assigned to the USS Odyssey with USS Odyssey Commanding Officer Captain Kenneth The Federation outpost Regula I worked toward a very specific goal in the Mutara sector during the events of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. What the ship does have is speed and maneuverability, which are its greatest defensive assets. During typical situations, while docked with an Odyssey, a skeleton crew remains aboard to allow for quick deployment, with a designated commanding officer for each shift. In the coming days from the date of post of this news item, our kick off pre-mission will be live, allowing players to post. Another such station was . The warp engine coils are also borrowed from the Nova, mounted in nacelles derived from the Diligent-class design, which are mounted similar variable-geometry pylons that pull them in against the hull for docking and for landing and which can optimize the position of the nacelles for warp travel. I think the saying, "Hindsight is 2020" will induce PSTD for at least a generation after the year that was. Vanguard was the name given to Starfleet Starbase 47. Welcome to the USS Aquarius - NX 97033! 20.2 meters Hayes commented that the Aquarius was far more versatile that he March: Primary hull construction begins. The starbase displayed versatility in taking on additional roles beyond its original mandate to watch over Bajor, also acting as a repair hub for Federation, Klingon and Romulan forces during the war. In the aftermath of the Hobus Supernova, the fractured Romulan Star Empire led to significant voids of power. additional units are planned for each of Starfleet's facilities, and others for Though not meant for independent exploratory missions, one of the primary functions of the Aquarius to support the scientific endeavors of her home command, be that a starbase or an Odyssey-class explorer. Aquarius is deadly nonetheless. On April 12, 2022, the first three classes of cadets consisting of 61 fifth graders from the Orlando Gifted Academy graduated. A database URL has appeared in the menu! Starship and Starbase: Orthos and schematics . The class also carried sixty Type A Mark VIII Autonomous Survival and Recovery Vehicles (ASRV), each with their own berth. These weapons systems have lower overall power output than either of the two classes they were borrowed from, though more significant than any runabout, making the Aquarius adept at taking down lightly-armed and shielded raiders. Chief of Starfleet Research and Exploration, 40 Eridani A Starfleet Construction Yards, Laboratories, computer core access, crew quarters, cargo holds 1-4, shuttlebay main deck, landing gear. While most of the design remained the same for the second run of Inquiry-class vessels, the warp propulsion system had received a significant upgrade. This isn't a long new post, but one to say thank you to those who have participated in the Aquarius in 2020. The height of the design was static at 20.2 meters, allowing for four habitable decks. Designation Speed A shift occurred in Starfleet's composition doctrine after construction of the first hundred Inquiry-class . A This provides comprehensive coverage, but the Aquarius is most effective when getting behind a target to use its phaser cannons. He can be found on Twitter at @CaptStobie. This site is a repository of in-game universe building. Before even that process is possible, though, SpaceX will need to finish plumbing GSE-8 and several other tanks, install the last two insulative cryoshells, and finally fill the annuli between all seven tanks and their shells with an insulative foam-like material known as perlite. The United Federation of Planets relied on its massive fleet of iconic starships to seek out new worlds in the 23rd and 24th centuries, but its network of starbases and outposts proved just as valuable to the exploration of space and the protection of Federation citizens. To the starboard were the operations and engineering stations. Though the initial design had a wide range of operability, the designers revisited it and decided to go with a fixed-wing layout that allowed them to make use of more powerful warp engines. capacity) Still 2 days from the start of their patrol route,, Looking out across the sea of people, Angus spotted his Officer of the Deck, Petty Officer Sienna Swain Lin, approaching. The Aquarius-class starship was a Federation light escort designed as an auxiliary craft of the Odyssey -class variants and in service in the early 25th century . Entered service The outpost's small size probably meant it had limited starship repair capabilities, if any at all. SpaceXs first orbital-class Starship tank farm is almost finished, first two of those ground support equipment (GSE) tanks, installing both at Starbases orbital launch site, SpaceXs orbital Starship launch pad tank farm comes to life for the first time, Tesla Giga Texas to produce the safest ATV in the market alongside the Cybertruck, Teslas Elon Musk drives the nail in the coffin of Model 2 moniker. capable of atmospheric flight and is equipped with landing struts. The transporter room aboard the Aquarius class is similar in design to those found aboard the Nova-class, with a standard seven-place platform. general fleet use. Starbase 375's proximity to the combat zone made it the natural fallback position for Starfleet. We build upon the backstory given in Picard Season 1, to realise what For the time being, SpaceX will likely rely on a slow but simple parade of tanker trucks to gradually fill its first orbital tank farm. small engineering bay is on Deck 3 and is manned by two officers and four Click here for your MEGA 3 StormTeam forecast. at least one too. The Aquarius class has an oversized sickbay for its size, with four standard biobeds and a combination exam-surgical bed. As development progressed on the new Odyssey-class starships, Starfleet Command saw the need for variants of the class in order to fill the various roles fulfilled by Starfleet vessels. Designer Stations similar in design to Earth Spacedock, such as Starbases 74, 84, 133, and Lya Station Alpha, appeared numerous times in Star Trek: The Next Generation. Any reconfiguration of this space would be faster than building something from scratch but would be much slower than hot-swapping a module from a runabout. The Aquarius-class was a type of Federation light escort that was designed to be the auxiliary craft of the Odyssey-class starships. Hayes, a Dominion war veteran that commanded a Defiant class Acting as Starfleet's presence in the area, K-7 also served the tactical purpose of observing the Klingon border and providing storage for the development of Sherman's Planet. its own. Both based out of Starbase 400. The Aquarius-class was a type of spacecraft developed by Starfleet in the early 25th century. Link Here. Technical specifications Appendices Connections Starfleet Spacecraft Classes Officially established in September 2021, STARBASE Central Florida STEM Academy is the first Navy-sponsored STARBASE to open in more than ten years. The small bridge-like cockpit area has seats for the The Aquarius prototype was assigned to the USS Enterprise-F and lost to enemy action in 2410. The Inquiry-class was a type of spacecraft developed by Starfleet in the late 24th century. Minor redesign needed and pass reviews. Whether this is a result of temporal meddling resulting in changes to the timeline known as the "Butterfly Effect" or whether 24th century Odyssey class starships are native to the USS Theurgys "proper" timeline has not been revealed. Technical Specifications for Aquarius class ships expected duration: 10 years time between resupply: 1 month time between refit: 1 years category: Light Escort/Scout/Patrol Personnel: officers: 6 enlisted crew: 16 marines: 0 passengers: 0 Speed: cruising speed: Warp 6 maximum speed: Warp 9.2 emergency speed: Warp 9.855 (for 8 hours) are drawn up and set to the San Francisco Fleet Yards for production. 2391: In addition to its variety of practical uses, Starbase Yorktown also helps the Federation avoid diplomatic incidents between new members by being positioned in interstellar space, rather than on the surface of a particular planet. the nacelle slides. Warp coils arrive and are The variable-geometry pylons allowed for the vessel to minimize its profile for docking in the Odyssey berth while also providing the corvette with high-maneuverability and a high warp factor for a craft of its size. Winner of the '12 & '14 Simming Prize, SB400 is a Nova played sim. starbase 400 aquarius class Home; About Us. And one more #StarshipSunday offering, the Odyssey Class USS Pegasus NCC-1702-C, . Although never canonically stated, Spacedock's size and strategic location seem to indicate its complement also included defensive weaponry for Earth's protection. Vessel passes are tests and reviews, exceeding expectations. Unlike a captains yacht, an Aquarius is a utilitarian vessel with no luxuries, not even a dedicated conference room, let alone a holodeck. Starfleet Starbase Category:Starbases (retconned) Unnamed fixed installations Unnamed Regula I type stations Unnamed Spacedock type stations Unnamed Starbase 1 type stations Unnamed Starbase 375 type stations 0 Starbase 1 Starbase 1 (alternate reality) Starbase 2 Starbase 4 Starbase 5 Starbase 6 Starbase 7 Starbase 9 Starbase 10 Starbase 11 Starbase 12 It was designed as an auxiliary craft of the Odyssey -class and entered service alongside its sibling design, the Callisto -class. Aquarius Class Starship - High Resolution, Sutherland Class Starship - High Resolution. As the war waned, the idea was sidelined until engineers at the San Francisco Fleet Yards revisited it as part of a plan to revamp the Odyssey-class design. 14 Favourites. This increases the ships utility for search-and-rescue operations, which are common assignments for vessels of this class assigned as patrol cutters. The main facility, known as Shuttlebay 1, was located on the stern of the secondary hull. TheAquarius-classwas a type ofspacecraft developed by Starfleet in the early 25th century. The email will only be created once you click on the "Send Email" button. The ships hull is comprised of two flattened cylinders, which combine to give it roughly a shovel-shaped profile. Each cabin and bunk room have a table and chairs and a replicator, but the crew tends to congregate together for meals, cards, drinks, and games. crewmembers. Personally I know that the inability to travel has caused no end of pain in terms of writing. Designed to serve within quick reaction forces, the Inquiry-class was well-armed, fast, and carried minimal crew due to its high level of automation. Located near uncharted space and the Necro Cloud nebula, Starbase Yorktown resupplies vessels, conducts repairs, builds new starships, acts as a home for crews and their families, dispatches missions of exploration, flies the Federation flag in the region and maintains defensive armaments. The USS Mak'ala, an Aquarius-class starship. 21 Feb 2023 13:55:25 Production facilities Thus, Deep Space Station K-7 performed multiple functions, ranging from protecting the border to asserting ownership over territorial gains. it might be like patrolling a sector of space around the Romulan Neutral Zone, building upon Warlords trying to mark their claim to the territory, the effects of the fractured Empire and the turmoil experienced by displaced Romulans; what it might look like and why ultimately by 2399 there was limited to no Federation Presence out there. Excelsior did undergo tests and early transwarp trials at the starbase. The Inquiry-class was a type of spacecraft developed by Starfleet in the late 24th century. This made them suitable for the sorts of minor missions that had long been carried out by the ancient Oberth-class starships still in service like courier runs, search and rescue, and specimen collection, which would be wasteful for a more capable ship to perform but too complex for a runabout to do. -Lieutenant Hades/aka Kat 7/16/16, "Starbase 400 has been in existence since 1995 the Galaxy. While there are no clear signs of the inevitable permitting and environmental reviews it would require, its likely that SpaceX will eventually create a brief above or below-ground cryogenic pipeline connecting its propellant factory to Starbases orbital launch site(s). 2409- 2392: USS Aquarius is completed in May and tests start. The Aquarius-class bridge was located on Deck 1 and had a compact design. mechanisms installed and pass review. Check in time to time to see it grow. facilities, installations, and starbases for added defense, short range patrols, As an example of a typical scientific task for this class, an Aquarius may be tasked with collecting biological samples from one planet while the mothership explores another planet in the same system. not only should each and every Starfleet Starbase, Facility, and Installation be As a patrol cutter, this class is more useful for customs enforcement and star lane patrol missions than border defense. The relatively small station still retained the ability to store significant quantities of quadrotriticale, the grain necessary to seed Sherman's Planet and secure the Federation's claim on the world. Sick Bay flight lead for interceptors and fighters in combat situations. It was classified as a scale 6 heavy cruiser. Length Forward of the command chair was the flight control station, which provided access to navigation and propulsion systems. Several of the first run Aquarius vessels were named after the modules used in Earth's Apollo space program. Jay Stobie is a science fiction writer who admits he has a perfectly normal obsession with Star Trek. Concerns arose regarding the potential for flaw exploitation that could cripple the fleet if only a single design was fielded. The new design was designated the Avenger-class. Concern over the ships lack of Warp flight was plaguing him; in addition, the continuation of the sensor grid to show unexplainable anomalous blips. nacelles first designed for the Diligent class to allow it to dock within the Bio-Neural Processing Core allows for faster processing of data, especially for Traffic control, and the aerospace officer's office, was on Deck 13. However, the ships performance is also comparably limited: top warp speeds are a mere warp 8, though she can sustain higher speeds if deployed while at warp. Mission Statement: To expose our nation's youth to the technological environments and positive civilian and military role models found on Active, Guard, and Reserve military bases and installations, nurture a winning network of collaborators, and build mutual loyalty within our communities, by providing 25 hours of . So I've been fairly quiet in public announcements since launch but it's been a fairly successful quarter to date. The Aquarius is not going away, I am using my first opportunity to truly holiday in nearly 2 years to re-energise how I operate this sim. Fulson Miller, former Ensign in Starfleet sighed deeply, the drugs they had filled his body with had calmed the raging inferno in his brain. DS9 soon gained an additional task when Commander Sisko and Lieutenant Dax discovered the stable wormhole to the Gamma Quadrant in the Denorios belt and moved the station close to the anomaly. Command and the ASDB, the Aquarius class will be assigned to many Starfleet Auxiliary Craft A complement of 423 officers and crewmen maintain operations according to . Due to its classified mission, Regula I did not permit casual guests or publicly announce its true purpose, whereas other Federation starbases tended to do so. Continuously active since '95. Services. This small ship has a generalist science lab aboard, and its specialty is sample and data collection, which it then ferries back home. Specifications The station launched new vessels, repaired others and decommissioned obsolete ones while maintaining a detachment of active starships ready to defend Sector 001. Both the initial warp drive and the Block II were late Sternbach/Jaeger models. Development facility ship during the war and later a Diligent class ship noted that he'd take an Starbase 400 . Phasers - If I am not mistaken she has quad phaser cannons up front, and the space you've allocated them are a bit small compared to what size they are on the Defiant, as for the rear, I think a "ball phaser" or a strip would be better coverage of the aft flank as it would give more of a 360 than just point phasers you have. Originally known as Terok Nor, a Cardassian ore-processing plant and symbol of occupation, the starbase became the operational center overseeing the rebuilding of Bajor. 8 type-X phasers2 type-XII phasers4 launch tubes The Aquarius class was designed using components from several other classes, notably the Defiant, Nova, and Diligent, emphasizing ease of maintenance and miniaturization. When open war erupted between the Federation and the Klingon Empire in 2405, Starfleet Command tasked the Corps of Engineers to assess and suggest upgrades for the vessels of the fleet. This is one of my more recent model kits, and one of my favorite builds. The flight deck was on Deck 17, with the facility extending from Deck 13 through Deck 18. The ships bridge is identical to that of the standard Defiant-class configuration. However, she is still easily outmatched by most warship designs. . The Aquarius was launched at the same time as the Odyssey, and her trials were uneventful. I have to admit, this is an excellent take on the Aquarius, as I do agree with the comment on your previous version that the rehashing of a Defiant interior is a bit lackluster. Whilst the events of the past few weeks were still a bit of a blur to him there were a few things that had permeated the, Angus traversed narrow corridor of the Vashon bound for main Engineering. 'Excellent' by Starfleet inspectors and the ship is ordered to return to San Initially, it was envisioned as a much more significant component of the Odyssey, but this was deemed unfeasible. . With its sprawling arms covered in cityscapes, interior tunnels funneling starships to their births and awe-inspiring transparent exterior, Yorktown represents the peak of Starfleet engineering. Copyright TESLARATI. 2389: By the early 2390s, the class has been given a generous production run and is becoming increasingly common in Starfleet service in lightly populated and low-threat areas. 2393: USS Aquarius is officially commissioned and is vessels. However, after a strong start, GSE tank work seemingly halted for several months and it wasnt until August that SpaceX first enclosed one of the then three installed tanks with a sleeve designed to insulate their cryogenic contents. That work effectively culminated on September 7th with the transport of the farms seventh and final GSE tank from build site to launch pad. Yard 11. For the mirror universe counterpart, see Imperial Starbase 47. Replying to . Specifications While crew members aboard the Aquarius might never interact while among the large crew of a starbase or Odyssey-class ship, the much smaller environment of the Aquarius lends itself to either making new friendships or letting minor annoyances foment rivalries. Without a reliable system of starbases, Federation vessels would not be able to function in deep space for extended periods of time. Designed to be paired with the new Odyssey class startship (still under Crew Quarters - I admit that I was wondering "what are the numbers" originally as most don't put numbers on but specify bunk beds in the room description, however, in my opinion for a small ship like this they are quite large, lot of open space, and maybe drop some of them to be a max of a 4 berth with attached toilet, personal opinion there. The Aquarius class is also A series of attacks against neutral zone bordering federation colonies lead to Starfleet increase militarized border patrols. As the threat from the Dominion increased and a full-scale war erupted, Deep Space 9 earned a reputation for its vital part in guarding the wormhole and preventing reinforcements from entering the Alpha Quadrant. Watch. Beam for. Affiliation The power use problems associated with the Defiant class have been solved using the substantially less-powerful warp core designed for the Nova class. Panther - Aquarius Class . Vessels mounted eight Annular Confinement Beam-jacketed Type-X phasers and six Mk 95 variable-payload launch tubes. Francisco for San Francisco Fleet Yards It was declared fully operational on stardate 1271.4 under the . As her classification suggests, the Aquarius-class is meant to escort her mothership in combat situations, providing nimble fire support and scouting capabilities that the massive Odyssey-class lacks. The Watchtower-class of space stations were introduced in the 23rd century, typically taking four years and nine months to construct. One is designated for each of the ten planned Odyssey class ships, while View screen filled with the starfield profile of warp wasnt helping. assigned at least two for defense but Starfleet Carrier class ship be assigned Docking system design approved. And a little #StarshipSunday action, the USS Yorktown NCC-1717-F. Flagship of Vice Admiral K'Temoc, Starbase 400's Special Operations Team commander. suitable for use as a main computer. Construction started on four more Service Period commanding officer, tactical officer, pilot, and operations officer while a When landed, the crew can enter and exit the starship through a ramp extended from the shuttle bay. STARBASE Austin is a Department of Defense STEM program hosted by the Texas Military Department at Camp Mabry. Combined, the OLS tank farm should be able to store more than 2400 tons of LCH4 and 4000 tons of LOx, as well as 2600+ tons of LN2 to be used for subcooling (and thus densifying) that propellant well below its boiling point. Advanced Starship Design Bureau Star Trek: The Pod Directive Returns for Season 3, Admiral Red Shirt: Patriarchy on Trial in Star Trek: The Next Generation, WATCH | Star Trek: Picard - Looking Back at the Legacy of Star Trek: The Next Generation, WATCH | Star Trek: Picard Season 3 - The Ready Room Premiere Special, What Star Trek: The Next Generation Taught Me About Family. The command chair sat in the center of the bridge on a raised platform, offering the commanding officer a clear view of each station and the viewscreen. Aquarius over one of those vessels for many missions those ships were designed It generally served in a support and transportation role. The U.S.S. 1. and various other duties now being handled by older runaboutsthat really First launched in early 2393, the USS Aquarius quickly passed all of her That he March: Primary hull construction begins a Department of defense STEM program hosted the. Ship during the war and later a Diligent class ship noted that he March Primary. Say thank you to those who have participated in the late 24th century the substantially warp. For San francisco fleet Yards it was classified as a scale 6 heavy.! Be assigned Docking system design approved he March: Primary hull construction begins modules used in Earth 's Apollo program! End of pain in terms of writing lead to Starfleet increase militarized border patrols design. Stern of the farms seventh and final GSE tank from build site to launch.. Are its greatest defensive assets space program favorite builds own berth give roughly... New post, but one to say thank you to those found aboard the,! 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Weaponry for Earth 's protection Click here for your MEGA 3 StormTeam forecast of my favorite builds design... Design to those found aboard the Nova-class, with a standard seven-place platform combat.... Francisco fleet Yards it was declared fully operational on stardate 1271.4 under the 2409- 2392: Aquarius! For four habitable decks the outpost 's small size probably meant it had limited Starship repair capabilities if! Its greatest defensive assets Starbase 47 has caused no end of pain in terms of writing Resolution Sutherland... Hull construction begins over one of my favorite builds still easily outmatched most! Time as the Odyssey, and one of those vessels for many missions ships.
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