being socially committed and aware that we all belong to the same race, culture, nationality, etc., but is also the experiencing of a bond with all other human beings so deeply within ourselves that it is not a qualification that comes to us as soon as we exist but constitutes our existence itself. But after three long years of holding on, during a visit from Cheryl's pastor, the wife trusted Christ on her deathbed and the husband received assurance of his salvation. ibid.,n. We don't have a choice whether we will sufferour choice is to go through it by ourselves or with God. Throughout my time as a christian, i have heard many misconceptions about christians and their legal rights during this time. or the next hour . 8). Jesus wants not just a pure bride, but a mature one as welland suffering produces growth and maturity in us. For I . You can give all the money from any potential settlement award directly back into charity instead of keeping it yourself; this way God gets credit for helping fight injustice even though He doesnt usually use lawsuits as one of His weapons in this battle on earth! Physical pain may include a broken bone, skin tissue damage, back-pains, headaches or other physical manifestation of an actual harm. *** b. a source of wealth to conquer in the name of one's ancestors. If this is your situation, you should keep in mind that, from a practical standpoint, its rare for anyone to emerge as a real winner from any kind of lawsuit. In God's sovereign scheme, pain and suffering are not only powerless to destroy the believer, they can result in a refined, resilient faith that perseveres and spurs others on in the same way, until we see our Lord and Savior face to face. That perspective was like a sweet balm to my soul, because it showed me that my suffering was not pointless. This means that you cannot sue for pain and suffering damages under workers' compensation. It is victory over death. The Purpose of Pain. The sin committed by a person spreads by joint human liability. Through suffering, human beings are incorporated into the pain of Christ. God whispers to us in our pleasurebut shouts in our pain; it is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world.". I Believe This is especially true if you are a Christian. Every man and every woman should feel personally called to bear witness to love in suffering and must not leave those who are suffering to be cared for solely by official institutions (ibid.,n.29). No wonder suffering hurts! We find ourselves at the heart of the Christian mystery, inaccessible except through an experience of it: no one who does not know it can prove its efficacy or find its solution. Recognizing our own powerlessness is actually the key to experience real power because we have to acknowledge our dependence on God before His power can flow from His heart into our lives. Pain and suffering damages are often the largest part of a . Then we can turn around and walk alongside others in their pain, showing the compassion that our own suffering has produced in us. The psalmist learned this lesson as he wrote in Psalm 119:67: "Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I obey your word. 2. Then . (5) Suffering is a Process. Each person in his or her suffering is united with the suffering of Christ, and thus this suffering mysteriously becomes a source of life and resurrection. As a matter of fact, they are ordained by God himself. . Jesus endured all that suffering as an innocent man. Rather, the disputed matter should be arbitrated or judged by a wise Christian or Christians. If possible, try finding witnesses who were present during those instances where someone else caused harm to others (or even themselves). Copyright 2023 Eternal Word Television Network, Inc. Irondale, Alabama. It generally is important to select a qualified attorney to help you pursue your pain and suffering settlement. Avvo has 97% of all lawyers in the US. Thanks to the Greek language however, a distinction is made particularly in the New Testament between suffering and evil. You should be able to identify the person or institution that is at fault for your injury and suffering. The perfect Plan A of God's beautiful, suffering-free creation was ruined when Adam and Eve fell. Suffering is excellent at teaching us humble dependence on God, the only appropriate response to our Creator. Suffering has taught my friend the lesson of total, humble dependence on God. Being cut off from good is an evil. We can comfort others with the comfort that we have received from God (2 Cor. The first glimpse of suffering we see in this church here is that something is threatening to make them "grow weary and lose heart." It is normal for Christians to have experiences of stress and suffering that threaten their faith and press too hard, or last too long and feel almost intolerable. . Often, legal counsels will recommend that you file a lawsuit against your insurance company for loss as well as punitive damages. The type varies - it may be physical, relational, mental, emotional, financial, social, or spiritual - but it all hurts. 11). While I Believe that the bible does not directly state that Christians Are to hold corporations and wrongdoers accountable on behalf of others, it is consistent with the focus on justice that scripture places on the law to hold that View. By Rick Warren. It can also be helpful to keep a journal documenting your emotional suffering. 1 answer; Social Studies; asked by Kaai97; 518 views; You corrected this sentence: Don't talk about me as ancient: Don't talk about me as if I'm ancient. February 28, 2023. For all intents and purposes, this means that the doctor was officially serving as your physician for at least the period of time in which the negligence occurred. Something went wrong. But Jesus said, I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace and confidence. He will make it work together with all life's experiences for good. Determining If You Can Sue for Pain and Suffering Damages. In addition to physical pain, the accident and your resulting injuries can also cause you mental distress. First, consider the following: this passage tells us that we received... Mediation or arbitration wages and other medical expenses, such as x-rays medications... His wife a few years ago after a battle with Lou Gehrig 's.! Select a qualified attorney to send a demand letter and negotiate a settlement we learn in 12:10... In us is a core part of the process underscores the importance of any... Matter to a court hastily medications, and even killed hesitate to give staff... S ancestors others just as God has forgiven us expenses associated with comfort... God 's beautiful, suffering-free creation was ruined when Adam and Eve fell ] and... 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