When Phil refuses to do so, Lisa plans to shoot him again until she backs down. After discovering that Grant had vengefully slept with Kathy, Phil went ballistic with a handgun causing the hijacked Vauxhall Astra they were driving to career at high speed into the River Thames, in an episode that was watched by 19.5million viewers. McFadden explained: "All he can see is Peggy's betrayed him. However, as they reluctantly agree to force him out of Walford, Ronnie ends up killing Carl after he attempts to rape her whilst Phil is out of the garage. Phil is stunned when he realizes that Mick is in fact Shirley's son, who she had at fourteen, subsequently raised by Shirley's parents as their son, without Mick ever discovering the truth. Phil is angry as the doctor explains how Louise is at a crucial stage in her recovery and the police tell Phil and Sharon what they are doing. [47], A certain level of criticism was aimed at the character due to the stark personality change he underwent circa 2000. Ben finds a solicitor's letter of Phil's that mentions Raymond and after confronting Phil, Phil tells Ben that Raymond is his half-brother. Phil repairs his fractured relationship with Sharon and they have sex. Towards the end of September 2003, Dennis and Sharon are reunited with their father Den Watts (Leslie Grantham) who returns to the square after 14 years, when he had supposedly been shot dead on Dalton's orders. Ian later departs Walford. [42] as well as be nominated at the Inside Soap Awards for 'Best Actor' in 2011. Phil later finds this out and wants revenge on Callum. Various key characters were in the frame for the deed and viewers were left guessing for weeks as to which of them was the real culprit. By then, Phil's drinking worsens and he drives with Ian and Dennis in the car whilst intoxicated. He momentarily subdues Dan and prepares to shoot him, but Mel after learning how Phil and Steve framed Dan for the shooting helps Dan by turning off the lights to distract Phil, which allows Dan to overpower him. When Billy's great-granddaughter, Lexi Pearce, is taken into care, Lexi's mother Lola (Danielle Harold) tells Phil that Ben is Lexi's father and Phil is her grandfather. Shirley initially accepts, but later changes her mind after discovering Phil's affair with Glenda; though she later forgives Phil for his infidelity, Shirley refuses to marry him. They are not being told anyone else's storylines. This was done to assure the chosen actors who would work together had a strong rapport and physical resemblance. However, Sharon and Dennis soon learn the truth about Chrissie killing Den and they end up joining forces with the Mitchells to help Sam against Chrissie with Phil and Dennis putting their differences aside over their previous rivalry. [4] Phil begins sleeping rough, gambling, and blaming Kathy for his decline. It's very ugly and disturbing. Phil turns up at the hospital, where he is surprised and unimpressed to find Lisa there already. By then, Phil and Dan have become best friends; with Phil being the only person to defend Dan when he is revealed to have cheated on his girlfriend Carol Jackson (Lindsey Coulson) by having an affair with her daughter Bianca (Patsy Palmer), the wife of Frank's son Ricky (Sid Owen). Afterwards, Phil makes amends with Ben and the two support Archie when he and Peggy plan to get married. Phil soon falls for Kate Morton (Jill Halfpenny), unaware that she is an undercover police officer investigating Lisa's disappearance. The robbery goes wrong when Mick is shot, and the police arrive. . Despite the circumstances over Sam's ordeal, the Mitchells still celebrate Chrissie's imprisonment when Sharon announces that she forged a contract that Ian had signed thereby meaning that Ian does not officially own the pub, and thus the Mitchells are the true owners of The Queen Vic once more. In 2021, Phil has been helping Sharon, Sharon wants to rekindle their relationship but Phil is unsure. Phil decides he wants to spend Christmas alone and Sharon reluctantly agrees. The brothers try to dissuade Peggy from committing suicide but are unaware of pills secretly hidden in her makeup bag. EastEnders fans were gobsmacked to find out Janine's (Charlie Brooks) real age in last night's episode (Monday Nov. 22) as she announced that she was 38 years old. However, she later changes her mind and asks Marcus to return all Phil's money to his accounts unaware that Phil has seen them. [4] Kate disappears, but several months later, Phil finds her working as the secretary for the Walford's veteran reigning gangland kingpin - Jack Dalton (Hywel Bennett). Months later, Ian summons Phil with a request; Kathy's rapist James Willmott-Brown (William Boyde) has returned to Walford. The next day, Sharon tells Phil that Ronnie and Roxy have died in the hotel swimming pool which devastates Phil. Things finally came to a head in 1994 with some of EastEnders most popular and renowned episodes, which were dubbed "Sharongate" centred around Grant's discovery of the affair and his reaction. Phil is on the warpath (Picture: BBC) These are the intense scenes which see an arrested Phil Mitchell (Steve McFadden) baying for the blood of Kush Kazemi ( Davood Ghadami ), who double. Lola agrees for Phil to have residence of Lexi and he suggests to Sharon that they pretend to be in a relationship to increase the chances of success, even though she is in a relationship with Jack Branning (Scott Maslen). EastEnders cast 2023 The full present regular cast for EastEnders can be found below. They soon clash, however, when it becomes clear that Carl plans to usurp Phil as the square's reigning hardman. After emotionally holding him, Phil leaves without him. [9] Equally the ceaseless degradation of Lisa showed a particularly malicious side to the character. Phil comes to believe that the father is in fact Jack. Following Dalton's death, his representative Andy Hunter (Michael Higgs) confronts Phil over the circumstances of his and Dennis's alleged involvement; Phil denies involvement and Andy pardons him when he refuses to implicate Dennis for Dalton's murder. Soon afterwards, Phil rebuilds his relationship with Kate and the two get married. Phil begs her to stay, admitting he is dying from cirrhosis. When Luke beats up Ben as Willmott-Brown has orchestrated, Phil asks Aidan to help scare Luke off. When Phil expresses his wish to adopt Dennis, Sharon tells him the truth about his son. Philip James "Phil" Mitchell is the eldest son of Eric and Peggy Mitchell. Dan later seeks revenge on Phil and Steve. A scene in which Phil beat his godson Jamie was criticised for being too realistic by TV watchdogs. After the disappearance of Keanu, due to him faking his death, the Mitchells and Taylors think that Keanu is dead. After this, Sharon attempts to poison Ian but cannot go through with it. Picture: BBC Phil agonies over the loss of his son.[4]. Phil refuses to speak at Ronnie and Roxy's funeral, but changes his mind after Michelle (now played by Jenna Russell) speaks to him. Sharon and Phil have sex but she stays with Grant, who is unaware of their betrayal. He was introduced to the soap opera on 20 February 1990 and was followed by his brother Grant (Ross Kemp), sister Sam (Danniella Westbrook/Kim Medcalf) and mother Peggy (Jo Warne/Barbara Windsor). Depressed, Phil embarks on a sexual relationship with drug addict Rainie Cross (Tanya Franks) and begins to use crack cocaine developing an addiction. Closing up one night after an event, two men break in and vandalize the bar, and when Sharon attempts to defend herself alone, she is severely beaten and left for dead. [5] Kathy agrees to marry Phil in 1994, despite discovering that he torched a vehicle in a car lot owned by Frank Butcher (Mike Reid) to secure an insurance scam, accidentally killing a homeless boy trapped inside. However, Mel is upset by Lisa's accusation and Phil comforts her, leading to a one-night stand. Grant also makes a brief reappearance, warning Phil to expect a war over money owed to Grant. Carl leaves, and Phil pleads with Shirley to return to Walford. McFadden temporarily left the series in late 2003, then returned in April 2005 for a brief appearance before making a permanent return in October 2005. At first Phil attempts to negotiate with Johnny to no avail, but they end up fighting when Grant intervenes punching Jake and helping Phil batter Johnny to steal the recording. He later tells Billy that Lola will never get Lexi back, which Lola overhears. He was introduced to the soap opera on 20 February 1990 and was followed by his brother Grant ( Ross Kemp ), sister Sam ( Danniella Westbrook / Kim Medcalf) and mother Peggy ( Jo Warne / Barbara Windsor ). After luring Phil into his car, Carl seemingly drives them to a meet-up with his associates. Kathy is incensed, and Grant beats Phil so badly that he has to go to hospital, due to a blood clot on his brain. 20 February 1990: Phil Mitchell arrives 22 February 1990: Grant Mitchell arrives 12 July 1990: Sam Mitchell arrives 30 April 1991: Peggy Mitchell arrives June 1991: Peggy Mitchell departs 4 July 1991: Ricky and Sam Butcher get married 26 December 1991: Grant and Sharon Mitchell get married 4 February 1993: Sam Butcher departs Horrified at this, Steve and Mel ask Lisa and Louise to emigrate to California with them. Mel, however, realizes it was a mistake and reconciles with Steve Owen (Martin Kemp), making Phil jealous. [23] In February 2005, it was confirmed that McFadden would return. [3] Sharon and Grant's reconciliation is brief, and amidst more rowing and physical violence, Grant is arrested and imprisoned. After Nick takes the money but refuses to leave, Ronnie asks Phil to get rid of Nick. Later, while Phil confronts Nick in his house, Ronnie goes into labour and on the way to the hospital, the wedding car crashes. This could have been a motive for both Phil and Peggy, along with their family, when Archie is later murdered on Christmas night. Lola evades Phil, Billy and Sharon, until eventually they find her. Phil's most prominent storylines include his battles with alcoholism and addiction; suffering from cirrhosis of the liver; various criminal dealings; having an affair with Grant's wife Sharon Watts (Letitia Dean) a storyline popularly dubbed "Sharongate"; a failed marriage to Kathy Beale (Gillian Taylforth); a longstanding rivalry with his tormented stepson and Kathy's eldest child, Ian Beale (Adam Woodyatt); sparking numerous feuds; relationship problems; seeking to avenge the death of Sharon's adoptive brother and later husband Dennis Rickman (Nigel Harman) by confronting his gangland killer, Johnny Allen (Billy Murray), in the "Get Johnny Week" storyline; becoming a prime suspect in the murder of his uncle Archie (Larry Lamb) (see "Who Killed Archie? Steve McFadden is 5 foot 7 inches tall. [44], In 2016, McFadden was honoured at The British Soap Awards when he was awarded "Outstanding Achievement' for his portrayal of Phil. Phil appears to oblige at first, but then proceeds to physically throw Lisa out of the hospital ordering her to stay away from their daughter. Initially, Phil was calmer than Grant but both brothers had a sense of physical danger, displaying stereotypical masculinity, thuggish behaviour and a tendency to resolve problems through violence. Phil later grows annoyed when Kate befriends Dennis, and ends up punching him upon learning that the two nearly had sex together. This makes him bitter and neglectful towards Kathy and Ben, so Kathy takes Ben and moves out. In Friday's (September 10) episode, the race was on to find Scarlett. Sharon does not believe him, but tells him to die quickly. In Tuesday's upcoming episode, the gangster, played by Steve McFadden, will get new . However, Phil later changes his mind; he realizes that since Sharon is returning the money, it should not matter to him as he still wants to go through with the wedding. Despite the fact that Sharon was married to Grant, EastEnders writer Tony Jordan revealed in The Mitchells The Full Story that the love-triangle storyline had been planned since Phil and Grant's introduction, after the writers decided Sharon was perfect for them both. In EastEnders, Billy Mitchell is actually 61-years-old, but the actor who plays him - Perry Fenwick - is 58-years-old. However, Abi Branning (Lorna Fitzgerald) tells Phil that she thinks her father, Max, killed Lucy, so Phil punches Max and hopes Ben will be released. When Shirley's benefits are cut and she is forced to move out of the B&B, Phil secretly pays her rent. Aidan blames Mick for taking the money but Phil discovers it was Sharon. He tells Sharon that he would provide for Raymond and Aaron and pay off debts if he accepted. Phil along with Grant was voted as the second most popular King of Soaps in a Channel 4 poll in 2002. Phil's bullying of Ian almost costs him his life: when Ian finds Phil having a heart attack, he threatens to let him die but helps Phil for Ben's sake. However, it ends when Sharon's painkiller addiction puts Lexi in danger. [26] In the storyline, Phil gains custody of Louise after she is dropped off in Walford by an unseen person, however, Peggy eventually returns Louise to Lisa after Phil punches his mother in the face. Ronnie vows to help Phil regain his sobriety and allows him to move in with her and Honey once he is discharged from hospital, but the drinking continues. In his absence, Phil and Sharon continue their affair but when Grant is released, Sharon reconciles with him, leaving Phil heartbroken. But the child was born in 2017 - making him six. Phil has occasionally shown sadistic traits. [3] She moves in with him while she is investigated. Louise Mitchell was played by Tilly Keeper until the character's exit in 2019 (Image: BBC / Kieron McCarron) "Her portrayal of Louise Mitchell over the past years has been a joy to watch," he said. EastEnders airs Mondays at 8.05pm, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7.35pm and Fridays at 8.30pm on BBC One - see our TV Guide for full listings. He confesses the truth to Shirley, who encourages him to tell Sharon. No longer wanted by his family, Phil leaves and sleeps in a car. No money is being made from this & no copyright infringement intended. Lola regains full custody of Lexi, leaving Phil to feel lonely. This makes her dependent on him so he moves on to her best friend, Mel Healy (Tamzin Outhwaite). With their history, you know that this storyline is going to be an explosive episode in the Mitchells' history. Phil Mitchell faces a dangerous fate over a fire in his kitchen in EastEnders. EASTENDERS' Keanu Taylor could be set to return to Albert Square with baby Peggy when Phil Mitchell receives devastating news about daughter Louise Mitchell. His solicitor, Ritchie Scott (Sian Webber), tells him that Ben could face a minimum of 10 years in prison. They later marry, but are oblivious to Shirley's bitterness up to the point where she attempts to persuade him to be with her, rather than Sharon, only hours before the wedding. [4] On the rebound, Phil enters into a marriage of convenience with Nadia Borovac (Anna Barkan) - a Romanian refugee - enabling her to stay in Britain, with Nadia departing after the wedding.[3]. Though Phil is entrusted by his mother to protect Grant's share of The Queen Vic, he ends up selling it to his business partner Dan Sullivan (Craig Fairbrass) for 5 to spite Peggy due to her favouritism towards Grant. When she does her and Phil make their relationship public, however Phil is now not talking to Ben and Callum. [18] A spokesman commented "The cast are only getting their own scripts. [30], The character continues to be featured heavily in high-profile storylines which have included various feuds, police enquiries, armed robbery, kidnapping, numerous affairs and relationship problems and an ongoing plot concentrating on the character's struggles to bond with his children. Phil and Grant make peace but things between them are not the same. He pressures Phil into blaming Sharon for their affair and Grant forces her to leave Walford. Ben is angry with Phil for making him feel second best to his and Sharon's other children. You can also catch up on BBC iPlayer now. This storyline was slow burning and spread over several years, providing a plethora of dramatic tension along the way. Following the supposed death of Kathy and her husband Gavin Sullivan (Paul Nicholas) earlier on, Ben returns to England and moves in with Ian much to Phil's surprise. He attacks Ian, who calls the police and Phil is arrested. Danny previously appeared in James' vlog where he hinted that he'd get James a job on EastEnders in 2021. . Phil Mitchell's appearance shocks viewers on EastEnders. Sonia returned as a permanent character . This prompts Phil to confront Ian once more, forcing him to object to the relationship instead. Kathy and Phil eventually sort out their differences, up to the point where they get married and Kathy later gives birth to their son Ben (Matthew Silver). Phil then swears to have revenge, planning to kill Keanu and confront Sharon. Jay likes spending time with Phil and changes his surname to Mitchell, becoming Phil's surrogate son. Dalton agrees to spare Kate, but tells Phil that he now owes him a favor. Phil starts dating Stella Crawford (Sophie Thompson), but she mentally and physically abuses Ben forcing him into persuading Phil to propose to her. Two years later, Phil goes into partnership at The Queen Victoria public house with Grant and his wife Sharon Watts (Letitia Dean) up to the point where he moves in with them. Phil is shocked to his core to discover who Keeble wants him to inform on - leading viewers to be transported to 1979 to learn more about the Mitchell family's chequered past in the area. Phil is undecided until Lorna stops him going after Kathy by locking herself in his bathroom and attempts suicide. Bex gives Phil and Sharon information on a hotel where Lisa and Louise are and compared to Sharon, Phil shows a lack of regard to Lisa's mental health. The doctor warns Phil that without treatment, he could die, but Phil remains in denial about this. Phil confronts Lisa, demanding contact. storyline captured viewer and media interest and the culprit-reveal episode was watched by 22 million viewers. Grant persuades Phil to attend Paul's funeral for Ben's sake, which he does. 10 Sep 2021 EastEnders spoilers follow. This results in Ian being attacked by an unknown assailant. Martin, then takes Keanu to a warehouse, where he had to kill him and record himself doing it as proof for the Mitchells. EASTENDERS fans could see Phil Mitchell get his comeuppance and be locked up as Sharon Watts' guilt over Ian Beale could get the better of her. When Phil gets home, he finds that Shirley knows the truth about Heather's death. Phil gains entry to their room and Lisa hits Phil over the head with a phone. Phil prepares for his son Ben's marriage to Callum. EastEnders legend Steve McFadden is 61-years-old and was born on 20 March 1959. Unfortunately, after Dennis batters Johnny at the stroke of the New Year, Johnny arranges for him to be stabbed and Dennis dies in Sharon's arms leaving her devastated, while Phil becomes ridden with guilt for Dennis' death and vows revenge against Johnny. The jury find Max guilty and it emerges that Phil paid the foreman for this verdict. Executive producer Louise Berridge went on to say that she was "looking forward to Steve returning in 2004". Phil is known for being the son of Peggy Mitchell (Barbara Windsor), and the brother of Grant Mitchell (Ross Kemp) and Sam Mitchell (Danniella Westbrook). After resolving matters with Grant and securing Jake's safety from exposed as a killer following the discovery of Danny's death, Phil resumes life with his family and Sharon. Ben reveals the abuse during the wedding ceremony, and Stella flees to an abandoned warehouse with Phil in pursuit where she kills herself by jumping from the roof. Phil and his brother Grant became popularly known as the Mitchell brothers in the British media, with Phil initially portrayed as the more level-headed of the two thugs. Within minutes, the pub is ablaze and the roof collapses on Phil. Due to his success on The Bill, Peter Cregeen, the Head of Series at the BBC, poached Ferguson to become executive producer of EastEnders. This prompts her to leave Walford for South Africa, letting it be known that an offer of reconciliation from Phil would make her reconsider. [35], During a period of heavy media criticism aimed at EastEnders throughout 2004 and 2005, the characterwho was on a hiatus from the showwas reintroduced twice in what was branded by the press as a bid to "boost flagging Enders. Nadia seduces and sleeps with a drunken Phil. Phil, unsure of whom to believe, begins investigating alongside Ben into who is the real father of Sharon's baby. Phil accepts, and helps Aidan recruit a crew for the heist; Mick and Vincent join the pair along with their new friend, Keanu Taylor (Danny Walters). Phil and Ben later spend time together and they slowly bond, eventually leading to Ben moving in with Phil. She is later hospitalized with a ruptured spleen, leaving Phil distraught though he later admits to Shirley that he arranged for the men to scare Sharon at the bar, but believed the bodyguards that he hired for her would have protected her and did not realize that she would be hurt. When she discovers this, Lisa tells Kate that she is taking Louise. The relationship between alcohol abuse and domestic violence was explored between Phil and his wife Kathy (played by Gillian Taylforth) culminating in the slow deterioration of their marriage, which gripped viewers throughout 1997. [50] Additionally, the show was criticised for turning the brothers into a comical farce by incorporating uncharacteristic humour into their dialect, which was described as "cringeworthy". Keanu is a close associate of Phil and his business, Keanu is also engaged to Louise, who is also pregnant with Keanu's baby. Phil visits Ben in prison with Ian in the hope of persuading Ben to retract his confession but Ben refuses, insisting that he is doing the right thing as he needs to be punished. If y. When Peggy finds out about this, she locks him inside her home so he cannot have access to drugs; however, Phil suffering from withdrawal symptoms escapes and confronts Peggy, setting the pub on fire as a result. EastEnders (TV Series 1985- ) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Twitter user E asked: "Raymond is 6, why . Whilst still at the hospital, Phil is arrested for attempted murder and realising that Nick has framed him asks Sharon to help him prove his innocence. Phil suspects he did and practically disowns him, handing in critical evidence to the police. She knows how much he fought for custody, for contact and how important it was for him to see his children. The hospital is located on Elwell Road. In response, Sharon runs away from Phil and becomes so distraught that she refuses to rebuild their relationship though she eventually reconsiders after Phil apologizes to her about Dennis, and she forgives him soon afterwards. After Phil insults Shirley and makes hurtful remarks about the fling they had together, an enraged Shirley attempts to go for him, but Sharon stops her, and after a brief struggle, Phil is accidentally shot. This progressively helps Phil, up to the point where it manages to reveal the basis of his problem the physical abuse he received from his late father, Eric (George Russo)[6] because she was pregnant with their son Phil (Steve McFadden) when he was a boy, and his fear that he may abuse Ben. SPOILER pictures show Phil Mitchell's fury over his arrest as he demands lawyer Gray Atkins releases him.Phil Mitchell (Steve McFadden) . Phil and Sharon are meant to go on a date, however, Phil backs out instead heading to The Arches where he later tells Sharon he isn't ready yet. Phil lends Grant money to support him financially and Grant tells him to fight his liver condition. Ben struggles to grieve for Paul's death and asks Phil for a gun to take revenge, but he refuses and Ben disappears. Phil and Sharon find Louise's room empty and the doctor reassures them of Lisa and Louise's whereabouts, although they find Louise's belongings gone. In June 2010, it was reported that Phil would develop an addiction to crack cocaine after his troubled personal life leads to depression. This soon puts a strain on their relationship and by Christmas they have separated, resulting in Sharon returning to the United States. Ben and Jay are kidnapped by Paul's killers and he attempts to go after them, however when he collapses, Grant offers to help him get Ben and Jay back. Before Sharon leaves, she tells Phil that he is the father of Lisa's daughter Louise (Rachel Cox) not Mark, as she had earlier claimed. [45], Although popular with many, the character has also garnered much criticism over the years. However, it is soon revealed that Grant is alive and he escapes to Brazil[4] though not before sending Phil and their mother Peggy (Barbara Windsor) the deeds for his half of The Queen Vic. Wanting Louise's address, he discovers that Peggy is back in London, so visits her. Phil reacts badly when he discovers Ben (now Joshua Pascoe) is gay, and makes it clear that he prefers Billy's foster son, Jay Brown (Jamie Borthwick). Jack is arrested but Phil does not press charges after Sharon convinces him for her and Lexi's sake. Phil and Sharon reunite after her relationship with Jack ends. Phil finds Louise (now played by Tilly Keeper) at her school and he gives her money to support her future. [19] The episode caused the third-largest power surge on record,[20] and the Liverpool and Barcelona UEFA Cup semi-final was postponed for 10 minutes to accommodate a special 40-minute edition of the soap.[21]. Popular with many, the pub is ablaze and the police arrive Archie when he and Peggy Mitchell asks to! Never get Lexi back, which he does for her and Phil comforts her, leading to and! Attacks Ian, who is unaware of their betrayal to move out of the B B!, forcing him to die quickly Lexi, leaving Phil heartbroken their and... And physical violence, Grant is released, Sharon tells him that Ben could face a minimum 10. Phil turns up at the character due to him faking his death, the character has also garnered criticism... Steve McFadden, will get new popular King of Soaps in a Channel 4 poll 2002. Robbery goes wrong when Mick is shot, and amidst more rowing and physical resemblance own. 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