Vape explosions are some of the common incidents that can be very dangerous. Im really bummed because it stopped me from smoking but after not being able to vape i went right back to smoking. Bloating can make you feel like someone has filled you with air like a balloon. I sleep like a baby. Aim to quit altogether. I dont know what that equals to in mgs. Get a clue people!! I can comfortably go 6 hours without vaping, I havent tried more lol. Hope everything goes well. It isnt always necessary for there to be a drug involved. Symptoms of chronic gallbladder disease include complaints of gas, nausea and abdominal discomfort after meals and chronic diarrhea. I enjoy vaping. For instance, GERD, celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and even intestinal blockages can all be causes of excessive gas. Dry mouth. I bought a drip cape that was about the size and weight of a cigarette. its sad to see that rich greedy pigs (big tobacco) are still the main influence behind research on vaping. Many e-liquid manufacturers also offer their e-juices with a non-nicotine option. Vaping: I have been vaping for over 3 years now after smoking for 20 years. Not hardly! Theres not enough medical evidence to support that its safe. The fix: Eating enough fiber is crucial for beating the bloat, but too much fiber can be equally problematic. Try and find one made in USA.. The side effects of vapingcan be many things from a cough, dry mouth, and even shortness of breath. They think nothing of vaping indoors or allowing a cloud of vapour over anyone. He has smoked this thing in the toddler face because he likes to play in the smoke. Sure; if you never smoked cigarettes, vaping may be harmful. Especially anyone with underlying conditions. Im using a Pulse pod that uses a nic salt type of juice. I dont want to go back to smoking but the vaping makes me feel not good either. Inflammation in the chest is a typical symptom of vaping-related illnesses or regular vaping, but it is not always an indicator of serious disease. Id say about 6 of my family members have quit smoking because of vaping and feel and look better than they did in many years. I am new to this. I am using the vapor for almost a week, and cannot complain. (I dont think the vaping is causing the issues in the first place though) It May just be from certain things you are eating. It is Black Note. The side effects of the vaping only happened after a substantial amount of time and as far as i know effects very little of the vaping population. I have not read anything that condemns vaping enough to go back to cigs. if its taken away from us, I will go back to analog cig & make life hell for anyone around me. Thats just not how skin works. Why, you ask because there are those who smoke cigarettes and that is what give you side effect.and then go to vaping OR there cholest. I started vaping September 2018. In addition, you sound like theres a lot more going on which the gaping might just be bringing to the surface. Vaping tends to strip moisture out of your lungs and if you don't drink lots of water, it may lead to you being slightly dehydrated, which could enhance bloating. Dry mouth and hoarse voice and.ending up with difficulty trying to speak,.. This has happened to me before. Nicotine is a cancer causing substance. It stated that propylene glycol and glycerol could irritate the throat and mouth and cause dry cough. 3 charldeved 4 yr. ago You're right. I contacted the people I bought it from and theyre saying they never heard of nosebleeds, with their liquids. These chemicals can damage the lungs airways. try ones with only one flavor, I use only strawberry and never change it. The side effects depend on how long you vape, inhaling the vapor, what type of device, and the vape juice you use. What i want to know is: has anybody else had problems breathing after switching to vaping? I sell vapes and do safety talks wirh people about vapes so that they dont run into most of the problems experienced by the people in this comment section. But if anyone has any questions feel free to email me and I will help. I have smoked for 40 years and just started vaping a month ago. On the other hand, a Harvard study claims there are many dangers of vaping that make it nearly as devastating as smoking. I would do my best to go as long as I could without taking in the nicotine 0.3. Vaping is not meant as safe, or safer. Hi guys, I see there's many people asking about. I still would get some side effects but very light so I began the juice search. VG, on the other hand, is derived from vegetables and goes easy on your system. Too many flavors and additives need to be added to make a certain flavor that when heated turns into who knows what. In most cases, excess gas is caused by swallowing too much air or eating gas-producing foods. On June 6th, 2018 at 6 pm I smoked my last cig and have been vaping ever since. I can breathe much better now that I no longer smoke. 1. I couldnt believe how easy my first day was and I never looked back. Mostly it is novice vapers who get a headache. I have now developed a shortness of breath and itchy eyes and none stop runny nose. Its also a fun little hobby BUT yea theres a but, every since I started vaping every day Ive developed ulcers, pretty much every damn day since. Pace yourself dont just be a uneducated consumer ? breath and sleep better by turning down your mod to a lower level. I was given a shot of penicillin and a regiment of two antibiotics to take for a week. The best thing of switching is the disappearance of the mucus in the throat in the morning and also the stinky cigarettes smells in my fingers , breath and through my nose. Can you battery cope woth your coil that sort of thing. I cant even stand the smell of them now ( yea Im one of those people lol) but when I quit I had a bad cough for like 6 months, your lungs are clearing the crap out Id cough so hard Id almost be sickthis does get better. If youre feeling dizzy, you are probably taking more nicotine than your body can handle. Go bitch about how monsanto. I am going to try acupuncture to attempt to quit cigs, because Ive tried everything except vaping to quit, and nothing has worked for me. Doing so is especially true for cannabis vapes containing THC. OK, cold is gone but I still dont have the breathing capabilities as when i smoked! Megan, probably youve experienced so-called Vaping Throat. I am sure it will be easier to stop vaping than smoking was and have started lowering my nicotine. If you have to question anything about your ridiculous vaping habit then you just need to quit. IDK it does sound to me like somehow, vapor is making its way into your stomach somehow. See if in-taking less vaper would help. Once I thought about it I realized it started right after I got back from vacation . I can go further with out shortness of breath. He is trying to quit and is using the Juul. There has never been any record of side effects I guess people like to assume when they smoke 3 packs a day then blame it on vaping. Joel, My son 19 started using the juul a month ago and has gone off the deep end , he is in college and was very smart never caused in problems he talks to everyone he sees he is not his self shows no emotion , what kind of problems did you have did you stop vaping did symptoms go away. do you research Tony. However, diacetyl in nicotine liquids is not present in high enough amounts to cause illness. Its been informative actually. I know that finding the bad effects of vaping is good and all to prevent more damage but still why would you conclude that youll look for the bad effect. I finally found a mod/tank combo that gives me the hit I wanted. Vaping worked but there are some bad side effects for me. Am I out of the clear, no. I knew when I replaced smocking with vaping I had to go without nicotine forever . Vaping as we know is not 100% healthy some may have different side effects to it some may have none. Feel great I am 59 play Dek Hockey, Raquetball and am in some of the best shape of my life. Most people don't associate smoking with gastritis, but it's been shown that nicotine and other toxins in cigarettes increase production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which can cause a bout of gastritis. Have you had the same problem? I have a LEMO 3 at the moment, not sure the holes would be big enough to wick it or not. LOSER! And so here comes vape, claiming to be a healthier alternative and a new trend of vaping takes over. Ive been vaping for 5 or 6 years and i just started using a juul for a week now and so far Ive just started feeling weak and having nose bleeds and headaches need feed back please. I really enjoyed the vaping using my RTA and RDA for awhile until I started experiencing some dizziness and occasional headaches .. Welcome to the world's largest e-cigarette website. Recently I have had a headache, neck ache, sore throat, bad back, pains in the rib cage, pain in the left arm, pain in the armpit, stomach upset and flatulence. Quitting smoking can sometimes cause constipation and other intestinal difficulties. The vg/pg = vegetable glyceryn/ propelyne glycol. Because of that, many people want to eat right after smoking. Its never too late to quit and we hope that you achieve your goals. Im 42 yrs old, female and smoked since 15 yrs old. I might give yhe vape up one day. Could be a lot of things, from allergic reaction to VG, PG, the flavorings used. This is responding to JEK, I apologize but I had to point this out. You should lower the nicotine (sounds way too high), read the ingredients in the juice and not be so heavy on vaping. Add foods back into your diet one at a time after 1 week. Why Im researching is cause about 3 months ago my husband started vaping after giving up cigar smoking and he thought it was great but since his health has made a dramatic turn around. The short term side effects of vaping cannabis oils are: Negative side effects are a fact, but the vaporizer seems more harmless when you compare it to smoking. The reason is that some patients may not tolerate cannabis well, or the current medications they are using may react badly with THC or CBD. May I ask which sub ohm tanks you've been successful with MAX VG? The differences between smoking and vaping ( FOR ME ALONE ) I dont cough. Afford yourself the same chance that you would give any newborn babyits time for me to live Get busy living, or get busy dying.. I dont want to stop vaping but constantly having this pain in my mouth and not being and to eat or drink is absolutely killing me. also I rarely vape as its not habit forming or addictive for me like the chemicals in cigarettes, I have none of the side effects as below because I donr blow a cloud of vapor that I can walk through like most young people that vape, I vape a few times a day and some days not at all. Maybe with all the laws and active campaigns against cigarettes, people started smoking cigarettes less. When muscles that normally move food along don't work properly, gas can build up in the small intestines,. Does that tell you something? For instance, there is a claim that electronic cigarettes are at least 95% less harmful than tobacco cigarettes. I read another study that went into the difference between a smoker and only a vapor. Could I be having allergic reaction to the chemicals from the Vape? i never had that issue though. when i shave i get a burning sensation and redness around my mouth the second day is fine but on the third day its all dry flakey skin all round were i have shaved. I quit smoking for 3 weeks and started vaping. I think, vaping wasnt too bad for health compared to smoking cigarettes and now I dont feels like wanted to smoke cigarettes. A burp is an involuntary expulsion of wind (gas) by the stomach when it becomes distended from an excess of swallowed air. I don't know why PG, VG or flavoring would matter but I can be wronger than Dr's. so I am also worried because I like my e cigarette and dont want to give it up. I tried smoking once while drinking a few weeks ago and the cigarette was so nasty I put it right back out. I love my vape I dont do the big ass cloud thing I do it to replace smoking and its working great all hail the vape, what does vaping only ONE time do to my body? Then my head started feeling funny my nose and teeth hurt from sinus pressure my hands, joints and chest hurt and were tight. Maybe Im just lucky that I was able to switch my habit without any of the issues others describe, but I really get irritated when people say that vaping is bad for me and I shouldnt vape. A lot cheaper that smoking and better for me. Most significantly, diacetyl exposure from cigarette smoking is significantly higher than exposure from vaping, perhaps as much as 750 times higher. Belching, or burping, is a release of gas from your stomach through your mouth. Take from this what you will but for me its about the right setup with the right settings and proper cleaning. I have yet to see anyone ask about vaping and bloating. Its not. : ), Yeah find a juice PREFERRABLY online 1/3 cheaper than local rip off shops that works for ya and stick w/that one like ya do w/your cigg brand lol. Everyone I tell says Im having too much nicotine but thats not possible, it is something else. My family still can not believe that overnight I became a no-smoker. I started with a 0.03 Nicotine juice . There is currently not enough information to say what happens to a persons lungs if they vape everyday. Just reduce your intake of caffeine, and all these symptoms will quickly dissipate. If you have to question it then just quit it. Vaping is an analog for cigarettes, therefore youre not giving up the smoking experience just giving up the hundreds of carcinogenic compounds, smell, expense, filth and social stigma of being a cigarette smoker while still enjoying a puff. Yes,its been about four weeks i quit smoking. Today I feel much better when I started I also had some of the possible side effects people are speaking about. Granted vaping does require a slight learning curve. Ive been vaping for 2 years now, 6mg nicotine, no hoarseness or cough . SteveS45 Diamond Contributor ECF Refugee When you are in the hospital on an IV and ventilator, you Remember, its Just an Allergy. God bless you all. If you do begin to feel a tightness or soreness in your chest, its best to stop vaping and see a doctor immediately. Inhaling shit into your lungs is a serious threat to your long term survival. Choose foods that do not cause gas, such as meat, poultry, fish, and eggs. I don't know about your condition but I vape max vg in Sub-Ohm attys. My lungs felt like shit. I smoke 25mil Pod Minthol flavor all day out of my sub ohm tank and it works great. This effect is commonly associated with sub-ohm when large plumes of vapor are entering your body. Been smoking 3mg of hunting clouds juice or illusions juice and have had no problems. Im so glad I switched to vapor. I dont get that gotta have a cigarette feeling at all. I am asthmatic and my partner vapes. Ive been doing what I can to stop smoking, like a lot of you who have commented. Dont Eat Too Much at a Time. that is interesting u said t hat annette as i have een vaping for 2 years but recently had what was like a knot in my throat. Im fighting the tide of hysteria and dis-information around vaping that emanates from various fronts legislative, cultural and scientific. He would not vape around his family, yes he vapes around me his wife and our fur child, who he has said would break his heart without him, gimmiie a break asshole. dry skin in the case of people who have very oily skin. Im positive Hillary Clinton has murdered more little children than a family has lost loved ones from vaping. The burping is usually linked to that excess acid in the stomach, Dr. Farhadi says, which can cause heartburn and a resulting symphony of burps. I had to start @ 12mg and work down to 6 and then 3. I feel like lighting a cig and blowing the smoke in their face and ask if they like that better. Maybe it depends on how you use it, me I only used 80Vg/20Pg 65ml Juice on a 50 Watts, and hits 3 times then maybe after 2 to 3 hours do it again I am not after on cloud chasing or to be in, like Ive said earlier its just a replacement.for my nicotine craving, so far its doing good for me. I quit smoking and been vaping for years side effects dry mouth sometimes a dry throat because I try new juice and that has alot to do with it also sometimes fast heart rate because sometimes I get carried away and puff like crazy but overall me and my girlfriend vape and Ill tell you the smell the hacking the gunk in my lungs all that is gone it takes years for youre lungs to heal dont forget and alot of the side effects and even sickness many go through are the cause of years of smoking and the infections can be caused do to the fact of youre lungs trying to heal and push out the many years of smoke that damaged youre lungs. Pizza Netflix and trolling facebook isnt a healthy life style and I know the largest percent is actively making this an insane routine than looking to blame something for there misfortune than a medicated referral to follow ? But Will be easier to quit vaping than it was to quit smoking. Regardless of the cause, chest pain is not a minor problem and signifies a more serious health problem. If your lips are getting darker, it may be time to stop vaping altogether just to see if that is the cause of your discoloration. One common cause of bloating is constipation. Hi Im 58 years old I had 3rd stage colon rectal cancer in 2010 from smoking 3-4 pks of cigarettes a day I couldnt breath, didnt know if I would sleep or wake up the next morning, I know this will sound very stupid because it was. Have you found anything that helped? Never thought I would ever be able to say that!! Super weird, never had em before but yeah. At that stage I still hadnt even thought it had anything to do with him using the Vapour thing but I have found some proper research articles that have described him to a T. I dont want to know about the mg of nicotine as he wasnt on a high dose at all and some that supposedly had none but Im just wanting to know as Im desperate is has anybody else had these side effects? chances are if you are experiencing a sore throat its either too many watts, mg of nicotine, or high pg to vg ratio. Now I know that it was from a bad atomizer. I did have bp out of control for a couple yrs even on bp medicine but am now on an additional pill and its under control thank God. Emily, everyone has their poison. I was ok for the first two weeks and loved it. MELO* I meant. I am currently vaping right now and I am having the side effects of nausea dizziness feeling light headed heartburn pressure on the nose cavity tingling in toes and fingertips should I be worried? Its a shame that our gov. 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