This was not the Cronkite I grew up admiring from the time I watched his image flickering on a small black-and-white set, the voice of authority in an age when we still revered, without a trace of cynicism, those who spoon-fed us the news. More poignantly, it was used by the mother of an American soldier who died in Vietnam; after someone told her that her wounded son had been photographed lying on the ground during a network news segment, she traveled to the archives to review footage and confirm the account. On the day that CBS chairman Les Moonves fired several people over Rather's botched story on George W. Bush and the National Guardhaving already deposed Rather as anchorCronkite barged into Moonves's office and congratulated him on doing the right thing. One of the main women featured in the story, Rowanne Brewer Lane, took to Fox News earlier in the morning to dispute the outlets framing of her remarks. The . Karl Rove, anxiously pondering the latest tracking polls, puts in a call to bin Laden, hiding in a cave somewhere in scenic Afghanistan, and asks him to give Bush a boost by releasing a video. That is a dictionary definition of liberal. Together with a handful of friends, they roamed from the South Pacific to Haiti, with Cronkite snorkeling, swimming, and drinking, thanks to a friend at the airline. Getty Images. From 1962 to 1981, Cronkite covered many of the pivotal events of the 20th century including the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the Vietnam War, the first moon landing and Watergate and eventually became known as "the most trusted man in America.". Several years ago the award was given to Clinton Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott, who, as a columnist for Time magazine, had written about a world in which nation-states would disappear and people would become world citizens. Because of his straightforward reporting, without mixing his own personal political views, he earned the nickname, "The most trusted man in America." From . Once Richard Nixon took office, his unscrupulous aide Chuck Colson launched an investigation of Cronkite's record in hopes of exposing him as a Kennedy liberal. "You must announce your intention to run against Johnson, to show people there will be a way out of this terrible war," he said in Kennedy's Senate office. Cronkite was well-known across America for his hard work, honesty, and objectivity. By entering your email and clicking Sign Up, you're agreeing to let us send you customized marketing messages about us and our advertising partners. The offensive was an attempt . Cronkite is remembered for his avuncular style, high journalistic standards, and stories on topics such as the Vietnam War and U.S. space program. It is wrong to speak ill of the dead. WAR? Cronkite's public verdict that the 1968 Tet offensive was a "defeat" for the U.S. is widely seen as a turning point in American support for the war. Civil Rights Era Almost Split CBS News Operation Walter Cronkite recalls CBS-TV coverage of civil rights in the 1950s, and how it threatened to divide the news department from network management. Washington, DC 20006 This is done in order to protect the organizations' neutrality. This page was last modified on June 20, 2021, at 03:28. Mr. Cronkite had been with the wire service for 11 years. It was that neutral voice that compelled Americans to welcome television newscasters Walter Cronkite or Peter Jennings into their living rooms each night. Soon afterward, Cronkite got an exclusive interview in which Kennedy left the door open for a possible runthe very candidacy that the anchor had urged him to undertake. Cronkite was America's most trusted reporter at the time, and his broadcast has come to be seen as a turning point in the war the "Cronkite moment" when the attitude of many Americans toward the war changed irreversibly. This may sound harsh, but the fact is that Cronkite was consistently wrong about Soviet intentions, and his attitude dominated CBS News coverage of the old Soviet Union. With a hubris that, in retrospect, was certain to invite further scrutiny, the three networks pushed back, arguing that they were objective and impartial watchdogs looking out for the public interest. Thats the way it was, apparently, inside the mind of one of the most undeservedly over-hyped men of his generation. Perhaps it is too easy to judge him by today's standards, any more than we should condemn Thomas Jefferson for owning slaves. In recent times, the archive was used in the 2015 documentary Best of Enemies because it contained lost footage of the debate between conservative commentator William F. Buckley and liberal writer Gore Vidal. Walter Cronkite We have overcome some terrible blows to our democracy, to the future of our democracy, to the future of our nation. The search committee decided that Professor Douglas A. Anderson was the right person to direct the school into the 1990s. "Walter Cronkite is Dead," showing at Treasure Coast Theatre, is a play that tells the story of a political odd couple forced to share space in a crowded airport for a couple of hours. Walter Cronkite, the CBS newsman so revered by Americans that they considered him the "most trusted man in . Simpson trials, which often. [1], In addition to his biased reporting on the war, FBI documents, obtained through a Freedom of Information Act by Yahoo news, evidence that legendary CBS News anchor Walter Cronkite collaborated with anti-Vietnam War activists in the 1960s, going so far as to offer advice on how to raise the public profile of protests and even promising that CBS News would rent a helicopter to take liberal Senator Edmund Muskie to and from the site of an anti-war rally. However, I wasn't sure I would be able to fully buy into the premise of "Walter Cronkite is Dead," a play that's showing at Treasure Coast Theatre in Port St. Lucie through this weekend. (As a native Tennessean, I appreciate it when fictitious characters who sound like me are portrayed as being at least a little smarter than they're expected to be.). He claimed, "I built my reputation on honest, straightforward reporting. Walter Cronkite: "I define liberal as a person who is not doctrinaire. Widely regarded as authoritative, he was known as "Uncle Walter". CBS Mornings co-host Gayle King has been chosen to receive the Walter Cronkite Award for Excellence in Journalism from Arizona State University, Encounter Walter Cronkite through his CBS News special commentary on the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald and on the Warren Commission. As the two women are introducing themselves to each other and the audience, Byers speaks the play's title while reminiscing about the good old days gone by. "And that's the way it is," intoned Walter Cronkite, the "most trusted man in America," at the end of each news broadcast.It seems like a different world, when a mere three television . Heard got the board of trustees to approve a short-term experiment, hoping that the Library of Congress might eventually take it over. Cronkite urged U.S. withdrawal from Vietnam and his newscast was documented to have a pronounced bias against those who favored greater defense spending to contain the Soviets. Jimmy Carter awarded Cronkite the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Worse, he if anything advocated for Communism, even admitting he wanted a democratic federal world government and was willing to sit on the hand of Satan to get it. First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton also delivered remarks to the group, hailing Cronkite for inspiring all of us to build a more peaceful and just world. Hillary said that Cronkite?s receipt of the World Federalist Association?s Global Governance Award was well-deserved. Which is a pointed bit of commentary about our society in itself. At each stop, he asked to see a broadcast from the previous month. As Vietnam and Watergate eroded public confidence in government, Cronkite emerged as a new kind of authority figure, his public image unsullied by the grime of politics. (Kennedy announced three days later.) Cronkite continued in his position at CBS through the 1970s, reporting on the decades most memorable events, including the Watergate scandal, the resignation of U.S. Pres. Nixons election made the White House receptive to the project. "[6], There were rumors that in 1972 left-wing Democrat presidential nominee George McGovern asked Cronkite to be his Vice Presidential running mate. Jenkins starts pointing out the flaws of various Kennedy family members and the conversation starts unraveling faster than a cable TV talk show. Cronkite also covered the invasion of North Africa. Antiwar Movement Grows. That may be the case, but we are not prepared to believe that Cronkite kept his views in the closet during the entire time that he served as the anchorman of the CBS Evening News. Cronkite retired with his reptutation intact, but some other TV journalists were not so lucky. They aired a five-part program, The Defense of the United States, in which Cronkite appeared to tell us that the relationship with the Soviet Union was dominated by the same old fears and doubts because we didnt have a genuine dialogue with the Soviet communists. He urged revision of the veto in the Security Council, which is the only safeguard the U.S. has to prevent the main U.N. body was imposing economic sanctions or using foreign troops against America. Part of HuffPost News. [8][9] [Dead link] However, Cronkite denied that he was asked. 1717 K Street NW Within CBS "he became a force of nature. He did not let his political views get in the way of his reporting. The late 20th century was a tumultuous time, crowded with many world-shaking events. In that far-off time, Americans watching television had to settle for the Big Three networks and a smattering of local stations. Cookie Settings, and Ronald Reagan officially announced his candidacy for the presidential nomination, famous 1969 speech attacking television news as biased, a clause in the revision of the copyright law, it was used by the mother of an American soldier, Dried Lake Reveals New Statue on Easter Island. In such a homogeneous media universe, it was easy for someone like Cronkite to assume that whatever he passed along to Mr. and Mrs. America would be accepted as unvarnished truth, free of any bias or spin. For example, although Byers initially seems well adjusted and well traveled, it turns out she's never ridden on an airplane before, primarily because she's scared to death of flying. Though he would go on to travel the world, Cronkite remained proud of his Missouri roots and always considered Kansas City his home. He distinguished himself with his coverage of the 1952 and 1956 political conventions and as narrator of the documentary series The 20th Century. In 1962, he was named anchor of CBS Evening . I got to know Cronkite after his anchoring days as a charming, hard-of-hearing, slightly stodgy spokesman for old-fashioned news values against the encroachment of tabloid entertainment. There was a certain sadness about him, an old warrior who sorely missed being in the trenches. To do anything else would be phony. 50 Years Ago, Walter Cronkite Changed a Nation TV star led a country against the Vietnam War. Cronkite falsely claimed that the Vietcong had held the American embassy for six hours and that the offensive went on for two months. The facts show that Tet was actually a major defeat for the communist enemy. Corrections? In fact, Im inclined to think that Karl Rove, the political manger of the White House, who is a very clever man, that he probably set up bin Laden to this thing.. In an era beset by fears of nuclear war and the threat of political and social upheaval, Cronkite was a reassuring presence. The women start to recognize and appreciate the good in each other. It is firmly set in a bar at Reagan National Airport just outside of Washington, D.C in Sept. 2010 . Once there was a newsman named Walter Cronkite. Yet, his misreporting helped create the conditions for a premature U.S. military withdrawal, leading to the loss of the lives of 58,000 Americans in vain, not to mention the millions of additional deaths caused in Vietnam and Cambodia by the Communists. A decade later, Cronkite learned that his embarrassing role was going to be highlighted in a Roger Mudd documentary for CBS, The Selling of the Pentagon. Thankfully, Tennessee Sen. Howard Baker helped insert a clause in the revision of the copyright law that protected the right of libraries to record the news. Throughout the 1950s Cronkite hosted the CBS shows You Are There, an imaginary broadcast of historical events; The Morning Show, which he cohosted with a puppet named Charlemagne; and a documentary series, The Twentieth Century. Could a conversation like the one Byers and Jenkins take place in our highly polarized world? Looking back, Cronkite's virtual immunity as a public figure is troubling. Cronkite was a rigorous newsman, trained at the venerable United Press and blessed with the ability to expound extemporaneously on television. Cronkite?s association with the World Federalists has been known for years, but in this speech he discloses that he was asked 50 years ago to be a Washington lobbyist for the group. NBC News' Jacob Soboroff, Meet the Press, PBS' Frontline, and CNN's . While the entire collection was digitalized in the early 2000s, the Vanderbilt Television News Archive is only allowed to stream NBC and CNN to researchers. It turns out that the most trusted man didn't always tell the truth. I remember listening to him rail against Rather in his Upper East Side apartment, his anger still palpable after so many years. By Kenneth T. Walsh | Feb. 27, 2018, at 7:34 a.m. Cronkite's Moment American broadcast journalist. After the Soviet collapse, Irvine wrote a 1990 AIM Report about those personalities who had taken a benign or even adulatory view of communism and the Soviet Union in the years since the 1917 Bolshevik coup detat. Cronkite was on this list of doves, which also included Hanoi Jane Fonda. You would see Walter Cronkite or someone like that. Omissions? Appearing on CNNs Larry King Live on the Friday immediately preceding the election, Uncle Walter formally linked hands with the nuttiest of conspiracy-mongers: So now, Cronkite told King, the question is, basically, right now, how will this affect the election? Cronkite thrived as television came of age, always protecting what we would now call his brand. Upon his return Cronkite departed from his usual objectivity, declaring that the war could end only in a protracted stalemate. Along comes Patti Jenkins, a loud and brassy Tennessean portrayed by Rosemary Knight, who's waiting on a flight to London. Mr. Cronkite knew President. His role in the Vietnam defeat is being reported as if it were a highlight of his career. And he struck pay dirt in examining Cronkite's CBS radio broadcasts, where the anchor was far more opinionated and regularly dished what Brinkley calls "over-the-top commentary full of pro-Democratic partisanship." Now we have to try to escape the fate of world government that Cronkite made his primary cause later in life, which has been adopted by President Barack Obama and Pope Benedict XVI. So it was all a Karl Rove production, according to the Crank named Cronkite. As everyone from presidents to astronauts catered to him, Cronkite used that access to drive unflinching coverage of civil rights, corruption, and especially the morass of Vietnamwhen his own reporting led him to declare that ill-fated conflict a stalemate. In 1964, he wrote to CBS to complain about Walter Cronkites coverage of the Goldwater campaign. There are clearly people who have an agenda. Provide students with excerpts from President Kennedy's televised September 2, 1963 interview with Walter Cronkite (CBS) and his September 9, 1963 interview with David Brinkley and Chet Huntley (NBC) regarding South Vietnam. Phone: (202) 670-7729 Walter Cronkite, on his 64th birthday, anchors his last CBS election night special while broadcasting in New York City on Tuesday, Nov. 4, 1980. . Amazingly, CBS stated it would destroy the Vanderbilt tapes if it won in court. Walter Leland Cronkite, Jr. was born in Saint Joseph, Missouri, the only child of Helen Lena (Fritsche) and Walter Leland Cronkite, a doctor. Cronkite concludes, "We believe the moral, medical, social, and economic aspects of abortion should be opened to public discussion, for if changes in the law are advisable, this can only be done . His latest cause was world government and the destruction of American sovereignty. When Cronkite ended his broadcasts with his catchphrase, "that's the way it is," people believed him. But he was far more liberal than the public. That's right: A red stater and a blue stater sharing the same air, and eventually a bottle of wine, for a full hour and a half. Irvine ran into Kobysh at an international media conference and the Soviet journalist said the interview was entirely accurate. This page has been accessed 50,536 times. And I have a feeling that it could tilt the election a bit. Four years later, after Cronkite had belatedly turned against LBJ's Vietnam War, he met privately with Robert Kennedy. It would take a lot of courage, a lot of faith in the new order. Cronkite called for the approximately 220 sovereignties in the world ? Working in a medium he initially knew little about, Cronkite helped shape the face of television news. This compilation, gathered in 2006, showed how, since his retirement in 1981 after twenty years as anchor of the CBS Evening News, Cronkite had made clear his liberal views on a range of issues, including how being a liberal is essential to being a good journalist. After his retirement, however, he acknowledged his liberal political views. Terms of Use Goldstein on Gelt: What are Alternative Investments? Brinkley's book will undoubtedly tarnish the Cronkite legacy. There were more serious infractions as well. "Don't act like you've got it all figured out because you don't," Jenkins admonishes Byers. Buchanan even included a reference to the protest footage in Vice President Spiro Agnews famous 1969 speech attacking television news as biased. I am shaking my head at the spectacle of a network anchor secretly urging a politician to mount a White House campaignand then interviewing him about that very question. Peace Process / Normalization / Abraham Accords, New Jersey Couple Ages 101 and 97 Arrive in Israel on Aliyah, President Herzog Again Calls for Calm as Israels Ground is Burning, Netanyahu: Freedom to Demonstrate is Not Freedom to Create Anarchy, Whats the Real Obstacle to Building the Temple? On a business trip to New York in March 1968, Simpson toured each of the three networks. That's. Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin. They may not accept gifts, tickets, discounts, reimbursements or other benefits from individuals or organizations covered (or likely to be covered) by their newsroom. Reprimanded by CNN in 1998 for a project with Time that accused the Army of using nerve gas against U.S. soldiers. Thomas Alan Schwartz, Professor of History, Vanderbilt University, 2023 Smithsonian Magazine For many years, I did my best to report on the issues of the day in as objective a manner as possible. You are also agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Even though he was privately a liberal, Cronkite was generally seen as very neutral as a broadcaster. Winston tastes good like a cigarette should, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force, Santa Clara Valley Historical Association, How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, McCain-Feingold-Shays-Meehan Campaign Finance Reform Act of 2001, Memorial service for Walter Cronkite, September 9, 2009, assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Radio Television Digital News Association, James Madison Award for Distinguished Public Service, Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication,, Dolph Briscoe Center for American History, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, "Walter Cronkite | Biography, Facts, & Views on Vietnam War", "Cronkite honored by NASA for space coverage", "How 'That's the way it is' became Cronkite's tag line", "Former CBS News Anchor Walter Cronkite Dies", "How Missouri native became 'most trusted man in America', "Switch to Montessori proved pivotal for Wilson school", "Cronkite's Texas: A Q&A with Walter Cronkite", "CBS Legend Walter Cronkite Dies "Most Trusted Man in America" Passes Away in New York at 92", "Cronkite, Walter U.S. Broadcast Journalist", "Walter Cronkite, 92, Dies; Trusted Voice of TV", "Cronkite with Charlemane the Lion on CBS', "Walter Cronkite, America's original anchorman, dies at age 92", "Amid Blizzard, Cronkite Helped Make Sports History", "How John F. Kennedy's Assassination Changed Television Forever", "Cronkite broadcasts: Moon landing, JFK death", "JFK Assassination (CBS Coverage) Part 8/10 (1963)", "Remembering Walter Cronkite That's the Way it Was: The World of Politics, News and Entertainment Remember a Broadcasting Legend and American Icon", "Who, What, When, Where, Why: Report from Vietnam by Walter Cronkite", "Legendary CBS anchor Walter Cronkite dies at 92", "Chris Matthews invokes the 'if I've lost Cronkite' myth in NYT review", "Behind L.B.J. Or Peter Jennings into their living rooms each night 2021, at 03:28 retired with his reptutation intact, some..., apparently, inside the mind of one of the dead came of,. The mind of one of the 1952 and 1956 political conventions and as narrator of the Three networks a! Of commentary about our society in itself the War could end only in a protracted stalemate the destruction American. 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