mezzo-soprano (aka soprano 2). the lowest note which I could hit comfortably was C4 and the highest one was G4, whats my vocal range? When I was young I was in the school band and choir, but I always had this problem At home I could sing a song well and strong, but then Id go to try to audition for something and what came out was squeaking. Two Strangers - Female Belt: D: X: C#3: D5: Mix / Belt: Tales From The Bad Years: Solo w Backup : Ballad, Story Song: From Tales From The Bad Years. so (d#2 with super duper vocal fry) a2 a4 chest voice, my tessitura goes from a2 till g4 untrained singer. My vocal range is G2-A5. One for being the lowest bass soloist for a mixed school choir and the second one for being the first guy to nail an alto solo in choir festival! Hey my vocal range from the video was D3 to A5 what does that mean because i looked on the chart under it and when to yahoo answers and some said alto some said mezzo soprano and one said Contralto so im really confused please help me thank you btw i am a 14 year old girl. My highest falsetto is G5/A5 but thats a bit forced up there. We are going to be practicing for a musical called Into the Woods and I am aiming more for the Witch who has a range of C4-C5 for singing parts. high note The most successful, impressive, or climactic point (of something). Im a girl by the way. Find that note on the piano. Never stress your voice to reach notes you currently cant, since you can damage your vocal cords. There are so many different notes to hit and you really need to focus on your breathing. Glad that you could identify your vocal range. However: My range is E3-C5-A5. 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved. Im 16 and female. My lowest note is a D3 and my highest I have sung is a B6. I sound best when I put a capo on the first feet and put my fingers in the same spots (as if the capo is the nut of the guitar is) Then what does that mean? He can produce notes across 10 octaves. It should fall within the above chart. rok wanita style korea. 2. Girls' Generation Taeyeon. Though all three versions of this scale maintain the "minor" quality (darker, gloomier sound due to the lowered third scale degree), the tonal modifications found in each scale produce a noticeable difference of feeling, therefore providing distinctive purposes within compositions. Then, sing it with the "uh" sound. Violet. Whats my voice type. After the underlying cause is addressed, vision is not restored right . The move to the commons is well underway. But I was definitely most comfortable singing from F3 to G4 and sometimes up to A4 if I drank enough water and did a warm up exercise beforehand (lol). My really comfortable range seems to be E1-E5 so does this make me a tenor? I am also capable of reaching C#1(ease-wise) with the usage of false chords with an absolute limit at G0, *Male voice here* This range is based on my COMFORT range between lowest chest/modal note and highest falsetto note(includes tones below that of the video): G#1-E5 if anyone is able to classify this it would be appreciated, im a thirteen year old girl and my lowest is C4 and my highest is C5 what does that make me. What am I? Ariana Grande is a soprano singer that can sing in a four-octave range. Also, I can sing as low as an alto, so Im not sure. I sing a5 and f5 really comfortably but i can also sing g3 and g5 but a5 and f5 most comfortably.. whats my range? The high note is D5. You are very probably a baritone. Another more important factor is vocal timbre, described as the descriptive sound of your singing voice. Hey- the highest voice in the WORLD goes to a C7. Male and I try to singe a variety of different Genres, though I am kind of enjoying the swing and jazz scene. I have a similar situation. Could it be incorrect singing techniques? This record is for the highest musical note made by a human female. Famous sopranos include Dolly Parton and Ellie Goulding. Would that make me a Soprano Sfogato? My lowest is G#2 sometimes goes to F2 has my official lowest and highest belt is B4 sometimes a touch C5 and C#5 and my falsetto goes up to E#6 and my whistle notes go up to D#7 Im a dude a teen what is my vocal range Im really confusesd, Ads Privacy Policy | Privacy Policy | About Me | Contact Us | Sitemap, Finding The Tessitura Voice Within Your Range, A. Women are also able to use this technique to sing at an even higher pitch. There are apps that you can download that will give you a general idea. When you get older and your voice changes will be the time to wonder about classification. I could hit the high notes but second guessed myself but was very strong in the low notes. Can anyone tell me what kind of voice is mine.??? Ditto for women. just wanted to know, How do I know im on the right octave? thanks!!! Like sing sharp? Hmmm, just checked my range with the vids above: E2 to D4, but can lower down to B1 . Please reconsider. How old are you? Keep in mind also that when you test youre not supposed to force anything. Hello, wonderful resource here!! (I use that example because Im a bass lol) But the top of bass range can go up to G4? BecomeSingers is reader-supported. Please stop. Yes. But it all depends on what your best at. A soprano's voice is light and bright. You can identify your lowest vocal range and highest vocal range you can hit by following the guide in this video below. However, in layman explanation, according to the vocal ranges chart above, the vocal range is merely the span between the highest to lowest notes. Any advice would be really welcome. I find most mezzo can comfortably hit a D5-F5 in chest voice but I cant. These are examples of people who use there upper range in their songs as harmony or just as the main thing. What do you think? Abri, did you use avocal range app. Hey, that can be considered a Bass- there arent many of you out there! Hi, my child (Boy) vocal range is lower G3 and upper C5 is this average for a 10 year olds voice? Hey my vocal range is about C3-F5 my lowest notes are probably around G2-B2 but i can`t really sing those low notes very well. where would that place me and is that an average range for a 24 year old guy? I tried singing along with Alfred Deller and had no problem hitting the notes too. For some reason my chest voice doesnt extend as far as the majority of mezzo sopranos so I always thought I was an alto. My vocal range is C2 G7. My lowest note is D3 and my highest is C5, where does this place me? My range is G1 to D6, but A5 and up is in my whistle range. Head voice is soft and tender, yet full and strong. My lowest note is F3 I can reach a not lower but my voice will sound breathy.. my highest not is B5 with my head voice .. can you please tell me my vocal range ! As a freshmen in college, I peaked . I am 17 years old with low note D3 and highest C5,what is my range.I am a girl. If probably like to extend my belts to an e5 or f5 so that, when I record music, I can sing the chorus of a song within the range of f4-b4(c5) and hav extra to play with so I could use those top notes as backing vocals with out using falsetto in those backing vocals too much.Any tips on me extending my voice? Can my range goes up? This note before I switch to head voice it A4, I need help figuring out my range the lowest note i can hit is a E3 and the highest I can go are between an A4 or C5. Hi I would like to know what my range is considered? Having a wide vocal range is just a talent by luck of the draw. My lowest note is an A1 at vocal fry, around an f2 at chest up to an a4 , and cap out at around a b5. Okay so im female, im 27. i have a range from B2 F6. Well actually my voice can go lower than E2. and Im about to become 22 after four months and 2 days xD. Can you help me? You might be able to perform notes higher or lower than your alleged range. Thanks. Some rock solid performers have pulled out D5's but that is rare. Also, going lower of higher begins to feel more out of comfort range. Im a girl if that helps and Im 12. My higest was C6 if i really tried and lower than E2 what would mine be. Learn More. I dont know the technical terms. I saw somewhere thatd be lyric tenor but Im not sure =/, Hi I read where someone was looking for a songwriterwell I think I just might be worth having a look at. i hat c3 to a5 and i am a 15 year old Girl. FULL FORCE is one of music's legendary award-winning R&B/hip hop vocal band/production teams, with a proven track record, that stands among the most talented and successful musician collectives in modern pop, r&b, hip-hop and dance. any help on what classification i am? a line skirts for women. Im 24 year old female and my range from high is B4- low G3. I am a 14 year old guy and have been experimenting with vocal fry, I mention this because I dont know if it changed my voice. Ive gone down to around an E2 (not always there. Also when I sing some songs I can hit comfortably a sharp D5? This is only helpful if you happen to be EXACTLY on those notes. I was able to sing all the notes well but not comfortably. I dont think youre doing it right, no one under the age of like 14 can hit below D1. For the female vocal range I can go from C4 E6. 2. What is that? I used an app called sing sharp and my vocal range is c3 to c5. My Range Goes from an E2(Lowest) to A4(Highest) what would I be classified as? I noticed I can do Megatrons voice too lol. I can sing from G3-F5. Reason I came across this is cause I want to sing like a a artist I like and he can do F2-D5 which Im guessing is just 1 away from me on each high and low notes or octave. My chest is Bb3 to G#3, head voice is A4 to E6, and whistle is E#6 to G7. Upon testing, my vocal range was A2-C6. You can belt to the Bb on "stone" and then flip for anything higher. My range is from E2-B4 so is that average Bass Baritone. Im definitely not a singer, but got obsessed with searching singers vocal range. Do you recommend anyway to practice my voice? At one point 8 years ago, I apparently had a 4 octave range from going lower than the D#2 as far as I can remember and had a high note of E#5 and could almost hit the highest not of the F#5 in the song). (A5 have to be warmed up well). Can i be a good singer by using my this voice??? Am I a tenor? I think youre A mezzo soprano and have 3.2 octaves. New Country Artist Josh Pierce's Debut Single titled "Friends . Chest voice: c3-b4 mixed voice: c5-Ab5 head voice: up to A6. Im a female. top Identifying your vocal range and voice type Find yours with an app I dont know if someones still answering this but My vocal range goes from A2 to A5, Im a girl of 22 Nice post btw! I my lowest is a D#2 and my highest is an E5. Most basses for example experience their break at C4 without work. IMPORTANT NOTE FOR MALE SINGERS: In order to align with original sheet music and songs for female singers, the range of all songs for male singers are expressed one octave above normal. My highest is A#5 My lowest is F#3 What would that make me? Hi my Range is A2 to G5. "There Are Worse Things I Could Do" Grease 2. Did you use an app such as sing sharps vocal range detector? So I am really confused with that I am. To best determine which vocal type you are, adjust your notes to those you could sing most comfortably. The high B of Nessun Dorma isn't the highest note required of Prince Calaf on the night. Thats after a little over 2 years of singing lessons. ), you can sing higher than Mariah Carey does in Emotions. I am Female and Im hitting b2-c6. Also, Ive heard that SingSharp isnt the most exactly accurate device. Watch on. Help? What would I be? My vocal range is A#2 to C4 does that make me a baritone? Your vocal type: Your notes will highlight here after taking the test, and you can use the following chart to determine your vocal type. What is my range. Over time, the term 'falsetto' has been used to mean various things. Your vocal range is very similar to mine (G2-C5, with G5 as the falsetto high note) and I can sing tenor and baritone. Please help I was a soprano when I used to take Chorus back in middle school. My vocal range is C3-A5-B6 Im male what type of my voice? Your propaganda isnt impressive. According to the chart I could be alto, tenor, or a baritone. Vocal range chart is the chart showing the range of the human vocal. my vocal rang is A0-E5 what is my vocal range considered? Get someone else to help you find your range, and then Ill get back to you. Restoring the Commons - Resilience Home Society Restoring the Commons By John Michael Greer, originally published by The Archdruid Report January 23, 2013 NOTE: Images in this archived article have been removed. What am I? As a singer, you are will be able to perform any song more soulfully and powerful if you have a wider vocal range to handle different octaves and registers efficiently. Hi my range G3-A#6 im a classical singer but i was told my i sound best in the upper fourth and lower fifth what does that mean i have also been called a lyric sopranista? Low is B1, High is D4, I would say D5, but it kind of hurts at that one. Head voice is ideal for R&B, soul, and indie rock where you want to hit those high notes while maintaining a full and rich tone. Im 14 and I was wondering what vocal type I would be classified as. I am able to hit as low as C3 and as high as G5-C6. Watch on YouTube. Even then I think its still more likely that theres a misunderstanding or audio issue than it is that youre super human. I went from a f2 at my lowest to an f5 at my highest, I am an 18 year old Boy. D3 -C5. If you can go up 5 notes,(From C5 to A5) you will be a mezzo soprano. This in range is the second highest female voice type. In my late 30s I finally started playing the guitar, and how wonderful it is to be able to sing most songs I want in a key that suits my voice! According to the chart, F#2 puts you just a half note below the lowest range of baritone (G2). I am a 18 Yr. old male. Anyway, I hope this helps :). Your minor frustration makes sense to me. im dont have any professional xp but im singing karaoke much of my free days. What exactly is my classification? Strengthen on that. 1. Hello, I tried SingSharp and it seems that I hit G#2 to E4, using my normal singing voice. The tonal distance from F#2 to G2 is a half step lower. If youve still got questions about vocal range, see if these answer them: These are, from low to high: bass, baritone, tenor, and countertenor, usually for males; and contralto, mezzo-soprano, and soprano, typically for females. I know plenty of female tenors and baritones. She did get in trouble for doing that, which I honestly thought was stupid, mainly because she had me do a solo for both sections, which got the school a plaque for the concert choir, which was the first ever in the schools history of 8 years, along with my picture on two plaques. Im a Baritone and can hit from F1 to A5. What does this make me? I can sing form C3 to D6. a skirt korean style. The highest note she can achieve is an E7. MY voice range is C4 low to C5 high and my comfort range for both is E4 what does that make me Soprano or Mezzo-Soprano or something else, you are definitely a soprano . Im hitting a low of a3 and a high of c5 what is my range. Can you advise please? When she sang musical theater, she mostly used her chest and mixed voice. 3. Im a male, 17 yr old. I just turned 60 and through vocal care and technique thanks to various tuition styles and more books and websites I could ever count, my voice is still hanging in there. As performed by Catherine Porter. Im 17 and I just started singing last year. Would you say Im a tenor or what do you think I am? I am a 29 year old female and according to the app, my vocal range is E3 F6 I dont even see F6 on this chart. My highest note is G4 and my lowest note is a E3 so what does that put me? I am a 21 year old female. My lower growls are close to F1. Uhm, can you tell me what my vocal range is and what I am (you know, like tenor, alto, soprano etc.) What would I consider my vocal range because I am quite confused with the scales. I do understand that vocal range however isnt the only thing that defines what singing type you are (as per the article) and there are also way more singing voice types than the main 4 or 6. You sir, are probably a baritone. I can hold briefly a D4, down to a C2, also briefly holding. Hope its true! C3-E5 is what I got but Im not sure of what that is. But, in case you are a contemporary singer. Im not interested in professional singing (anymore), I just like to sing along with music. In the case of men, their voices are typically categorized into 4 groups: tenor, countertenor, bass, and baritone. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. The high note is Db5. It said do all the notes your comfortable with. Thank you in advance, If a song consists of chords Am then f# then G then f# Chorus f# then Am then G then Em then f#. What am I? When all the planets are aligned I can hit a C6 but thats not all the time so my high note is A5. 1. Have i got one for you..Lowest is b1 ,highest is e5 .. Normal speech is a g2. Soprano because you can hit the high notes. SopranoThe highest singing voice that lies from middle C4 to high C6. I know what I can and cant sing though and Beyonce aint it! The three most common voice types for females are soprano, mezzo-soprano and contralto, while the three common male voice types are tenor, baritone and bass. I dont know what range that would put me in Im an adolescent female. I classify myself as a mezzo-soprano, but apparently my range extends past that on both ends. I consider myself in the middle but I excel in 4th octave in the piano. Then what kind of voice i have.??? The LOWEST I can get (adding a metric ton of vocal fry) is A0 My lowest full voice note is E2, my highest is D4 My highest whistle note is A7, See, for a vocal range to work, you have to be able to sing from the higher note down. .. my range I found was D3-E6 help please ASAP I need to know what song to prepare for an audition and its coming up quick thanks so much. My range is C4 to E3 I would love to know more about my range and what songs are best to sing so I dont irritate my mom when I burst out in song while cleaning my room lol. baritone? Ive been able to hit a g2 but its growled/fryed. If i sing most comfortably and commonly around C4 and G4 what kind of singer would that make me? Im comfortable through my whole voice, singing any part as long as its in my range. Id really like to have those extra top notes so I could mess with them in songs. My range is from D2 to G4 is that good? soprano. I have singed in many choirs as soprano, mezzo soprano and alto, but I would really like to know where do I belong. Some vocalists classify them as Sopranos, Altos, etc. Im a 43 year old guy and on your test I sang E2-B6 but my vocal coach says I can go down to B1. Your vocal range is very wide. What is my range considered? So Im guessing my range is: Low: (g2)a2-f3 Middle: g3-d4 High: e4-a4(b5) Falsetto: (f4)a4-a#5(b5). It is divided into five sub-categories according to the vocal range, timbre, weight, and voice dexterity and these subcategories are the coloratura soprano, soubrette, dramatic, spinto, and lyric soprano. Im a little confused trying to determine my vocal range when i did the test on the vocal range chart my lowest is G3 and my highest is G5 can u please help me. When it comes to the pre-pubescent childrens voices, treble, and 8th term is usually applied. , no falsette or whistle, head voice, what is the range and what does it called if Im F#2 C#6, You need to tell me if that C#6 is head voice, mix voice, falsette, or whistle. See also: high, note Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. At the top of the range, I can comfortably sing B4, and then I cant hit anything higher without screaming. Lets check and find your vocal range using this chart after you have test your vocal through the video above. Did you use an app like sing sharp that tells you your range? The vocal range can be classified in between the highest and lowest pitches that human can produce. My range on SingSharp is C#3-E6, what am I? The alto is the lowest type of female voice. Could hit D4 but its really pushing it and if I try to maintain C4 or D4 or to hit anything above those, it hurts terribly and I get told to stop. You may be a contralto or a mezzo soprano. I think Im a tenor but my speaking voice can get lower when Im relaxed. Im 15 and female. When singing at school, I would be singing in the higher key of the original music. If my lowest note is A0 in chest voice, and C6 is my highest note in mix v, my most acute note in head v is C#6 and the lowest note is G2, what type of voice do I have? What type of voice is that? Check out this article on famous bass opera singers by Become Singers. Where does that put me?? When I speak normal its from (B2) C3 til E3 (F3). The underlying cause is addressed, vision is not restored right a low of a3 and a of! Soft and tender, yet full and strong puts you just a talent by luck of the vocal! Mezzo soprano comes to the Bb on & quot ; uh & quot ; sound singing lessons middle! Or climactic point ( of something ) in range is c3 to C5 my... Speak normal its from ( B2 ) c3 til E3 ( F3 ) with... Girl if that helps and im about to become 22 after four months and 2 days.. 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