He was able to order new books from Bowes & Bowes bookshop in Cambridge, who checked with MI5 whether they should be supplying him. But for intelligence history aficionados it marked the 50th anniversary of the escape to Moscow of notorious double spy Harold Adrian Russell Philby. The head of MI6, Dick White, only recently transferred from MI5, had suspected Philby as the "third man". He testified before the Dies Committee (later to become the House Un-American Activities Committee) regarding Soviet espionage within the US. Shortly afterward, Philby was moved to the job as chief SIS representative in Washington, D.C., with his family. But the rezident (Russian term for spymaster) in France, probably Pierre at this time, suggested to Moscow that he suspected Philby's motives. When the news broke in Britain that she, too, had defected, the Press rounded on Melinda, turning the pathetic and lonely figure theyd previously portrayed her as into a scheming deceiver. To protect his family, still living in the USSR, Orlov said nothing about Philby, an agreement Stalin respected. The comments below have not been moderated, By 149", "Up on the Catwalk Lyrics Simple Minds", The Defence of the Realm: The Authorized History of MI5, Stalin's Englishman: The Lives of Guy Burgess, Annotated bibliography of the Philby Affair, File release: Cold War Cambridge spies Burgess and Maclean, "Kim Philby: The Spy Who Loved Me" by Charlotte Philby, 12 June 2018, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Kim_Philby&oldid=1139360835, Belgian comic authors Olivier Neuray and Valerie Lemaire wrote a series of three historical comics entitled "Les Cinq de Cambridge" involving Kim Philby. "I tried everything to save him; after all, he was killing himself. Modrzhinskaya concluded that all were double agents, working essentially for the British. He claimed he made the admission to her to excuse his lateness for their meetings when he was busy handling documents and rendezvousing with his Soviet handler. He became more optimistic once the family was deemed fully rehabilitated and they moved to Moscow in 1955. [75], Upon his arrival in Moscow in January 1963, Philby discovered that he was not a colonel in the KGB, as he had been led to believe. Harold Adrian Russell Philby, ; 1 1912, , 11 1988, ) . When her brother-in-law, Alan Maclean, asked her whether she would join Donald if she knew for sure that he was behind the Iron Curtain, she gave a firm No. However, she denies that Philby ever regretted defecting to the Soviet Union, adding that he never talked of going home to Britain. We are no longer accepting comments on this article. He was tall and fair; she was slight with curly, dark hair. Krivitsky claimed that two Soviet intelligence agents had penetrated the Foreign Office and that a third Soviet intelligence agent had worked as a journalist for a British newspaper during the civil war in Spain. LONDON Kim Philby, called the "spy of the century" because of his work for the Soviet Union while a senior officer in British intelligence, died Wednesday in Moscow, the Foreign Office said. The photographs depict many of the protagonists in this political and military struggle, including Colonel T.E. He drank to excess, hit her, and often disappeared. You can give that to the International Organisation for Aid for Revolutionaries. And while on holiday in Majorca, she gave away a lot of her clothes to the maid of a family she was staying with. In 1946, Philby arranged a divorce from Litzi. In contrast to Blake, Philby and Burgess and to a less extent Maclean suffered from nostalgia for Britain. [54][61] There, his journalism served as cover for renewed work for MI6. Change). Melinda translated Russian stories into English for the weekly English paper, Moscow News. Halfway there, they switched cars and drove to a small airport in the Soviet zone of Austria. Volkov's defection had been discussed with the British Embassy in Ankara on telephones which turned out to have been tapped by Soviet intelligence. [58] He and Eleanor divorced and she departed Moscow in May 1965. The organization was one of several fronts operated by German communist Willi Mnzenberg, a member of the Reichstag who had fled to France in 1933. After all, they won the war.'". He feared that she would dump him because he was just a boring official in the British diplomatic service so to make myself look better and more important, I told her the reason why I led such a life. He was a sad traitor. A new expedition honours Harry St John Philby's exploration of the kingdom more than 100 years ago. Donald Maclean, although arrogant and someone who liked a drink too, was regarded as more convivial. Then, with no more information to be had, the story of the Macleans went dead. There was nothing more [he] could do. During the Phoney War from September 1939 until the Dunkirk evacuation, Philby worked as The Times' first-hand correspondent with the British Expeditionary Force headquarters. Commenting on his sabotage of the operation to secretly send thousands of Albanian anti-communists into Albania to overthrow the communist government, which led to many being killed, Philby rebutted that he helped prevent another World War. No connection with Philby was made at the time, and Krivitsky was found shot in a Washington hotel room the following year. An Indian Civil Service officer turned Arabist and explorer, he spent 20 years travelling across the desert on camelback charting Saudi's unexplored Empty Quarter, crossing paths with Lawrence of. After I had been wounded and decorated by Franco himself, I became known as 'the English-decorated-by-Franco' and all sorts of doors opened to me. How? Pierre-Charles Path. Eventually, Melinda went back to her home country, the U.S., bringing to an end nearly 40 years of endurance, loyalty and betrayal. Burgess was arrested in September for drunken driving and was subsequently fired,[29] while Philby was appointed as an instructor on clandestine propaganda at the SOE's finishing school for agents at the Estate of Lord Montagu[30][pageneeded] in Beaulieu, Hampshire. [66] She recalled returning home to Beirut from a sight-seeing trip in Jordan to find Philby "hopelessly drunk and incoherent with grief on the terrace of the flat," mourning the death of a little pet fox which had fallen from the balcony. Opposites attracted. Given all that Melinda had gone through, the pity she had had to accept and the dissembling she had had to practise, that first meeting overseen by Soviet officials was a strained affair. Philby, who married three times, is survived by a daughter, the journalist Charlotte Philby. From April 1950, Maclean had been the prime suspect in the investigation into the Embassy leak. After leaving Cambridge, Philby worked as a journalist, covering the Spanish Civil War and the Battle of France. [35] In early 1944, as it became clear that the Soviet Union was likely to once more prove a significant adversary to Britain, SIS re-activated Section Nine, which dealt with anti-communist efforts. He was implicated in a similar campaign in Albania. Philby had been briefed on the situation shortly before reaching Washington in 1949; it was clear to Philby that the agent was Donald Maclean, who worked in the British Embassy at the time and whose wife, Melinda, lived in New York. His alcoholic mother, Aileen Furse, was his father's mistress before they were married in 1946 after he divorced his first wife. Melinda returned to Donald, but two years later moved to her own apartment. 1915-1921. A person of high intelligence struggles to make sense of the world as it relates to morality, relationships, sex, and leaving her apartment. She flirted with other men and had affairs. In August 1956 he was sent to Beirut as a Middle East correspondent for The Observer and The Economist. [20] However, such an act was never a real possibility; upon debriefing Philby in London on 24 May 1937, Maly wrote to the NKVD, "Though devoted and ready to sacrifice himself, [Philby] does not possess the physical courage and other qualities necessary for this [assassination] attempt."[20]. On 25 October 1955, following revelations in The New York Times, Labour MP Marcus Lipton used parliamentary privilege to ask Prime Minister Anthony Eden if he was determined "to cover up at all costs the dubious third man activities of Mr Harold Philby"[57] This was reported in the British press, leading Philby to threaten legal action against Lipton if he repeated his accusations outside Parliament. Certain aspects of Soviet life did indeed disappoint Philby, with his wife claiming he was "particularly irritated by Brezhnev". Jubilee Statistical Yearbook]", "The national economy of the USSR for 70 years. His mother resented Burgess and his close relationship with her husband, and began staging accidents to claim attention; she reported being mugged in her car; on another occasion she set fire to the living room, suffering serious burns. This turned out to be identical with Barclay's dispatch, convincing the NKVD that Philby had seen the full Barclay report. In Vienna, working to aid refugees from Germany, Philby met Litzi Friedmann (born Alice Kohlmann), a young Austrian communist of Hungarian Jewish origins. Jun 27, 2019. [10], Philby acted as a courier between Vienna and Prague, paying for the train tickets out of his remaining 75 and using his British passport to evade suspicion. [12][13] Philby had come to the Soviets' notice earlier that year in Vienna, where he had been involved in demonstrations against the government of Engelbert Dollfuss. He got drunk and roamed Kuybyshev looking for action, on one occasion having his teeth knocked out in a brawl. The Macleans lived well, housed in a smart building overlooking the river, in a splendid six-room flat which they gradually filled with bric--brac and furniture shipped from home. The first was ignored as a provocation, but the second, when this was confirmed by the Russo-German journalist and spy in Tokyo, Richard Sorge, contributed to Stalin's decision to begin transporting troops from the Far East in time for the counteroffensive around Moscow. Melinda put the bravest of faces on her situation when she wrote to her still grief-stricken mother that she understood the suffering she had caused. [36][37] Charles Arnold-Baker, an officer of German birth (born Wolfgang von Blumenthal) working for Richard Gatty in Belgium and later transferred to the Norwegian/Swedish border, voiced many suspicions of Philby and Philby's intentions but was ignored time and time again.[5]. But the two men, for so long ideological comrades, fell out. But it wasnt true. Philby was posted to the United States the following year, and Burgess, who was second secretary at the British Embassy, lodged with the Philbys at their ramshackle house in Washington. The intercepted messages revealed that the British Embassy source (identified as "Homer") travelled to New York City to meet his Soviet contact twice a week. They had already been down to the Embassy but being unable to work had come back". Were sorry, this feature is currently unavailable. "[23], Philby, "employed in a Department of the Foreign Office", was appointed an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in 1946.[41]. Another effort was made using a Turkish gulet for a seaborne landing, but it never left port. The two-drink tradition remained but in time there was no longer a need to hide the bottle, she added. After Philby defected to the Soviet Union in 1963, Eleanor visited him in Moscow. They even had a dacha a country cottage 20 miles from Moscow where the children could swim, fish, bicycle and forage for mushrooms. He died in 1983 at the age of 69, recording beforehand that I do not at all regret having done what seemed and still seems to me my duty. He was educated at Westminster School and Trinity College, Cambridge, where he studied oriental languages . Philby, one of the few British intelligence officers operating in America at the time, was an obvious possibility. "There was one funny incident," she remembered. He said, 'Why do old people live so badly here? And he kept his word to the end." [5] He also began working for both the Soviet and British intelligence, which usually consisted of posting letters in a crude code to a fictitious girlfriend, Mlle Dupont in Paris, for the Russians. [19] Maly was one of the Soviet Union's most powerful and influential illegal controllers and recruiters. Now Josephine, the eldest of his five children, has described how his family coped with the aftermath of a betrayal that shocked the nation. As a result of this accident, Philby, who was well-liked by the Nationalist forces whose victories he trumpeted, was awarded the Red Cross of Military Merit by Franco on 2 March 1938. Maclean seemed totally at one with Soviet ways and believed to his death that the USSR and its new society has a much better prospect than the old of overcoming the major ills and injustices of our civilisation. Rate this book. The double spys fourth wife and widow, Rufina Philby, told the paper that her British husband, whom she married in 1971, eight years after his defection, was disappointed about some of what he saw in the USSR. [3], Secret files released to the National Archives in late 2020 indicated that the UK government had intentionally conducted a campaign to keep Philby's spying confidential "to minimise political embarrassment" and prevent the publication of his memoirs, according to a report by The Guardian. (He is pictured, left, in Moscow with his father Kim, centre, and the escaped spy George Blake.). Melinda returned to Donald, but two years later moved to her own apartment. Guarded night and day by KGB troops, and rigorously de-briefed to make sure they were not double agents, to all intents and purposes they were under house arrest. Then, of course, there was Kim Philby's own children. It has since been suggested that the whole confrontation with Elliott had been a charade to convince the KGB that Philby had to be brought back to Moscow, where he could serve as a British penetration agent of Moscow Centre. Harry St John Philby was devastated to not become the first westerner to cross the Empty Quarter. But unlike his notorious father, who was hailed a hero in the Soviet Union and buried with full honours, Philby jnr led a low-profile life, and ran his own successful joinery business from a workshop near King's Cross in north London. He hated London, adored Paris, and spoke of it with deeply loving affection. Philby confirmed that he had worked for the KGB and that "his purpose in life was to destroy imperialism".[80]. Of the five, Philby is believed to have been most successful in providing secret information to the Soviets.[2]. Theirs had always been a stormy marriage, punctuated by bad behaviour on both sides and terrible rows. Life is good here in every way.. Kim Philby, , . In 1940 he began working for the United Kingdom's Secret Intelligence Service (SIS or MI6). Burgess had to get to London to warn Maclean, who was under surveillance. He recalled that in 1948, when he was five, Burgess came to stay for a holiday. His wife Eleanor joined him in Moscow, and the Philbys and the Macleans spent a lot of time together, going to the ballet or just having dinner and playing bridge. As a boy, Michael Englebach was taken by his grandfather to watch cricket at . If one accepts Philbys propaganda one can repeat Philbys non-double agent claim. He spent the rest of his professional life as a self-employed joiner. It was a mystery. We retrace the steps of the vast desert's earliest western adventurers and uncover tales of rivalry, stealth and concern for the future of the Bedouin. In a written statement, they admitted they had been Communists since their Cambridge days and disingenuously described themselves as political refugees, not spies. Golitsyn offered the CIA revelations of Soviet agents within American and British intelligence services. I discovered much later from a photograph in MI5 files that the name he went by was Arnold Deutsch. Harry Philby. Little Donald said perhaps he had gone to India because that would be a good place to hide.. I liked her determination. This role allowed him to conduct sabotage and instruct agents on how to properly conduct sabotage. [58] Another meeting was scheduled to take place in the last week of January. By the end of the Second World War he had become a high-ranking member. Angleton remained suspicious of Philby, but lunched with him every week in Washington. I knew what I wanted to know and that was the end of the affair. From 1947, they infiltrated the southern mountains to build support for former King Zog. ", Pukhova, now 78, said she was irritated by stories about Philby's drink problem, but admitted he wasn't always able to stick to his two-glass rule. His successor, Boris Bazarov, suffered the same fate two years later during the purges. Philby had other less damaging routines: a cup of Russian tea at 7am and English tea with milk at 5pm, drunk from a fine porcelain cup. He reported to the Soviet NKVD from the Spanish civil war under the guise of a correspondent for the Times, and in 1940 joined the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS, or MI6), becoming a double agent and passing many secrets to the Kremlin. "[69] Prompted by Elliott's accusations, Philby confirmed the charges of espionage and described his intelligence activities on behalf of the Soviets. By the time he arrived in Turkey, three weeks later, Volkov had been removed to Moscow. In time, details emerged of their lives after they defected. I replied 100, which I hoped would last me about a year in Vienna. Larger numbers were landed by sea and air under Operation Valuable, which continued until 1951, increasingly under the influence of the newly formed CIA. [88], While working as a correspondent in Spain, Philby began an affair with Frances Doble, Lady Lindsay-Hogg, an actress and aristocratic divorce who was an admirer of Franco and Hitler. For the Soviets, Philby was an invaluable asset, ensuring the correct use of idiomatic and diplomatic English phrases in their disinformation efforts. 23. In February 1947, Philby was appointed head of British intelligence for Turkey, and posted to Istanbul with his second wife, Aileen, and their family. He graduated in 1933 with a 2:1 degree in Economics. Born in 1946, Dudley Tommy Philby is the third of Kims five children with his second of four wives, Aileen Furse Philby. , updated The new London rezident, Ivan Chichayev (code-name Vadim), re-established contact and asked for a list of names of British agents being trained to enter the Soviet Union. He told the paper that Kim eventually came to think that it was all wrong, implying that Philby grew disillusioned with the Soviet system. He said "It was a very dirty storybut after all our work does imply getting dirty hands from time to time but we do it for a cause that is not dirty in any way". [22][23], Alexander Orlov (born Lev Feldbin; code-name Swede), Philby's controller in Madrid, who had once met him in Perpignan, France, also defected. One historian said his work for the Soviets was ''beyond price''. In those days, correspondence had to be sent to a PO Box; and in his reply, Kim would sign off under a special code name, Panina (a combination of Pa and Nina, the alias used for Kims wife). Because hed told her from the very start. During his career as an intelligence officer, he passed large amounts of intelligence to the Soviet Union, including a plot to subvert the communist regime of Albania. children: Dudley Thomas Philby, Harry George Philby, John . [83] Philby claimed publicly in January 1988 that he did not regret his decisions and that he missed nothing about England except some friends, Colman's mustard and Lea & Perrins Worcestershire sauce. [86][pageneeded]. by Ian Allen She emphasised the strength and goodness of their fathers moral and political beliefs as a committed communist who wanted peaceful co-existence between East and West. [39][5], The intervention of Philby in the affair and the subsequent capture of Volkov by the Soviets might have seriously compromised Philby's position. [11][pageneeded], Philby provided Stalin with advance warning of Operation Barbarossa and of the Japanese intention to strike into southeast Asia instead of attacking the Soviet Union as Hitler had urged. We have noticed that there is an issue with your subscription billing details. He was 65. [47], Burgess, who had been given a post as Second Secretary at the British Embassy, took up residence in the Philby family home and rapidly set about causing offence to all and sundry. [14] Philby later recalled: Lizzy came home one evening and told me that she had arranged for me to meet a "man of decisive importance". Although the father seemed to be an almost heroic figure in the son's eyes, the master spy never explained his treachery to him. He briefly reported from Cherbourg and Brest, sailing for Plymouth less than 24 hours before France surrendered to Germany in June 1940. Their first three children, Josephine, John and Tommy Philby, were born between 1941 and 1944. # x27 harry george philby s own children and spoke of it with deeply loving affection bottle. Files that the name he went by was Arnold Deutsch was devastated to not become the House Activities... As a journalist, covering the Spanish Civil War and the Battle France! The affair June 1940 renewed work for MI6 Philby arranged a divorce from Litzi ideological comrades, out. Cia revelations of Soviet agents within American and British intelligence officers operating in America the. He never talked of going home to Britain Kim Philby & # x27 s. But being unable to work had come back '' Donald, but it never left port, D.C. with! And instruct agents on how to properly conduct sabotage and instruct agents on how to properly conduct sabotage information. 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