In this situation, marks from those modules only may be excluded from the calculation of the final average provided that: i) Marks from all such affected modules are discounted; ii) All non-compensatable modules have been passed; iii) The Extenuating Circumstances panel can clearly demonstrate that the final mark after the exclusion is more representative of the students normal performance (normally by showing that the excluded module marks are significantly anomalous); Students may decline the application of regulation 26(b) and opt to undertake a further attempt at the affected assessments, but will not graduate until they have completed those reassessments. 15. The transcript that comes with your degree certificate is called a Diploma Supplement and is written to an agreed, pan-European template. For more information about the University's Qualifications Framework, please consult the following page: 10. Reports should be submitted at the same time as the main Examination Board recommendations in June/July (Undergraduate programmes) and by November (Postgraduate Taught programmes). Unit mark is the mark awarded for an individual piece of assessed work, which goes towards the computation of a module mark using a weighting formula. The permitted weightings are defined on the following page: 26. Programme Specifications state what is used for each course. Any approved adjustment and its rationale should then be communicated clearly to all students who took the module (normally via the module feedback report) and communicated to Quality and Student Management Systems Team (within Registry and Academic Affairs) for report to Quality and Standards Committee (QSC) using the forms above. university of southampton ucat cut off 2022. It is recognised that there is a need for School Boards to conduct the assessment of students in a manner that is appropriate to individual disciplines and to the methods of assessment employed. These records are campus specific and should be read in conjunction with all other content on this page. 2. This is due to the fact that, although students undertaking study at partner institutions abroad do so at an equivalent level to their peers in Edinburgh, it is not possible reliably to translate . All reassessments will take place in August/September immediately following the first assessment (but seeRegulations 16 and 20 below), except: 16. University of Tbingen, as amended. Students may not select modules worth more than 70 credits in any one semester. Nottingham, NG7 2RD. Ordinary degrees, Graduate Diplomas, Graduate Certificates, Undergraduate Diplomas, Undergraduate Certificates, and Foundation Certificates may be awarded with Merit or Distinction. Please be aware that the following Exceptional Regulations were developed and applied during academic year 2019/20 in response to the coronavirus pandemic. In addition, all members of academic staff will act as internal examiners in the subjects in their School. Organised argument, clearly expressed, supported by relevant material; A good awareness of the research of the topic, and, where necessary, the different approaches taken by researchers Two thirds or more of the final credits are in the higher class. Median mark translated into degree classification according to Table 3. Lifetime achievements. Please be aware that the following Exceptional Regulations were developed and applied during academic year 2019/20 in response to the coronavirus pandemic. 806 8067 22 Registered Office: Imperial House, 2nd Floor, 40-42 Queens Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 3XB, Taking a break or withdrawing from your course. A student will only receive an award if they have successfully completed each necessary stage of the course leading to that award. In order to pass a module and be awarded the credit for that module a student must also satisfy any requirements as specified in paragraph 6. The information on this page has been archived. Following moderation the agreed algorithm is used to determine the final composite mark. 13. Schools should ensure that clear statements of the responsibilities of those involved in computation, checking and recording of assessment data exist. 25. Includes:commencement dates; former regulations. 3. Includes:qualification requirements; module selection; credit limits. February 27, 2023 alexandra bonefas scott No Comments . mistakes on a question paper), Schools have a responsibility to ensure that this does not have a significant impact on the fairness or robustness of the final marks. Please send your communications Nottingham, NG7 2RD. For more information, please consult the following: 7. (b) has an average of at least 40% across all modules in the stage will be permitted one further re-assessment in the failed modules at the next available opportunity. Its contents are only applicable to students who were admitted from that date but may also be of interest to staff across all of the UK, China and Malaysia campuses. The Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE) prescribes that the assessment of the End-Point Assessment is performed by suitably qualified Independent Assessors. Additional Placement Year: considering student performance on an additional year (e.g. The rules we use to come to your overall classification are called the Honours degree classification convention. The Nottingham classification is used at the end of work up of a breast lesion to help guide management. Only the following rounded marks will be regarded as borderline: Includes: classifications; borderlines; calculating an overall average. All markers in a School should be clearly briefed on these processes each academic year. For more information about degree classification, please consult the following section: 23. Unlike marks adjustment, moderation examines the application of standards to a unit of assessment, and does not compare marks across different cohorts. Includes: table of degree classifications and abbreviations; marks contribution; borderline cases; extenuating circumstances. Please email and they will direct you to the relevant team. Official University of Edinburgh 2023 Applicant Thread, The Official Cambridge Applicants for 2023 Entry Thread, The Official Love Island Thread Winter 2023, Official King's College London 2023 Applicant Thread, Interview for dental therapy and hygiene foundation year, Official UCL 2023 Undergraduate Applicants Thread, Barts and the London (QMUL) A100 2023 Entry, Official Cambridge Postgraduate Applicants 2023 Thread, Sutton Trust US Programme Cohort 12 (2023) Applicants Thread, Applying to grammar school with bad attendance, Brownies, books and planning a wedding - your favourite fiancs 2nd blog . This section contains the University's undergraduate and postgraduate taught degree classifications. TheUniversity of Nottingham policy on the appointment and responsibilities of External Examinerscan be foundonline. Additional responsibilities include supervising . How common is it for people to not get on with flatmates? 5 300 60 1. 1. Learning and teaching. 5. 3. The University of Nottingham Blue Castle. Please be aware that during academic year 2019/20, the University introduced exceptional regulations in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Sterling Professor of Law, Yale University. 2. The active application of these arrangements then ceased at the beginning of academic year 2020/21. Students in a borderline, who entered Qualifying year prior to September 2020, will be considered under the regulations applicable pre-September 2020. Further details can be found in the "Exceptional regulations applied in response to Covid-19" section below. The classifications are: Only the following rounded marks will be regarded as borderline: When calculating an overall average, in the case of Ordinary Degrees, classification is based on the best marks obtained from 100 credits at Part I and the best marks obtained from 100 credits at Part II. 2. Includes:role of School Boards; requirements of the School; Marking criteria examples; double-marking. Includes:unit marks; modules marks; weightings; weighted numerical average; borderlines. The classifications and abbreviations for Honours degrees and Integrated Masters degrees are: The degree classification model set out in the Quality Manualspecifies the final mark ranges which apply to each class and how these are calculated and make provision for a student successfully completing an Honours degree course after reassessment to receive a Pass degree without an Honours classification. These records are campus specific and should be read in conjunction with all other content on this page. A = malignant lesion needs surgical excision regardless of biopsy result B = indeterminate 180+ credits at 70%+. For more information, please consult the following: 1. Following the rounding convention set out above, overall marks of 39.5, 49.5, 59.5, and 69.5 will be rounded to 40, 50, 60 & 70 respectively. The relative weightings of Part I/II/III marks are given in programme specifications. For more information, please consult the following: 7. The re-assessment mark for the module will then be a combination (on the same basis as in Regulation 6 of the Award of credit section above) of the marks from the components passed first time and the components which have been re-assessed. Assessment overview and School responsibilities, Policy on self-certification for examinations,,, Portland Building, University of NottinghamUniversity Park Schools should have a uniform system for fully recording the process of moderation so that examiners can clearly understand how moderation has occurred and what consequences have arisen from it. 27. 2. In such a case the School must publish a written policy that must be included in the student handbook or otherwise drawn to the attention of students. Please be aware that during academic year 2019/20, the University introduced exceptional regulations in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. 68 or 69 Borderline I (individual Programme Specifications state whether the borderline is 68 or 69). Universities themselves do not find the classifications useful. Your GPA and Cum Laude award (if applicable) will be automatically calculated, alongside your Honours Degree Classification from summer 2019. If a student falls under both the pre-September 2020 and post-September 2020 regulations, they should be classified using whichever approach awards them the better outcome. If you have any problems or queries relating to this page, please contact: Assessment, awards and degree classification, Exceptional classification and progression regulations, Personal tutoring, student support and development. The School's marking criteria should be signposted in its programme specifications (Section C. Supplementary Regulations, 3. For more information, please consult the following: Legibility of work submitted for assessment. On non-integrated apprenticeship programmes, the End-Point Assessment is undertaken after completion of the degree, and is taken as a standalone assessment external to the University. The University applies the following mark scale to undergraduate work: First-class Honours: 70-100 Upper second-class Honours: 60-69 Lower second-class Honours: 50-59 Third-class Honours: 40-49 Fail: 0-39 A different mark scale is used for masters-level modules, including any taken as part of an undergraduate programme. At the III/Fail boundary there is no borderline. Number of candidates in each class. I am especially grateful to my research assistant, Dana Wagner, for the many important contributions he made to this essay. The classification rules for Taught Masters, Postgraduate Diplomas and Postgraduate Certificates (that is, the award of Merits and Distinctions) are contained in the Universitys Taught Postgraduate Regulations. number of credits), the number of first markers and their level of experience. If you have a problem or query relating to these regulations, please, Portland Building, University of NottinghamUniversity Park A student who failsa non-compensatable module will not complete that stage without successfully undertaking re-assessment in that module. Module marks are translated to points scores according to Table 4. For students entering Taught Postgraduate programmes from 2021/22 onwards, Schools should use only the standardised weighted profiling system for determining the degree class of borderline students. For more information please consult the following: Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education. Any outcomes from their application during academic year 2019/20 will, however, continue to be honoured and used in all decisions regarding those affected. For more information about the former regulations, please consult the following: Degree classification before September 2020. 180+ credits at 60%+. An undergraduate student should be given the higher class if either of the following criteria are met: i) Two thirds or more of the final stage credits are in the higher class; ii) Two thirds or more of the final and penultimate stage credits are in the higher class. * that is, an unclassified degree and therefore awarded without honours. There may be circumstances in which a student is unable to proceed carrying credits, for example: In those circumstances, Schools are required to have an approved Exemption from the regulation and to ensure that students are made aware of this exemption in the relevant Programme Specification. An individual undertaking an apprenticeship programme at the University of Nottingham (UK campus) will be considered as a part time student. Student engagement. Do you need to bring a laptop around with you in Uni? Delivery Options Information External review is carried out by an 'external examiner', who . University of Nottingham Quality Manual Assessment, awards and degree classification Postgraduate taught degree classification from September 2021 Quality Manual Postgraduate taught degree classification from September 2021 This page contains the degree classifications for all postgraduate taught students who began their awards from September 2021. Any . These records should be available to External Examiners as soon as possible and be tabled at relevant Examination Boards. For more information about the Exceptional Regulations as a whole, please consult the following: Exceptional Regulations: Covid-19 - 2019/20 - 2020/21,,, Portland Building, University of NottinghamUniversity Park For more information, please consult the following: 7. For students entering Qualifying year or Part I from 2015/16 onwards, Schools should use only the standardised weighted profiling system for determining the degree class of borderline students. It also constitutes the summative assessment for the apprenticeship award. Students in category (iii) above who fail to meet the specified requirement may be unable to progress but subject to satisfying Regulation 9 above will be awarded the Foundation Certificate. A student should be given the higher class if either of the following criteria are met: i) Half or more of the final stage credits are in the higher class; ii) Half or more of the final and penultimate stage credits are in the higher class. The classification rules for Taught Masters, Postgraduate Diplomas and Postgraduate Certificates (i.e. The classifications are: Borderlines for these qualifications are: Includes:use of borderlines; extenuating circumstances; footnotes. 68 or 69 Borderline Distinction (individual programme specifications state whether the borderline is 68 or 69), 49 Borderline Pass (Master, also PGDip and PGCert from 2012/13), 39 Borderline Pass (PGDip and PGCert for students who registered for taught postgraduate degrees prior to the 2012/13 Session only). (c) Passed modules worth at least 90 credits, have marks of 30% or more in modules worth at least 110credits, and have a weighted average for the stage of at least 45%. 9.1 Pre-undergraduate, Undergraduate and Taught Postgraduate Programmes Awarding Principles 9.2 Pre-undergraduate and Undergraduate Programme Stage Weighting 9.3 Rules for Classification of Non-Honours Direct Entry Undergraduate Awards 9.4 Rules for Classification of Bachelors and Integrated Masters Degrees If you have any problems or queries relating to this page, please contact: Postgraduate taught degree classification from September 2021, Assessment, awards and degree classification, Exceptional classification and progression regulations, Personal tutoring, student support and development, Assessment overview and School responsibilities, Policy on self-certification for examinations, 50 Pass (there is no borderline at Pass/Fail). Regulations for students who do not meet Honours requirements from September 2015. Schools are encouraged to organise meetings for external examiners with representative groups of students as a mechanism for ensuring quality and standards control but this should not form part of the assessment process. For more information, please consult the following: 1. A student who, after re-assessment, has not completed the stage under Regulations 9-11 (of the Completion of a stage section above) will not be permitted to progress further on that course and will have no further re-assessment opportunities, except in the circumstances set out in Regulation 19 below. A student who, after re-assessment, has not completed the stage under Regulations 9-11(of the Completion of a stage section above)but: (a) has passed at least 80 credits of modules in the stage, and. OfS recommends staff-student relationships be either documented or banned, how to stay motivated at uni when i have no chance of getting a 1:1. Students in categories (i) and (ii) above who fail to satisfy the requirements of such a programme but who nonetheless satisfy the criteria as stated in Regulations 9 or 10 will be eligible to transfer to an alternative course, where one exists, as stated in the Supplementary Regulations. In the case of Undergraduate Diplomas the classification is based on the best marks obtained in 120 credits taken in stage 2 or 3 including at least 90 credits at level 2. (iii) The Foundation Stage of any programme. Developed and applied during academic year 2019/20 in response to the coronavirus pandemic:.... Your overall classification are called the Honours degree classification according to Table 3 of Nottingham ( UK campus will! Dana Wagner, for the many important contributions he made to this essay in their School a unit assessment! Unlike marks adjustment, moderation examines the application of standards to a of. 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