He was on it 1 week and he started terrible diarhea in my house and outside. He is aware of the harmful side effects of prescription drugs and is trying to give us healthier alternatives for our loving pets. She is allergic to beef, flax, white potatoe, corn and a few other things. He is a different dog entirely now that his life isnt consumed by itchiness and chewing and scratching. So I would take care to note if you see her drinking more than usual. Fuck this drug. The et did not tell be the possible side effects. Something has to be done. I took him back off of it and I called the vet and I said that I want to put him back on the pred. Great, or so I thought. We went to the vet because she was quite lethargic. The routine veterinarian drug did not bring it down. The vet could not detect what was wrong with her so this means a whole lot of blood test. About two weeks ago I went to bed on the Friday night and he was fine. About three days into this drug she started acting very lethargic barely getting out of her bed. Scariest thing Ive ever seen. If anyone has experienced this side effect and has any additional information I would greatly appreciate the knowledge. But they cant find any thing. 7.The last increasingly used ingredient for allergies is colostrum. Itching stopped within hours but he has become anxious and fearful and this morning peed in a visiting dogs food bowl. Allergies2 months ago prescribed Apoquel. Antihistamines in the management of canine atopic dermatitis: a retrospective study of 171 dogs (1992-1998). For the appropriate Apoquel dosage, your vet will determine that based on the weight of your dog. But I will never use these medications again and will find alternative methods of controlling the infections, i.e. instead of the dull molting fur.that just wouldnt grow, I was considering Apoquel for my 8 year old German Shepherd. My daughter stated she is doing this head and leg thing every morning the past 3 weeks. BTW, these meds did not come with the normal info sheet, just directions on the bottle. no more for Her, and a new vet , too !! Additionally, Cytopoint was specifically created to target itch associated with atopic (environmental) allergies. We have a coon hound with skin allergies. He suffers from allergies also. These two drugs may be given together;they will not interact with each other. Ive been looking for others with the same diagnosis. Health events associated with the drug were difficult to compare between groups given the low number of dogs in the placebo group at the end of the study. I am very much convinced Apoquel has caused the seizures. He weighs 12 pounds and the hydroxyzine was 10mg to be given twice a day. This year is especially bad. was hospitalized for cystitis secondary to urolithiasis (after day 80 of therapy). In fact, giving your dog Benadryl or Zyrtec is a common way to treat allergies in dogs. I am taking my dogs off of this. It takes away the itching, but doesnt last for a full day. She is a golden doodle and only a year and 8 months old . I searched apparel and found that this was a side affect. Her body was like a noodle. The gagging, a horrible sound as if he had just ate straw or something outrageously dry. The meds worked for 3 days of clearing his itching and swollen eyes but then the vomiting, not eating, stomach pains, panting, not drinking, exhaustion, completely out of it wondering and hiding in corners, didnt open his eyes for 3 days, and death happened. He cant come down the stairs or jump on the bed. Carprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that is used by veterinarians as a supportive treatment for the relief of arthritic symptoms in geriatric dogs. She went into Cardiac Arrest and flat lined. I also give him on 25mg Benadryl with his food at night. My supplement, Ultimate Canine Health Formula contains bovine colostrum in adequate levels for your dog. Pruritus is not a disease in itself. We just make sure to take him out frequently to be safe. I can help but believe the apaquel is. Well after about 4 mths I couldnt take it anymore. All dogs itch sometimes, but when you notice it happening more and more, it could be a sign of a medical condition. On the FDA report you wrote of earlier, Apoquels side effects arent listed only their FDA approvals are there. Apnea means that the patient stops breathing temporarily. I have read that this could be a side effect of apoquel which I was not made aware. When he didnt come back, I went to check, he had diarrhea in 2 different places. Itching and licking had gotten worse. She is otherwise fine during the day this just seems to happen at night. Copyright 2023 Four Paws Online Ltd. All rights reserved. My 10 year old Italian Greyhound a rescue from a puppy mill in Nebraska was just diagnosed with liver cancer. Pruritus is often the result of allergies, infections, or parasites. My advice, such as it is, is to inform yourself as much as you can about anything that you are going to give your dog and watch them closely while on it. As soon as spring arrived, the scratching and paw licking began. Im starting to think all these different vaccines may not be such a good idea. He will not walk againthey think the infection is in his spine now. But not at the cost of seizures. Aside from all of those things, Peatie still enjoys the simple things like a good scratch, peeing on everything he feels the need to and his favorite treat. They say it can take a month per year of your pets life to work. My dog has chronic dermatitis and this seems to help quite a bit but not totally. As another poster mentioned she was panting, in pain and suffering. Our veterinarian prescribed Apoquel on my doggie and she killed him. Decided to take him to ER. We took her in for the scan and they said she had nodules on her liver and she had 30 days to live. He has been on this drug for three years and his allergies are gone. In February 2017, we had to take Aries back again to the veterinarian since he had have 2 cysts that were getting larger almost weekly. During this time we went back to the vet for guidance and he was put on Prozac for dogs. My dog was only on it 2 months. He has woken up several times in the middle of the night to go outside and have diarrhea multiple times, then he strains and lays down on his stomach. We have to be careful sometimes we give this drug because it eases our mind about our dog itching and being uncomfortable . He has urinated in front of me, also not wanting to stay outside, or even go outside. I called my vet right away and was informed to take him off the drug right away. If you are into animal welfare, you probably should stay away from those supplements. Just wish I could find it cheaper but she is well worth the $93/month I spend on her! They vary from mild to severe. He has always had allergies, some seasons are worse than others. Two days after being on Apoquel, we noticed less itching. Ahh me I pray that there was no long term damage done. I gave him a pill at 9 a.m. yesterday morning and another at 9 p.m. yesterday evening. Multiple doses of antibiotics for skin infections. Very unlike him and the bowl belongs to a dog that visits a lot and he is head over heels in love with. they will run more blood test on him tomorrow and see if his blood counts go down if not we have to decide to keep him or put him down. Im wondering If the medicine comes out of his system will he return to his normal form or is the insulin the only option at this point? I usually research medications on the internet before taking them and this is the TRAGEDY OF MY LIFE, as I did not do it thoroughly, I trusted the doctor and when I looked it up I only read one first ad that pops up , ad from Zoetis, they only list vomiting, diarrhea and gastrointestinal problems, that right there should have been a Red flag for me, but again, THIS IS THE TRAGEDY OF MY LIFE. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Veterinarian, author, advocate for alternative, natural solutions for dog and cat health, Dr. Andrew Jones, DVM That is when I found all the other comments with the other symptoms she had. Most veterinarians say no because both drugs can cause drowsiness. Thats where the court issues come from. I dont want my baby to have these terrible side effects I am reading about here. She was starting to feel a little better we thought but then she died the day after Christmas 2016. Full Year 2015 Guidance Updated to Revenue of $4.8 $4.9 Billion and Adjusted Diluted EPS1 of $1.61 $1.68 This is sad. After two months and weight gain and labored breathing on steroids Ollie still has this yeast infection. Yes, you can. Started on Apoquel February 25 and the itching stopped almost immediately He has been on Apoquel for about 3 weeks now with no side effects. Any suggestions for options other than what I have already tried, in order to get him off Apoquel? I have never seen him like that so I wont be giving him the medication anymore. After 5 days on As with any medication, its always best to start with the lowest possible dose and increase gradually if necessary. We rescued our Min Pin Buddy 8 yrs ago. I think I will try the lady Anns recipe and see if that helps her. I put my Labrador retriever on Apoquel and within a day his severe seasonal allergies stopped. The treatment can be very effective. It is disturbing to realize that others have had almost the same situation. (Answered 2023), How Much Salami Can a Dog Eat? Keep fighting the good fight! Oh! My dog was on Apoquel for several months. My dog was recently given Apoquel for severe itching. And only started happening when she went back on the drug. Both drugs are available in pill form, so it is easy to give them to your dog together. But, Cytopoint isn't a chemical, like most drugs we're familiar with. 3.Regular bathing- of your dogs feet as he comes in from outside, and of your entire dog. My 4 year old red lab has been on Apoquel for about three weeks. Last week I took her off the Apoquel, out of nowhere she started eating again, even playing and drinking water. My dog has severe allergies and I had tried everything to find him relief. I took her back to the vet in November as I was so concerned about the weight gain. Told vet and she took bloods so fingers crossed. This is a awful drug. If Apoquel is responsible for his life threatening illness and the issues other owners have had with their pets, surely we should be doing something to get this drug taken off the market. Due to her age, shes not the best at going outside, but on this pill, she is peeing constantly. Instead of taking the heat, paying what you owe for flapping your gums when you said you wouldnt, you took the easy way out. 5 crushed pumpkin seeds, little bit of oil like Safflower or Genestra EFA vegetarian or Omega 3. The neurologist said by default he had to dx her with epilepsy. This same dog slowly developed behavioral problems (panic attacks) hyper ventilating, shaking, lost weight, unusual bowel movements. I am sure making a good living is a consideration. VERY STRESSFUL, to get this large of a dog sedated and onto a table, he panicked as he was losing his ability to stand, the fear in his eyes made me lose it. Both drugs are relatively safe, so the risk of side effects is low when they are used together. Based on that, A dog of 6.6 to 9 lbs should have 3.6 mg on a daily basis and twice. He also had these side effects while taking hydroxyzine. It helped a little but not enough, so a week later (yesterday) I called the vet, they prescribed Apoquel 5.4mg once every 12 hours for 14 days then once every 24 hours for 14 days. He itched and scratched since we got him. 14 days later he died. He was unresponsive, although breathing. Dogs with the MDR1 genetic mutation can become very ill or die if given certain medications. The usual dosage of hydroxyzine for dogs is 1 mg per pound of body weight given two to three times per day. She began taking it in Nov. Of 2019. Today my usually energetic puppy was lethargic vomiting and had extremely runny foul smelling stool (2x). mega esophagus this is where the nerves dont signal the He has always had a scratching, itching biting skin problem. It can also be used for more long-term allergies but has varying results. We are going to wean her off the supply we have and tell the vet we are going to take her off the apoquel. The vet prescribed Apoquel and after 2 weeks she never itches. The vets are making a fortune off this drug and the injections that is why they are pushing them. Drugs that suppress the immune system He had an ultrasound and it was determined it was likely due to the Apoquel, and he was diagnosed with liver disease. I have an 11 year old yorkie with known seizure disorder, well controlled on phenobarbital, levels good, no seizure for 9 months. Hydroxyzine is a common choice. to the manufacturer of Apoquel, this drug can predispose DO NOT GIVE THIS MEDICINE TO YOUR ANIMAL. She is licking herself just as much as she did before and she get some kind of black spots on her body, and her skin is full of small scales of dried skin which she never had before. Also of note, this drug is not labeled for cats. She said if he was human, they would say he was anorexic. Finally the neurologist did and MRI and found no stroke, no tumor, her blood vessels looked good and she was over 6 yrs old. There are a few things youll want to know before giving this to your dog. Every side effect that could happen from this drug did, and in the end he died on 8-24-2017 after the vet did blood work 4 times, ex rays, untrasounds, and swore up and down that the meds had nothing to do with it. Hope FDA takes this seriously as theres always the money making issue versus quality/safety now days. My dog had a history of pancreatitis, vet should have known this product and think this is not good for this dog. The itching and the lick granuloma healed. After this it was too late for her they said she had When we took him in, the nurse noticed bumps on his back and the vet (a new one) decides that it is a skin infection and prescribes(without permission) Cefpodoxime and Apoquel. The sedative properties are beneficial in these instances. Is APOQUEL Im not continuing the apoquel! She was also drinking more and having accidents. He has been on apoquell for a few weeks for itchy skin. When we found the new vet he said he wanted to try Peatie on a new anti-itch drugpricey but effective. Quite a misleading article. My dog (a 12 year old shepherd mix) is about a month or so in on this medication, which has miraculously stopped most, if not all of her itching (which she has had her whole life, is indoors, and was previously on prednisone for). Never told that it destroyed the immune system or the side effects. As always, if you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. I came on the web to find if there might be a correlation as to what I am seeing with my dog and the drug Apoquel. I knew the potential for problems but was willing to do anything make her comfortable, and hoped that she would not show any negative effects. I dont trust drugs and I dont trust doctors, or car sales men, or lawyers for that matter. I have her on flea meds year round, no fleas. She gave my dog Prince Si Miao Four Marvels Formula (can buy this online) I gave a 1/4 or less amount that a human would take for 4 months (herbs must be watched not to take for long periods of time so look for any side effects like blood in stool) . I should have typed EFFECTS not AFFECTS. Apoquel (oclacitinib) is a medication that is specifically approved for use in dogs, it is not approved for use in Humans. Due to the fact that he is a rescue and we have always wondered exactly his breed(s), we chalked it up to him being part Shar-pei (that we knew for sure Shar-pei is part of him: Swollen hocks is a big problem with that breed) Was hospitalized for cystitis secondary to urolithiasis ( after day 80 of therapy ) use in Humans and licking... A sign of a medical condition doing this head and leg thing every morning the past 3.... 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